Today‘s episode is on healing trauma. As humans working on ourselves and the world, healing and learning go hand-in-hand. There is a strong tendency to think that we have not been traumatized. My guest today is an expert at working with trauma. Sam Ibarguen is an energy healer certified in Brennan Healing Science. Since 2009, she has been working with men and women globally, helping them heal the deep and often invisible trauma that holds them back from living the life they really want.

My guest today is Jason Maniccia an actor and artist that I have known for almost 30 years. And we sat down to talk about creativity, baseball, and the road less traveled. Any artist will tell you that one of the things you develop over time is an ability to listen to and express the Muse. This elusive collective creative force that beckons artists across time and space to express the power and beauty of the creatively-led life.

How do we help our youth thrive in today’s world? I won’t pretend that I know or have the answers. But I‘m more than willing to sit with the question.  And I love to get the perspectives of others as we seek resources and new approaches to growing our young people up. It does truly take a village and, thankfully, our village has collective wisdom.

Lately, I have been sitting with the question: what can MEN do to help the world today? What do we need to do to insure that future generations thrive? How do we leave the world better than we found it? As a teacher who works with male archetypes, I have been dimly aware that there is one of the archetypes that today seems strangely dormant in the collective male psyche…….THE KING.