E140: Krivda Part 2 with Special Guest author Enna Reittort


E140 Introduction

Today is part two of our conversation with author Enna Reittort. We cover a wide range of topics including ET’s, the Deep State, the Russian/Ukrainian conflict, and the wordspell and etymology of the word “Matrix”.

Enna has a unique perspective on the Russia/Ukrainian situation as someone who has spent a good deal of time in Russia and understands the dynamic in a way that you won‘t hear about in our mainstream media.

What is emerging from all of this is a similar looking dynamic. Wherever you go on the planet, you can see all the signs of this sort of spiritual war taking place. I am talking about the Deep State sociopaths/psychopaths with their anti-humanist agenda on one side and WE THE PEOPLE on the other. You see it here you see it there, you see it in the Russia/Ukraine conflict.

We are an emerging tribe. One that is starting to figure out who we are AND who they are. Each lie in the media is obvious to more and more people. The Great Awakening continues its inevitable momentum. It’s movement towards its ultimate victory for the good people on this planet. Enjoy the episode.

E140 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed the second half of my interview with Enna Reittort. As someone who used to throw around the word “the Matrix”, I will be reconditioning myself, knowing that the word has etymological roots in the womb, the mother, and other associations with the feminine principle.

I hope the question of “who are they/the Deep State globalists at the top” and who are WE THE PEOPLE is a question you can sit with and investigate with an open mind. I promise you, you will start to figure it all out if you do.







E139 Krivda: Crooked Truth with Special Guest Enna Reittort


E139 Introduction

If you are going to follow your Hero’s Journey and be committed to principles like Truth and Freedom and our mutual humanity, you path will inevitably take you far and wide. Once you leave the well-worn path that everyone knows, you start to pick up the scent of the mystics trail.

Why have mystics always lead the way in our understanding our ourselves and our history? Well, for one, they are fearless explorers of all things human. They are not confined by orthodox or cultural norms. They say, do, and read and research things that are uncomfortable. And they help draw patterns for the rest of us. Patiently sketching out all the things that they are noticing.

The good ones seem to be able to point to something that is both timeless and eternal AND is extremely relevant to the landscape we find ourselves in today. When lies and deception and KRIVDA (to use my guests vernacular) are the order of the day, keeping alive what is deeply human is the task of the mystic and the seer.

My guest today is one such human. A woman who has done a tremendous amount of work to understand who we are and where we might be going. And she’s written a very important book that we will talk about today.

Some of our talk about the Old Testament might be upsetting to some of you. I get that.

For mystics, it is important to look at all of the clues as to who we are and the Bible has some important ones, especially when viewed mythically and through the eyes of a Gnostic. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this conversation and connection as much as I did.

Enna Reittort Bio-

My guest today is a an author, anthropologist, linguist, and mystic. Enna Reittort is the author of Krivda: Godrix Against the Matrix and is a kindred spirit living in rural Thailand. Here is my interview with author Enna Reittort.

E139 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed the first part of my interview with Enna Reittort. You can find her book Krivda: Godtrix Against the Matrix at www.ennareittortbooks.com We also mentioned John Lash and his book on Gnosis is also a classic. It is titled Not in His Image and can be easily found on Amazon.

Part two of my interview with Enna we cover some more interesting terrain. Including ET’s, more about the Aeon Sophie, and a different take on the Russia/Ukraine situation as Enna used to live in Russia and has a perspective not heard in the western media. Imagine that! Thank you listeners, I appreciate your attention.

E138: Language as a Creative Act with Special Guest Robert Stevens


E138 Introduction

If you are going to study human potential, sooner or later you are likely to come to the realization that how most of us typically use language is haphazard at best. When you get around real masters in the use of language- I‘m talking about people like Tony Robbins or Sophie McLean (a former Landmark Forum leader who has been a guest on my show twice), you really see the difference between how masters operate and the layperson.

The layperson will often create from a disempowering context and not even realize he or she is doing this. You can here it in the way they express life. Sometimes it’s a cynicism about the world or you sense a sort of resignation or victim mentality in how they habitually express themselves.

What makes this problematic is that most of us don’t know we are doing this. We think we are just expressing a fleeting frustration or excuse. Never suspecting that we are doing it all the time.

Or the ways that we habitually gossip and perpetrate against the so-called “others” in our lives. Never suspecting that our language tells more of a story about US than we would ever suspect. Are you following me?

My guest today is someone who has made language his life-long study. His books and programs are the fruits of this study and extremely beneficial for humanity. I hope you enjoy the interview.

Robert Stevens Bio

Robert Stevens is an author and teacher who discovered what he now calls Conscious Language™ in 1968 while doing an independent study on the Hopi Language. He is the Founder of Mastery Systems International Inc. and Mastery Systems Online University focusing on Awakening Our Masterful Selves through many proprietary Conscious Human Operating System™ Upgrades. Here is my interview with Robert Stevens.

E138 Final Thoughts-

You can find Roberts excellent book and work at www.masterystysems.com .

And if you have not read a book by Dr. Emoto, both Bob and I highly recommend his books on water and the impact of human thought, intention, and vibration to either positively or negatively effect the environment, ourselves, and one another. Essential reading for seekers and mystics. You can find most of Dr. Emoto’s books on Amazon.


E137: Learning to Listen with Special Guest Glenn Gordon


E137 Introduction

My involvement with the Mankind Project and my work in the field of men‘s personal development has given me so many gifts in life. My mission and life path, my voice, my clarity of who I am and what I offer the world.

In addition, this work has given me incredible mentors along my Hero’s Journey. Men who have my best interest and growth as their lens and who have counseled me from a place of understanding, fierce compassion, and wisdom.

I have had many of these men on my show. Jon Wilson, Bob Beare, Eric Hansen, Earl Hipp, Mark Jackson, and Chris Pallis. Today‘s guest is another one of my mentors. A man who modeled for me how a mature man walks through the world: in his heart, in his mission, with authenticity and humor. My blessing to you dear listener is that you too draw to yourself the men and women who can offer you the wisdom of their years. Someone who sees you and your gifts and helps you live courageously and in alignment with who you want to be for the world. I hope you enjoy the interview.

Glenn Gordon Bio

Glenn Gordon is an Executive coach, graduate of the Cronkite school of journalism and works with individuals, couples, and executives teaching better listening skills and the neuro science behind coaching. Glenn has been a leader in the area of men‘s personal development and was a mentor of mine when I needed mature and wise guidance. Here is my interview with Glenn Gordon.

E137 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Glenn. I like many of the things he addressed but one thing in particular that I want highlight. He talked about how we tend to give too many opinions and consequently, don’t listen all that well. These two aspects go hand-in-hand it seems. For me, I spoke of listening better and it is front and center for me. But the other side of that is this: how do I refrain from constantly giving my opinions? Really, are they helping? Usually not.

My experiment for myself and my invitation to you is this: let‘s work on our deep listening together and, collectively and individually, cut our opinions in half. What sort of world would that create? What would be there in the world without the flood of opinions, which are always laden with judgments and projections and always separates us and puts others in a negative context. Men, I think we can we do better. Aho!






E136: Rezac v Marx


E136 Introduction


“Never let your enemies educate your children.”

Malcolm X

As promised, today is the follow up to last weeks episode with the always insightful Mark Jackson. I had a funny moment as I was titling last weeks episode. I always try and come up with a short, catchy title. Sometimes the titles come right away and sometimes I am sitting there on Tuesday morning with only the title left, looking for the missing piece of the puzzle.

And when I do controversial episodes or at least episodes where Big Tech will block, censor, or shadow ban my work, I look for workarounds. Can I title it something that the bots won’t recognize, etc, etc.

As I was looking for a title last week and thinking these thoughts, I concluded with “Fuck these guys and their censorship, I am going to title it Punching Karl Marx!” My original thought was “Punching that fat hairy bastard Karl Marx repeatedly in his anti-humanist, anti-American face!”  However, the writer in me, who values concise, succinct titles, would’t green light it. So Punching Karl Marx it is…..that hairy anti-humanist.

You know that game where you ask other men, if you could fight any man, dead or alive, who would it be? For me, it‘s not even close. I would love to kick the living crap out of Karl Marx for all the misery and death he has caused my human tribe. Just a couple of rounds please! I know that is not very enlightened of me. I‘m not advocating violence, just having a bit of fun at Marx’s expense. It‘s just the more I read about Marx and his ideas, the more the Warrior in me is ready to defend the children.

Today‘s episode is a Firestarter solo episode but I hope it acts as a primer into how Marxism is impacting our government run education system. Indeed our collective education system. I have borrowed heavily from The Epoch Times great book How the Specter of Communism is Ruling Our World. I don‘t think they will mind and I will leave reference to it at the end.

My hope is parents of young children will roll up their sleeves and find a better option for their kids. If only a few of you do this, then this episode served its purpose.