E197: Basecamp Classic with Special Guest Dr. Wendy Maltz


E197 Introduction

Today we have a check in and then a Basecamp Classic from all the way back in in Season One. One of my best episodes from that season, I think.It seems more and more people are taking their awareness to the next level. Hopefully, you are having this experience as well.

There seems to be a particular skill set that is needed for us right now. Each one of us, to the best of his or her ability, needs to both hold onto their core principles WHILE AT THE SAME TIME let go of inputs that are more noise than signal. You following me? Principles that align with humanity, God, and the human heart, are signal.

Look for the narratives that uplift our tribe, whether that is a voice that awakens others or a myth that carries transformative information or just a person that is speaking out after realizing they are being lied on a non-stop basis and starts to put together the narrative landscape with some healthier material. We are exposed to much more noise than signal and the ability to discern the difference can the x factor that keeps you and your loved ones safe and sane.

There is plenty of shadow work to be done for all of us. For sure, the left will need to let go of their reflexive hatred of Donald Trump. Aren’t you all TIRED of talking about him nonstop? Do you not see how absurd this is? Every time you indict him, his poll numbers jump again. A classic “what you resist, persists” dynamic.

The right will need to need to let go of their summary dismissal of half the population. You know, “the normies, the commies, these idiots, the libtards, etc etc”. It‘s true, as a Libertarian, I see many hysterical memes at the expense of the left. Like, on a daily basis. But there is a shadow there for me. Perhaps a wound that my longtime friends and colleagues so quickly and easily abandoned me when I found myself resonating with freedom and liberty and a strong nation.

And we are starting to see the roll out of another wave of the pandemic, aren’t we?Colleges and universities have started to implement another mask mandate. The bluest states will try again to lead the charge. What will you do this time Basecamper? Comply, “trust the science” and do what you are told? We they fool you again on that one?

If you stand in your power and your sovereignty, for some of you this will be round 1 as maybe you went along with everything last time. This will be round 2 for my family and many of my friends. I am not looking forward to it but I was not about to hand over my liberties to the Globalist looking to ratchet up their control.

There will certainly be pressure to conform to their narrative. There always is. If you went along last time and felt a little duped (how could you NOT). I can assure you, there are many of us standing in principles and we will welcome you with open arms. It’s just better over here.

Today’s Basecamp Classic is from all the way back to season one EP 14 with Dr. Wendy Maltz. It is a topic that is still so relevant for men. Enjoy the episode.



E196: Arrows of Truth w Special Guest Jessica Rose Phd


E196 Introduction

I really enjoyed speaking and learning from my guest today and our conversation is far ranging. We cover some of the data science around VAERS. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. We get into that along with the role of PsyOps in this unconventional war and the role of technology and is it going to be the friend or foe for humanity.

The interview is a bit longer so let’s get right to it. Enjoy the discussion.

Jessica Rose Bio-

Jessica Rose is a Canadian researcher with a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Mathematics, a Master’s degree in Immunology, and PhD’s and Advanced degrees in Computational Biology, Molecular Biology, and Biochemistry. Her more recent research efforts are aimed at descriptive analyses of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data in efforts to make this data accessible to the public.”

E195: Meme Warfare and Our State of Mind


E195 Introduction

Hello Basecampers, how are you all holding up in these strange times we live in? More and more are aware that we seem to be in some sort mass spiritual awakening being spurred on by an unconventional war.

We the people and decentralization against top-down centralized control and even tyranny from our adversary, the Globalist, the WEF, call em what you will. Sociopaths is a super accurate way to describe them. Anti-humanists. I kid the Globalists, those friendly psychopaths.

Today is one of my short-format Firestarter episodes. I have a boatful of memes to share with you. We have an interview coming up with Jessica Rose, I am excited about that one. The Secret Space Program episode if fucking daunting! Seriously. I think it will take me awhile to do that subject matter justice. I am hoping for continued Divine intervention to bring it to you in a manner that will make sense and have you lean into the truth of the matter.

Enjoy this short episode Basecampers and we‘ll see you around the fire next week with our usual format.


E194: Bitcoin and Proof of Work with Special Guest John Haar


E194 Introduction

Today is a bit longer of an interview so I want to get right to it. What sorts of possibilities does Bitcoin and sound money present to humanity? I think that many people probably lump in Bitcoin with the rest of the Crypto space, not understanding the differences and thinking it was a flash in the pan and they didn’t need to take time to truly learn and start to understand it.

Bitcoin represents something that we have not seen. A sound form of money that is incorruptible, transparent, and whose value is derived from its fixed supply-21 million. As in there will only EVER be 21 million BTC.

Juxtaposed next to the systemic corruption of the fiat system, where central banks constantly debase our money by printing more and more of it. The more they print, the less your dollar is worth, which naturally leads to inflation and ultimately hyper-inflation.

And Bitcoin is getting closer to its big moment as presidential hopeful Robert Kennedy Jr. comes out in favor of it and even buys 2 BTC for each of his seven children. How cool is that. I don’t know if Kennedy will win the democratic nomination (there are powerful, corrupt forces that do not want him to win) but I love where he is going with this.

Today my guest and I talk far and wide about Bitcoin and also introduced the concept of Proof of Work and what that means for you and I. Enjoy the interview.

John Haar Bio

My guest today is John Haar. He is a passionate Bitcoiner, student of Austrian Economics, and advocate for sound money. John is a Managing Director on Swan’s Private Client Service team, Swan’s concierge service for high net worth individuals.  Before Swan, John spent nearly 13 years at Goldman Sachs in the Asset Management Division in New York City.  Here is my interview with John Haar.

E194 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our conversation with John Haar over at Swan. I know I learned a lot talking with him. Go start learning about Bitcoin! And if you’re ready to start stacking sats, go set up an account at Swan Bitcoin. They have everything you need!


E193: Fisherman’s Blues


E193 Introduction

Today is a different sort of episode for me, I spoke of it a couple of weeks ago. It’s a short format Firestarter but it is around a musical and mythical theme. As you know myth and activating the mythic imagination is something I highly value as I believe that there are important messages encoded in myth and poetry and certain music.

Activating your mythic imagination has a multi-tiered impact on humans and human consciousness. First off, it connects us to the Divine, however each one of us conceives the Divine. It is from this place that one can properly receive inspiration and instructions. The attuned human becomes a divining rod, a fleet-footed messenger (as they say) of flying metaphors and fleeting imagery that instructs the next generation of adepts as to where the faint trail of the masters is hidden.

Myth and imagination are full of magic, synchronicity, divine inspiration, and a sense of destiny. Humans, if we are to emerge into a new golden age (a renaissance, something I believe is currently unfolding) will need to listen to the whispers of the wind (so to speak) as the noise and distraction and technological wizardry are pushed at us in hopes we can‘t find the signal. But humans are tuned into the signal, aren’t we Basecampers. Yes we are. Yes we are.

So it is with this as a backdrop that I came up with this little creative spark.

This whole idea of setting a short episode to music came from listening to the Waterboys Fisherman’s Blues. The song came on my playlist, a playlist titled All-Time Favorites and I listened as if hearing it for the first time, enchanted.

I started to wonder how this magical little song helped me along the way. Stirring my imagination, giving me medicine for the Hero’s Journey. It kept finding me here and there over the years, affirming my awakening. God smiling at my progress.

One of the things about the song Fisherman’s Blues is it harkens us back to the Grail. Back to the Fisher King, who is waiting for salvation and healing from his wound.

Basecampers, open up your ears and your mythic imagination. I bring you The Waterboys Fisherman‘s Blues.