E203: The Truth About Men


E203 Introduction

Today is a different sort of episode but one that we have done from time to time….me being interviewed on another podcast. I like to throw these in there when the content is good and relevant and vibrant. My new friend Marja West guides the conversation in expert fashion.

And I am offering a new service for men and woman alike. One on one Zoom calls with me to support you in your unique Hero’s Journey. I have been feeling the pull to offer something else for humanity and I think this is a very good option. I am not feeling like starting up group work again at this time. I know quite a few men who have reached out to ask about this. I just had coffee with another yesterday.

So this is my way of keeping my finger on the pulse without going back over some of the same terrain I’ve already covered. And the new service isn’t super-structured like my old coaching programs. It is really just you and I finding out what challenges you are facing and how I can help you into the next chapter of your Hero’s Journey. I feel like this taps into my experience as a facilitator of shadow work and the human experience and my love of humanity and where we are all going together.

Men will find it valuable to have a nonjudgmental man in their corner to help them navigate what is going on and where they want to go. Women will benefit from this as well, especially if you are looking to better understand the men in your lives- the husbands and partners, the sons, the brothers.

For more information, simply go to either www.basecampformen.com or www.tonyrezac.com and you can click on the email form and reach out. If you think my perspective can help you navigate, don’t hesitate to contact me. It is a no-pressure way to see if I can assist you in forward movement, whatever that looks like for you.

And now onto today’s conversation. Marja West and I at the microphones, dropping truth bombs. Enjoy!

E199: The Lone Wolf Syndrome w Special Guest Tony Endelman


E199 Introduction

Today‘s episode is a bit of a throwback episode for us. In a good way. As many of you know, Basecamp for Men was conceived and started as a resource show for men’s personal development. The power of men‘s groups and a positive, authentic masculinity was the medicine I was called to bring forth from all of my years leading and participating in men‘s groups. It has defined my life and I am full of gratitude for the men I have followed and led in this work.

My friend Dave recently sent me a new book about Dr. Robert Glover. Dr. Glover is the author of the classic men’s book No More Mr. Nice Guy. I dug in and recognized that the authors and I had similar stories and wounds but with different paths up the mountain so to speak.

Men have always been more powerfully who they are when they can speak authentically with other men. This is a rare thing, as you will hear in this episode.

I think all men carry this sort of lone wolf syndrome. We think we can do the work, grow ourselves up into the men we want to be, heal our childhood traumas (that we all have), and become strong, confident partners and fathers. And do all of this with absolutely no support! It is delusional.

As the Mankind Project has said over and over again, it takes a tribe of men to grow men. For only other men know intimately the shame, hurt, violence, and shadow that are hidden deep inside of a man‘s heart and soul. The astoundingly wonderful secret for men: the more you can speak from your depths without flinching, the more light that can come into your heart and your life.

And men are great at hiding. We hide our hurt and our addictions and our hopes and fears. We hide our shame and our heartbrokenness and feelings of inadequacy. Fuck we try and hide it all because we think that if you knew who I really am and how I really felt (especially when I feel small) you will desert me. So we just go it alone. Are you following me?

Today’s conversation is hopefully like sitting in a good men’s group. As my guest, himself a veteran of these emotionally honest expressions, brings the truth about what it means to be a man. I hope you see yourself in our sharing. Enjoy the interview.

Tony Endelman Bio

Tony Endelman is an author, popular self-help blogger, and certified transformational life coach. Additionally, he is one of Dr. Robert Glover’s elite certified No More Mr. Nice Guy coaches. Tony’s recently released book, THE BIG STICK: Collected & Applied Wisdom from the Teachings of Dr. Robert Glover encapsulates 40 years of wisdom put forth by Dr. Glover.  Here is my interview with Tony Endelman.

E199 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our conversation as much as I did. Love Tony and his message for men. And go get a copy of the excellent new men’s book The Big Stick where Tony distills Dr. Glover‘s wisdom down into what you need to know as a man. Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.




E197: Basecamp Classic with Special Guest Dr. Wendy Maltz


E197 Introduction

Today we have a check in and then a Basecamp Classic from all the way back in in Season One. One of my best episodes from that season, I think.It seems more and more people are taking their awareness to the next level. Hopefully, you are having this experience as well.

There seems to be a particular skill set that is needed for us right now. Each one of us, to the best of his or her ability, needs to both hold onto their core principles WHILE AT THE SAME TIME let go of inputs that are more noise than signal. You following me? Principles that align with humanity, God, and the human heart, are signal.

Look for the narratives that uplift our tribe, whether that is a voice that awakens others or a myth that carries transformative information or just a person that is speaking out after realizing they are being lied on a non-stop basis and starts to put together the narrative landscape with some healthier material. We are exposed to much more noise than signal and the ability to discern the difference can the x factor that keeps you and your loved ones safe and sane.

There is plenty of shadow work to be done for all of us. For sure, the left will need to let go of their reflexive hatred of Donald Trump. Aren’t you all TIRED of talking about him nonstop? Do you not see how absurd this is? Every time you indict him, his poll numbers jump again. A classic “what you resist, persists” dynamic.

The right will need to need to let go of their summary dismissal of half the population. You know, “the normies, the commies, these idiots, the libtards, etc etc”. It‘s true, as a Libertarian, I see many hysterical memes at the expense of the left. Like, on a daily basis. But there is a shadow there for me. Perhaps a wound that my longtime friends and colleagues so quickly and easily abandoned me when I found myself resonating with freedom and liberty and a strong nation.

And we are starting to see the roll out of another wave of the pandemic, aren’t we?Colleges and universities have started to implement another mask mandate. The bluest states will try again to lead the charge. What will you do this time Basecamper? Comply, “trust the science” and do what you are told? We they fool you again on that one?

If you stand in your power and your sovereignty, for some of you this will be round 1 as maybe you went along with everything last time. This will be round 2 for my family and many of my friends. I am not looking forward to it but I was not about to hand over my liberties to the Globalist looking to ratchet up their control.

There will certainly be pressure to conform to their narrative. There always is. If you went along last time and felt a little duped (how could you NOT). I can assure you, there are many of us standing in principles and we will welcome you with open arms. It’s just better over here.

Today’s Basecamp Classic is from all the way back to season one EP 14 with Dr. Wendy Maltz. It is a topic that is still so relevant for men. Enjoy the episode.



E178: Ageless and Timeless with Special Guest

Dr. Ken Harris


E178 Introduction

Hello Basecampers. Welcome to episode #178. Let’s see, what is going on. I have been doing a deep dive into Natural Law and OMG, the things I am learning and discovering. I can’t wait to share all this with you all. I think there will be a short series of episodes around this in May and June. We’ll do a few interviews as I find the right guests and a solo episode where I can collate and deliver the main takeaways from this most interesting and valuable topic.

Today’s episode is a bookend of the Elderhood episode I did a few episodes back with Mark Jackson. And it is with one of my all-time favorite guests, Dr. Ken Harris. A true wisdom keeper who shows us how to age with grace, fluidity, and a lightness of touch. Let‘s go sit around the fire with him.

E169: A Basecamp Classic


E169 Introduction

Hello Basecampers, I hope you are all doing well. Today’s episode has a few memes and then a Basecamp Classic. I have a few good interviews coming up after this week so we’ll start a run of the traditional format of my monologue then the interview then the Outro. I stitched this one together for you. I thought it was better to do it this way rather than do a shorty. Enjoy!

What a time to be alive! Are you starting to get a sense of the dynamics at play? This clash of ideas and narratives btw the Globalists with their Totalitarian/Communist agenda in one corner. You know their menu. CBDC, mandatory “vaccines” ad nauseum, social credit scores for your carbon footprint and more and more restrictions on our freedoms. Put forth by self-appointed so-called “authorities” , the WEF, the WHO, the CDC and other so called “experts”. God, its exhausting just describing these anti-humanists. Oh, and just a reminder: they have ZERO authority. None.

And you have humanity in the other corner. Full of promise, fellowship, shared vision (with differing opinions), and BTC aka the peoples money. We have a front row seat for this and, many of us are throwing out hearts and souls on the side of humanity. Who else are you going to fight? Hollywood? The corrupt status quo? The sociopaths who long to tighten their control of WE THE PEOPLE? I don’t think so.

Georgia Meloni, the fierce new pro-humanist Prime Minister of Italy, has this to say “Everything that defines us is now an enemy for those who would like us to no longer have an identity. And so, they attack national identity, they attack religious identity, they attack gender identity, they attack family identity. I can no longer define myself as an Italian, Christian, woman, mother. No. I must be citizen x, gender x, parent 1, parent 2. I must be a number. Because when I am only a number, when I no longer have an identity or roots, then I will be the perfect slave at the mercy of Globalist financial speculators.”

Then she goes on to say “That’s the reason why we inspire so much fear. Because we do not want to be numbers (or QR Codes for that matter). We will defend the value of the human being, of every single human being.”

That’s the fighting spirit. God I love this woman!

The Memes

It’s meme time Basecampers! I like to bust out a few memes on the show. They are like little red truth bombs. A bite size piece of information for your consideration.   Here we go.

Here is one from Joe Blo on Twitter who says “There’s a growing portion of the population that will never, ever again believe a goddamn thing they hear from mainstream media, government and health officials. We just need that number to reach a tipping point.” Aho and I believe we are getting there Joe.

Here is one from Michael Knowles who says “The Left controls every major institution in America: MSM, the educational academy, administrative government, Hollywood, Big Tech (well, except for Twitter now), etc. So if “institutional racism” really does exist, whose fault would that be?” Good question Michael.

And one from Joel Rafidi, another fellow freedom-lover. He says “I don’t care if you worship Jesus, Jehovah, Krishna, or Muhammad. I don‘t care if you believe you’re a starseed, a lightworker or an intergalactic traveller. Just don’t tell me what to do.” 

And lastly, an old one from the Q-Drops. Oh my God, he is dropping something from Q! Look away, look away!  The drop is Q1690 and it is simply “ You are Witnessing/Watching the systematic destruction of the Old Guard.”

Look at that Basecamper, you just survived a Q drop without imploding, Good on ya.

And one from Ultra Patriots in Progress (I love this guy). He connects Bitcoin with Q. He is not the first. He says” Bitcoin is no different than the Q operation. It is simply information that one can research to undeniably prove as true. Bitcoin is much easier as it is fundamentally math, and cannot be misinterpreted. Arguing with a Bitcoiner when one has not gone down the rabbit hole is like arguing with an Anon that human trafficking and corruption doesn’t exist. You simply lose every time. Bitcoin doesn’t care about emotions or opinions. Bitcoin is Bitcoin. You have to do the work and learn.”

And lastly dear Basecampers, remember: Normal healthy adults do not get angry that they can’t talk to 5-9 year olds sex, they just don’t. People with common sense understand that this is not appropriate……don’t shoot me, I’m just the messenger! 🙂

I was clicking around looking for a Basecamp Classic and I wanted to do an early episode and I love the two I did with Dr. Bob Beare. This one is all the way back to the tail end of season #1. It’s episode #32: The Heart of Addiction with Dr. Bob Beare. Enjoy!