E47 Firestarters for Men: The Five-Minute Mystic   E47 Introduction Collectively, we are at the point in the Hero’s Journey where the audience is on the edge of their seats and going “Oh shit, this…

E46: Wisdom for Uncertain Times with

Special Guest Paul Dunion


E46 Introduction

Whenever we find ourselves in uncertain times, it’s important to listen for voices of wisdom. This has always been true. Hearing truths that resonate and touch the human heart is a very good way to navigate confusion. Whenever we find ourselves amongst old structures and narratives that are no longer vibrant and alive, the Soul is indicating that it is time initiation into something new.  Together, we are travelling the faint path, you and I.  Right now, there is no sure, safe way. This much, I think, is clear.

Sometimes one simple conversation can make a difference in your perspective and trajectory. It’s interactions that carry depth that reaffirm our humanity. These conversations can help us back onto our true path or hero’s journey. It is clear to me more now than ever that we are here to help one another in these challenging times. My guest today is one such voice of wisdom.

Paul Dunion Bio-

Paul Dunion is a co-founder of the Connecticut’s Mens’ Gathering, a biannual retreat for men that began in 1992. He is the founder of Boys To Men, a mentoring community for teenage boys. He’s been in private practice as a Psychotherapist for 37 years and is presently a faculty member for Mobius Executive Training. Paul is the author of several books including my favorite, Path of the Novice Mystic. His blogs can be accessed at the Hufington Post as well as Medium.com. 

E46 Final Thoughts

To find out more about Paul and his work and writing, go to www.pauldunion.com

I always enjoy talking with Paul. I come away feeling better, more connected to my truth and to what is REALLY happening, as opposed to what all the media noise is trying to convince me about what is happening.

I love what Paul said about when we are in a paradigm shift, as we so clearly are now, our willingness to get shamelessly lost is something that can serve us well. It’s an interesting notion and it runs completely counter to how we have been cultured as men.

And what he said about cultivating tenderness is so powerful. In mythic terms, this is activating and strengthening the archetypal Lover.

What if, as men, we take on being more tender and caring? Would this make us less manly? Would it make us less courageous? What if this was the direction that our collective courage was taking us right now?



E45: Free Yourself from Suffering with Special Guest Sophie McLean


E45 Introduction

There seems to be spiritual truths that are trying to find us, you and I. One prominent one is that the ego, or sense of separation, is the chief cause of much of our suffering. This is something that echoes down through the wisdom traditions, particularly from the east.

However, westerners are also awakening from the illusion of the ego. As my guest today so eloquently states, identification with the ego creates an illusory disconnect from Source, or from the Divine.

When you start to see the workings of the ego……..its strategies for keeping itself safe;  its incessant desire to be right and make others wrong; and it’s binary thinking where we draw boundaries between me and my side of the conflict as “the good guys”  and the others on the other side of the conflict or “the bad guys, the idiots, etc”. This is ego identification in action and the primary driver of much of our unhappiness.

Would you like to be truly happier? One sure path is to learn to investigate and dissolve the ego in service to something greater than yourself. See if you can stop trying to get everyone to believe and feel as you do. Let everyone have their particular truth.  Even if it doesn’t jive with your perspective. Try to give everyone space just as you want space to figure things out as well. We really don’t need to feel so distance from one another simply because we disagree about a few things.

Any narrative that has separation built into it is driven by the ego. It’s an easy litmus test. Can we, dear listeners, drop all “us vs. them” thinking? Can we stop polarizing whoever is over there? Can we awaken from the illusion of separation?

Sophie McLean Bio-

My guest today is an exceptional wisdom teacher. Someone who has stood at the front of the room and helped usher in new possibilities and new understanding for those in attendance.

She’s been a helicopter pilot, a teacher, a designer, a relief worker, a war refugee, and a CEO.

As a wisdom teacher, Sophie has spent decades leading transformational seminars to over 80,000 people around the world, of all ethnicities, ages, religions and social backgrounds.

Her seminar topics span both human and metaphysical dimensions and touch on such topics  such as: deconstructing the ego, consciousness, the nature of fear, relationships, spirituality, the dynamics of the feminine and the masculine, and how to make a  difference in the world.

Sophie’s new book The Elegance of Simplicity is a compelling, thought-provoking work of autobiographical fiction.

E42: Honoring the Divine Feminine w Sally Kempton


E42: Introduction

In season one, I did a bunch of episodes on the sacred masculine. I like to use masculine archetypes to help orient the listener  to a larger inner landscape, using myth when appropriate.  I promised I would return with some episodes about the Divine Feminine as I think it warrants a deeper exploration.

In my studies of myth, I have been particularly attracted to two myths: One is The Holy Grail. The other is the Fallen Goddess Myth or the myth of Sophia, which is the central mythic motif in Gnosticism. Both are Goddess myths.

And India, being a suppository of Feminine divinity, has always carried this lineage forward in a powerful and enchanting way.

The Goddess traditions, and there are many from all times and places, come with a whole new set of insights, practices, and wisdom. For the open-minded seeker, this lineage has the potential to open up vast new vistas for the spirit.

My guest today is Sally Kempton and she is a teacher in the great Feminine lineage. I am a HUGE fan of her work and her wisdom.


Sally Kempton Bio

Sally Kempton is a widely respected teacher of meditation and spiritual wisdom. A former journalist who wrote for Esquire, New York, and the Village Voice, she has spent over four decades practicing, teaching, and writing on meditation and spiritual philosophy.

Sally is the author of two best-selling books, Awakening Shakti: The Transformative Power of the Goddesses of Yoga, and  Meditation for the Love of It,” which Spirituality and Health magazine called “the meditation book your heart wants you to read”.  Sally teaches online courses and seminars on meditation and spiritual philosophy, and leads retreats and workshops in the U.S., Canada and Europe. Her website is www.sallykempton.com.

E39: The Law of One with Ziad Masri


E39 Introduction

Some of the episodes I do will feel like I’m taking you out of your philosophical comfort zone and I‘m ok with that. It would not serve you if I held back and I would feel like I‘m betraying myself and my mission. My hope is that I can present challenging content that I know is valuable in a way that is accessible and inviting to you.

My aim is to strike a balance between men’s work and the  practical resources that we know helps men, and the more philosophical and mythical themes that I am drawn to explore and find expression for. It‘s a balancing act between creating a more uplifting narrative, using myth and stories, and giving you practical tools that you can use for the challenges you face as a man.

None of my more mystical leanings exclude any particular philosophy. Not really anyways. You can be a Christian or a Buddhist or an atheist or just about anything and draw from the spiritual wellspring. That is what it is there for.

The Hero’s Journey inevitably takes you on a faint trail. So when you find fellow travellers that have found a useful map or an approach to a particular challenge you will face, my instinct is to share the map, share the gold and let you see how it aligns with the inner work that you are undertaking.

If you are just beginning to enter into a phase that feels more scary and, perhaps, more heroic, I welcome you. Inside these conversations will be metaphorical flashlights for the dark night that every Hero and Heroine inevitably face.

“I always knew that I would take this road but yesterday, I did not know it would be today.”

                                                                                               Narithra, poet 

Ziad Masri Bio- 

My guest today has been a fellow seeker and student of consciousness.

Ziad is the author of the #1 best selling book, Reality Unveiled, which is I consider to be one of the more transformative books in recent times. He is also a highly successful online entrepreneur in multiple arenas. Following nearly two decades of spiritual seeking, he experienced a series of very powerful spiritual awakenings which have led him to dedicate his life to helping people transcend their limited sense of self and awaken to their true, limitless nature.