E39: The Law of One with Ziad Masri


E39 Introduction

Some of the episodes I do will feel like I’m taking you out of your philosophical comfort zone and I‘m ok with that. It would not serve you if I held back and I would feel like I‘m betraying myself and my mission. My hope is that I can present challenging content that I know is valuable in a way that is accessible and inviting to you.

My aim is to strike a balance between men’s work and the  practical resources that we know helps men, and the more philosophical and mythical themes that I am drawn to explore and find expression for. It‘s a balancing act between creating a more uplifting narrative, using myth and stories, and giving you practical tools that you can use for the challenges you face as a man.

None of my more mystical leanings exclude any particular philosophy. Not really anyways. You can be a Christian or a Buddhist or an atheist or just about anything and draw from the spiritual wellspring. That is what it is there for.

The Hero’s Journey inevitably takes you on a faint trail. So when you find fellow travellers that have found a useful map or an approach to a particular challenge you will face, my instinct is to share the map, share the gold and let you see how it aligns with the inner work that you are undertaking.

If you are just beginning to enter into a phase that feels more scary and, perhaps, more heroic, I welcome you. Inside these conversations will be metaphorical flashlights for the dark night that every Hero and Heroine inevitably face.

“I always knew that I would take this road but yesterday, I did not know it would be today.”

                                                                                               Narithra, poet 

Ziad Masri Bio- 

My guest today has been a fellow seeker and student of consciousness.

Ziad is the author of the #1 best selling book, Reality Unveiled, which is I consider to be one of the more transformative books in recent times. He is also a highly successful online entrepreneur in multiple arenas. Following nearly two decades of spiritual seeking, he experienced a series of very powerful spiritual awakenings which have led him to dedicate his life to helping people transcend their limited sense of self and awaken to their true, limitless nature.