E100: The Learning Inside of Your Marriage with Special Guest Kimberly Holmes


E100 Introduction

Wow, I can’t believe we have made it to episode 100! I feel a sense of accomplishment with this and I want to start off  by thanking my excellent sound editor Chris Rodd. Chris, I couldn’t have done it without you.

And I would like to thank you my listener for giving our show a try and, for many of you, putting it into your regular rotation of podcasts. I really appreciate the follow. And if you are a fan of the show, help us by recommending it to a friend or two or giving us a review on Apple podcasts. Both of these actions help us to continue to grow and get the word out.

As many of you know, one of my interests is how we can best show up as men in our most important relationships. These primary relationships (with our spouses or life partners, with our children, with our siblings and our parents) will inevitably bring our most challenging issues to the surface.  They always do.

There is an interesting dynamic at play. These most intimate relationships are the ones we CARE the most about. And what tends to show up in the things we care about the most? Challenges and obstacles. Ones that we seem to sub-consciously put in our own way as we learn to love one another and ourselves unconditionally.

It is not hard to see that is is not always the great parts of us that are in our marriages and partnerships. We each show up with our unique wounds and insecurities. Our neediness, our upsets, our fears.

And there is a paradox at play. We seem to want unconditional love from one another but then keep putting parts of ourselves out there that we don’t even love. It is like we are telling our partners, “I don’t really like this small, needy, insecure part of myself, what do YOU think?”.

We long for the healing of our deepest wounds and then misguidedly ask our poor unsuspecting partner to do the healing. We often don’t suspect that it is ourselves that hold the key to the healing and love we have been looking for from our partners.

I sometimes think that our spouses and life-partners are really here to  bear witness to our courage to confront ourselves and to change. They encourage us to be true to ourselves and do our best to love life and them, with a full and open heart.

My guest today knows a lot about learning in a relationship. Let’s go have a conversation.


Kimberly Holmes Bio-

Kimberly Bean Holmes is the CEO of  Marriage Helper, an organization that seeks to give couples new resources for their journey.  She is also the CEO and Creator of PIES University. Kimberly is also the host of the It Starts With Attraction Podcast. Her videos, podcasts, and following reach over 200K people a month who are making changes and becoming the best that they can be. Here is my interview with Kimberly Holmes.

E100 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed my interview with Kimberly Holmes. I love what she said about how even if you are the only one to do inner work to help the relationship. This will often be enough to get positive development going. Because some of you might have partners that are not interested in therapy or working on things and that is ok. As long as YOU are willing to work on yourself, things will tend to grow in the relationship as well.

I also love what she said about  remember that how you make your spouse FEEL is so important. I think this is such an important point and I think it can get lost in long-term relationships. I know I lose sight of it from time to time.

Lastly, I asked Kimberly for a couple of book recommendations for you and I have a couple as well. Kimberly recommends 8 Datesby Dr. John Gottman and Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. My two relationship books that I love are Getting the Love You Want by Harville Hendrix and Passionate Marriageby David Schnarch




E99: Leaving the Left with Special Guest Lisa Rezac


E99 Introduction

I wanted to speak with you a bit today about a particular part of my Hero’s Journey and bring my life-partner and wife of 27+ years on as another set of eyes.

I have spoken of my political leanings in season three from time-to-time. I have even unpacked how I felt jettisoned by the radical left agenda. Many of you might be feeling the same way.

One of the most alarming things that I witnessed throughout this so-called pandemic was the liberties that Americans seemed so willing to give up in service to an authoritarian voice that told them this is how it had to be. It was and is appalling to me.

There is a part of me that is still scratching my head a bit. But I have also moved on. My take is that people will wake up when it’s their time. Neo will awaken. This much I know. For it lives inside of our Divine Imagination as  mythic prophesy.

Like I said in the last episode, using some of our most cherished and valuable myths and interfacing them with the Matrix and the Lord of the Rings, etc. If you can only parrot what the MSM is saying, you are still in the slime pod. Even if you pride yourself on your intellect and your critical skills, if you are parroting what the enemy wants you to parrot, you are still in the Matrix. You are playing a character Neo. The character you are playing is one that can’t be duped or fooled. You are too smart. Too on the ball. Too aware. You are a proud liberal and dammit, that means something. Such is the way of the ego.

As I have continued to riff on myths such as the Fallen Goddess Myth, I have started to become aware of an interesting dynamic. That, as Americans, we have our own version of the Goddess: our beloved Lady Liberty, the Feminine Soul  of our great nation. That she has been treated so shabbily and nearly forgotten by a group that will do nothing but hate and demean her. WHAT THE HELL?!?

Will everyday men and women defend her honor? Will liberals? Do you really need to have your freedoms stripped from you before you see what you truly have in this country? It’s an insane approach if you do. And much more full of suffering.

Why not honor the Goddess that is in front of you by showing her the reverence, love, and and awe that she deserve . And defend her when she is attacked. Are you following me?

I see people not wanting to step up here, no matter their political leanings. Maybe they are following the riffs on myth and the Grail and the Goddess and all the things I seek to challenge you with. But they still take too passive of a stance when defending this Goddess. She needs Warriors, both men and women, that are awake. People that are willing to put their backs into it.  Our ancestors (and future generations) are counting on us. We will not them down.

I want to let my mythic imagination run free. When I look back on my life, I see that freedom was always of utmost importance to me. It is in the core of my being. And the country that I was born and raised in and even taught to hate by my liberal education, is a living breathing Goddess herself, isn‘t she? America is and will continue to be a beacon of Light, for the world. And she is in the middle of HER rebirth.

Just consider what I am sharing with you. Trust me. I want to challenge you but we are on the same side, you and I. My prayer and my deep intention is that we continue to find each other through boundaries that we were always meant to break free from.

Speaking for  both Lisa and I, we welcome those of you who are arriving and we deeply honor you on your Hero’s Journey, no matter which chapter you are on.

E99 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our time with the always interesting Lisa Rezac. My hope is that, if you are a die-hard liberal, you can come away with a fresh perspective of Libertarians and Conservatives that might look a little like Naomi Wolf’s newfound appreciation. Nothing will melt illusory boundaries between these camps like mutual appreciation and gratitude.

I also highly recommend, especially liberals, join Telegram. I promise you that you won’t die. What WILL happen is you will start to become aware of things that are unfolding that are being omitted and censored by Big Media and Big Tech. Telegram is full of citizen journalists and independent and critical thinkers and yes, “conspiracy theorists”. You will even see people reposting some of Q‘s drops.

One thing Lisa forgot to mention when we were speaking of the difference in information between Telegram and MSM is she mentioned the massive demonstrations that are going on all over the world. Huge gatherings to protest masks, vaccines, shut-downs, and government overreach into our liberties. Are you seeing any of this on YOUR feed? Well, it’s happening.

If you do decide to make your way to Telegram, start with a simple follow: a channel called We The Media.  It’s sort of the baseline on Telegram. From there, you can find interesting voices and  citizen journalists whom you enjoy.

All of it exists for your awakening. I trust all of you to have the bandwidth and discernment to find the threads that most spark your curiosity and Divine intelligence.





E98: Our Mythic Imagination


E98 Introduction

Without a guest lined up and leaving for vacation for a week, I found myself bringing one of my short format episodes to you. I am calling this one Our Mythic Imagination. It is my hope that it sparks your curiousity or rekindles something in you.

Whenever I step into this mythic landscape,  I always feel supported. There is something much larger than me that is wanting to speak to you. If I can stay out of the way and let the images and words flow, they will hopefully arrive in your ears and hearts in a coherent fashion. It is not always an easy balancing act as all sorts of ideas and images vie for the stage. Such is the way of myth. Messy, a bit chaotic, but ultimately staying true to the central message or motif. The mythic landscape that is our birthright is alive and well. Humanity is resourced for these next chapters.

There is SO much going on in our emerging story. When I say “our” story, I am of course referring to WE THE PEOPLE.  I do not see division in us. I refuse to buy what our adversaries are selling. We seem to have a  spiritual war at the foundation of what we are dealing with.  A battle for our Souls, if you want to state it in a biblical fashion.

The enemies of WE THE PEOPLE, whom we’ve spoken about on a number of occasions, are counting that we don’t wake up. That we continue our slumber, unaware of our situation and what is at stake.

We have work to do. The shadow is asking to be seen and acknowledged. It wants to be found. Both in the world and in ourselves. There is nowhere to hide right now, if I can state it in bold terms.

For me, these are times to lean on our stories and our myths. The ones that bring forth our courage and our mutual humanity. As I see it, we are either listening to the narrative of our adversaries as it blares out along the mainstream airwaves, or we lean on our tried-and-true myths that have been handed to us for to help us in for these very sorts of times. Mythic imagination is our secret weapon. It is how we know where we are and what we need to do. It is the weapon our enemy fears the most.

I will share with you today how I spark my own mythic imagination and hopefully this will help awaken what is beginning to spark inside you. We are one tribe. There is no division. All separation is an illusion. Or as Gnostics say There is Just ONE of Us Here.

Once you arrive at this universal truth (and really know it in your bones), all confusion and fog will dissipate. You have now arrived at the fork in YOUR Hero’s Journey.

The  Great Awakening of humanity has been prophesied in every wisdom tradition. The Quickening that brings an acceleration of the Divine Light and inner knowing into our tribe.  We are at the part of the story where mythic motifs and themes, long-forgotten characters, and unexpected movements in the story line start to assert themselves.

There seems to be magic afoot. As if each one of us, RIGHT NOW, is playing a crucial part in  this unfolding story. Something is stirring in the tribe. Are you aware of it? Is there inner work you need to do to better prepare yourself for the coming days?

I am inviting you to bring mythic imagination into your being. Into your Soul. It is how you will know what is unfolding. The chosen myth will whisper its secrets. It is not as hard as you might think. Sitting quietly as you contemplate your Hero’s Journey or The Grail or the Fallen Goddess Myth. These myths will, with a fisherman’s patient mentality, whisper where you are at and what you need to do or who you need to grow into to complete your Divine mission.

Myths are meta-stories. They create transcendent imagery and feelings in the initiate to guide the brave soul who awaits his or her instructions.

E97: The Bottom Side of the Rock with Special Guest author Marie Jones


E97 Introduction

Two quotes to start off. One from George Carlin who said “I have certain rules. My first rule, I don’t believe anything the government tells me.”

And another from Aldous Huxley who said “The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.”

Here in Huxley’s quote, we see a way to detect the work of the Deep State’s media propaganda. Are you moving a certain group of people beneath you? Is the other side stupid or racist or uniformed or crazy? Or is this what you are being told to believe by propagandists?

We have clearly been swimming in disinformation and I believe it is making us sick. And most are only vaguely aware of it. Or the left is only aware of the propaganda of the right and vice versa. We seem to be, as a whole, quite poor at detecting spin that is inside our own silo.

I find it useful to assume anything coming out of MSM is spin. There is no objective journalism any longer on the mainstream airwaves. WE THE PEOPLE know this. More and more are coming to terms with it.

My guest today has a quote in her book: “Covid was one big mess of misinformation, disinformation, progaganda, and spin. Beneath it all, were people trying to dog paddle and not drown in the chorus of chaos, waiting for facts that only time will tell.”

I think this captures the past year and a half in succinct fashion. We are still trying to make sense of it as the facts have been slow to roll in. Of course, MSM has not assisted us in understanding the situation but, then again, that is not their roll, is it? Quite the opposite.

I saw a great little post from Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers. She says “The global corporate shill press is NOT the real media. Individuals with their pens, phones, computers, and cameras are the real media.”

I completely agree and we are seeing an activated and awakened citizenry right now. I would also add microphones and podcasts to that list of tools of WE THE PEOPLE. It is how we are able to counter the deception campaign that has been waged against us. We seek the truth, have conversations, report what we find, and let you decide for yourself who seeking to empower and who is seeking to disempower you.

As they say We Are the News now. My guest today is one such citizen journalist and an excellent and prolific writer.

E97 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our time with Marie Jones. Marie has generously donated her new book Disinformation and You to the first three listeners that raise their hands.  We are fixing my work email so just send me an email with your name and address to tonyrezac@mac.com saying you would like a free copy and Marie will send you an autographed copy of her excellent book.