E226: The Wisdom of the Star People with Special Guest

Dr. Richard Boylan


E226 Introduction

As many of you know, I have had a deep interest and reverence for not only Native American heritage and spirituality but also what they refer to as the “Star People”. These are the extraterrestrial visitors that populate the myths of indigenous tribes the world over.

Most people that know me do not know that I am one-eighth Chippewa Indian. My fathers mother was half Chippewa. I have also long been interested in the ET phenomenon, having a particular affinity for the Pleiadian myths. The Pleiadians (according to this lore) are a race of ET’s (among many) that have been assisting humanity since the beginning of our story. In my grandmothers peoples lore, the Chippewa were seeded by the Pleiadians and were instructed as such by the Pleiadians themselves.

The Native Americans and other indigenous tribes are brilliant at embedding truth in myth. This technique preserves information that would otherwise be lost or removed by authorities that do not want to see this knowledge shape our minds and our future. These powerful myths are what sustain humanity, whether that is biblical myths, Hero’s Journey mythology, or the myth of the Star People. It is our heartbeat and our light in the dark forest.

My guest today is an elder in this community. A man who was trusted by the Native tribes to help spread the word about the Star People. Let’s go sit around the fire and listen to some words of wisdom. Enjoy!

Dr. Richard Boylan Bio

Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist; cultural anthropologist; retired university professor; and a world-renown researcher and expert on UFOs and extraterrestrial Visitors.. His career over five decades has centered in public service: first as a clergyman, then as a social worker and educator, and then with three graduate degrees, doing decades of service as a clinical psychologist and an anthropologist studying visiting space civilizations. Here is my interview with Dr. Richard Boylan.

E226 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our time with Dr. Boylan as much as I did. I love sitting around the fire with a wise elder, asking questions. It‘s how we preserve our human wisdom and dignity amongst all the transhumanist AI technology that they are pushing at us.

In my eyes, it will always be storytelling, myth, and shared meaning that lift the human race to our next epoch. Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.