E155: Shadow, Sense, and Trump with Special Guest

James Rapson


E155 Introduction

As someone who has done his fair share of shadow work, it is easy to see the emotional charge and projection of shadow traits onto Donald Trump. Want to trigger and unhinge the left? Simply mention Donald Trump and watch the emotional upheaval that ensues. This has become well-known as Trump Derangement Syndrome. It‘s all very interesting. And why is that? Let’s take a look.

In men‘s work, which has some of its roots in Jungian psychology, whenever a man (or woman) has an emotional charge, it can be a signal that there is a projection afoot.

What exactly is a projection? It is everything you can’t stand about yourself. To be precise, it’s everything you hide, deny, or repress about yourself. All the traits and behaviors and things that you can’t own about yourself, you will find a person to carry those for you. It sounds harsh at first but if you work with it a bit, it frees you and freedom from projections helps everyone, especially yourself.

And how do you know that you are projecting? Easy. You will feel a clear emotional charge (either positive or negative), an aversion or attraction towards the individual or group of people.

So why is the left so unhinged and triggered by Donald J Trump? Through this lens, its crystal clear. The left is projecting a lot of unwanted traits and behaviors onto this one man. Donald Trump is the mirror that the left can‘t look at. I say this with compassion and a desire to assist you on your Hero‘s Journey. Trump is here to teach you something.

Part Two

Would you like to be free of this emotional trigger? If so, here’s how I did it.

Set aside 15 minutes. Take out a sheet of paper and a pen and list all of the traits you absolutely disdain in Trump. Make sure you get them all. Aggressive, narcissistic, inappropriate, rude, selfish, keep going, arrogant, thinks the rules don’t apply to him. Did I miss any? I am sure I did. Keep going until you get them all. Next, you are going to claim all of these projected shadow traits or behaviors. How do you do that? By claiming each one as your own.

I will show you how to do that right now.

Even though I do not have a projection (or much of one) any longer. Now Trump feels like an ally to me. Partly because of this work.

You see, Trump used to trigger me just like you back when I was a lefty. Here is my old list back in 2016. I will list the projected trait and how I can be that way. In effect, removing the projected shadow. You will do this with your list. Here we go.

Trump is aggressive. I can be aggressive in all sorts of ways. I used to be a successful athlete and you don‘t get to be that way without a healthy dose of aggression. I can be aggressive about asserting my opinions, as I do on this show from time-to-time.

Trump is narcissistic. I can be narcissistic and self-serving at times. There have been a thousand times when I have been vain and concerned with my image. Even at my age, a middle-aged white dude, I still want people to think I am healthy and handsome and attractive and smart……you get it.

Trump is inappropriate and rude. I can be this way at times. How? Oh, when I think the other person is being an idiot! I seem to enjoy wrecking peoples pre-conceived notions of things. I can be a provocotuer and be a bit of a bull in a china shop. I have a direct communication style that everyone has experienced, right? And that can come across as rude and inappropriate. I have used a cutting, snarky, sarcastic tone on Twitter to skewer groups that I thought had it coming. You following me?

Trump thinks he’s above the rules. I want to be above the rules? Don’t we all?!?! There is an inner teenager, an inner rebel that thinks that rules suck. Rules are for other people. Now, I follow laws and rules all the time. But there is a shadow part of me that wants to say “Fuck the rules!”.

And lastly (for my list anyways, you will have your own), Trump is arrogant. Ahhh, now we are, perhaps, at the core of the projection. Trump is arrogant. I can also be arrogant. This was the hardest shadow for me to own. For arrogant people trigger me. What does that tell me? That I carry this trait as a shadow. As something I hide, repress, and deny in myself. How do I know this? Because arrogant people always trigger me! So if Trump triggers you, an arrogance unclaimed may be right to the heart of the matter. How can I be arrogant?

Well for starters, I am a former athlete and athletes sometimes carry an “I am better than you” attitude. It comes from years of competing at the highest levels you can. Arrogance can be a coping mechanism. And its not just in sports.

I can think I am smarter than you. Or more evolved, or wiser. Do you see what I am talking about? Maybe I’m more successful, etc etc.I had a woman I was talking with recently who said “I am always the smartest person in the room”. When I pointed out that that statement is arrogant and driven by ego, she seemed taken back and appalled. How dare I call her, the smartest person in the room out. But having grown up in the crucible of men‘s groups, when the shadow shows itself, we call it out. Not in a “gotcha” sort of way. But in a “here is the edge for you, here is where your work is” way.

Make your list, own your projections onto Donald Trump and see what emerges. If you are like me and you do this exercise in an honest and authentic way, you may surprise yourself. And find that there is one less thing causing you distress.

Perhaps most importantly, you have removed a trigger and source of hatred and suffering in the world. And replaced it with compassion, humanity, and understanding. And that, my friend, is what we call alchemy. Nice work Warrior.

E155 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed that conversation with our friend James Rapson. To accelerate your personal development this week, do the Donald Trump projection exercise. If there is anther person or group that you seem to always get triggered by, then own a projection around that person or group. I will do another episode soon where a Libertarian owns his projections onto liberals. I really love this stuff.

Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.







E154: Basecamp Classics


E154 Introduction

Hello Basecampers. Well, I was going to skip this week as I had two partial episodes that didn’t feel very compatible as one episode. In other words, they are two separate episodes with more work to do.

I shared this with my wife Lisa who reminded me that when Adam Carolla does not have fresh content on a given week, he re-releases one of his classic episodes. I think this is great idea! So with that being said, here is a classic Basecamp episode all the way to season two . The episode is E78 The Path with Heart. The guest is Scott Wyman. Enjoy.




E153: Building Bridges for the Left


E153 Introduction

As a podcaster, writer, and former liberal, I seek to build bridges for the left. Not as a way to convert them. I am not interested in being right or converting anyone to any certain views or ways of thinking. But to show them where I, and others like my guest today, found OUR PATH out of the shrinking silo of conformity that we had found ourselves in on the left.

We talk a lot about the Hero’s Journey on this show. It helps frame much of what we are about. The Hero, whether that be a man, woman, or child, will always have to be willing to let go of his or her positions when they no longer serve the Journey. Who out there can skillfully leg go of a position or viewpoint without losing their essence of who they are? That my friends is the real path!.

To keep letting go of your identity around politics and whatever side you found yourself in on the COVID issues and see if you can bring yourself back to the collective human tribe. To WE THE PEOPLE. Once more and more people find breathing room to express whatever truth (and not be censored or shamed for it), the more clear seeing there will be for all people.

Much of what has been going on has been hidden from sight and, for those of you that know me best, you know that I believe that this has been intentional. Evil? Sure. But there is something powerfully uniting and affirming of our mutual humanity stirring just under the surface of this realization. Let’s go talk to another member of Team Human and see what she has been noticing.

Kelly Lamb Bio– Kelly Lamb is a musician and Canadian prairie girl. She is an ex-SJW and leftist and created her You Tube channel to help foster productive meaningful conversations on divisive issues, while balancing the head, the heart, and the gut. Here is my interview with Kelly Lamb.

E153 Final Thoughts– I hope you enjoyed that conversation as much as I did. Kelly forwarded some of her favorite Jordan Peterson videos, which I will be diving into next. Dr. Peterson has enraged and awaken a whole lot of people I am looking forward to listening to what the good doctor has to say on some of these issues we face.

Everything seems to be the left vs right, Trump haters vs. Trump supporters, vax vs no vax, etc. It can be so tiresome and draining , right? I love what she said about how people in her community were fine with political and philosophical differences and that humor was often used as a common ground and way to carry your views a bit lighter. God, can you imagine engaging with the other side willingly and with humor? I like to imagine it and I hope you will too.

You can find Kelly Lamb on You Tube, go subscribe to her excellent channel.

And if you like the show and want to donate to the cause, please go to www.basecampformen.com and click on the Podcast tab and then Donate. I really appreciate your support.

Thank Basecampers, I will see you around the fire next week.

E152: Soft Disclosure Has Arrived w Special Guest Lily Nova


E152 Introduction

This episode is dedicated to my late grandmother Louis who used to take me and my brother out on the porch to stargaze on clear evenings. And to every person who has ever stared in awe at the night sky and thought “I just know that there is something going on out there.” Turns out, you were right all along. Thanks Grandma.

One of the things that Basecamp has tried its best to capture is: What is emerging in humanity? What myths are being activated? What new faculties and collective knowing will emerge in our times? How is consciousness expanding and how do we each do our part? What is our collective Hero’s Journey?

These are some of the most relevant questions you can participate in and keep an open mind about. It is with humility and service to our tribe that I do my best to bring out what is on our edges and hopefully present it in a way that is relatable and helps you on your own Hero’s Journey.

The topic of ET Disclosure or extraterrestrial disclosure has been circling us (no pun intended) for decades. Shows like Star Trek, Star Wars, the X-files, Ancient Aliens, etc etc has helped to seed an understanding of what has been hidden from us. Each one of us perhaps holding a small piece of the puzzle. Each a microcosm of understanding in the macro awakening that is spreading through our tribe.

This episode will be one in a series of shows on this topic and we will try and get different perspectives and trust God and the Divine to continue to help guide us. We are not doing the episodes one after the other but will sprinkle them in as we get good guests and make valuable content.

It is telling to me that even a year ago, I would not been comfortable with this topic, even though I am very well-versed in ET’s and Disclosure. But I have been given the signal. The thumbs up, if you will, to go ahead and proceed. The story of our awakening and emergence is starting another extremely fascinating chapter. Enjoy the interview. 

Lily Nova Bio

My guest today is Lily Nova. Lily is an astrophotographer, ET contactee, and a teacher in the disclosure movement. Here is my interview with Lily Nova.

E152 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed that conversation as much as I did. I like what Lily said about DNA activation. This seems to be a common theme in this conversation. I remember Barbara Marciniak talking about this in Bringers of the Dawn. I have a feeling that there will be more downloads for all of us in this area- ET Disclosure, DNA activation, heightened psychic abilities and sharpened vision and intuition. All fruits of this inquiry.

Our pattern at Basecamp is to explore important topics from a number of different perspectives with different voices adding their wisdom to the collective. We have danced around the ET discussion. No more. We will be adding episodes so that future listeners will get a full picture of Disclosure and how it all went down. Basecamp for Men is expected to do our part to speak the truth and help bring forth the myth that is starting to show itself. A myth that is both new and ancient. Stay tuned.

Thank you Basecampers. I look forward to sitting around the fire next week.