E99: Leaving the Left with Special Guest Lisa Rezac


E99 Introduction

I wanted to speak with you a bit today about a particular part of my Hero’s Journey and bring my life-partner and wife of 27+ years on as another set of eyes.

I have spoken of my political leanings in season three from time-to-time. I have even unpacked how I felt jettisoned by the radical left agenda. Many of you might be feeling the same way.

One of the most alarming things that I witnessed throughout this so-called pandemic was the liberties that Americans seemed so willing to give up in service to an authoritarian voice that told them this is how it had to be. It was and is appalling to me.

There is a part of me that is still scratching my head a bit. But I have also moved on. My take is that people will wake up when it’s their time. Neo will awaken. This much I know. For it lives inside of our Divine Imagination as  mythic prophesy.

Like I said in the last episode, using some of our most cherished and valuable myths and interfacing them with the Matrix and the Lord of the Rings, etc. If you can only parrot what the MSM is saying, you are still in the slime pod. Even if you pride yourself on your intellect and your critical skills, if you are parroting what the enemy wants you to parrot, you are still in the Matrix. You are playing a character Neo. The character you are playing is one that can’t be duped or fooled. You are too smart. Too on the ball. Too aware. You are a proud liberal and dammit, that means something. Such is the way of the ego.

As I have continued to riff on myths such as the Fallen Goddess Myth, I have started to become aware of an interesting dynamic. That, as Americans, we have our own version of the Goddess: our beloved Lady Liberty, the Feminine Soul  of our great nation. That she has been treated so shabbily and nearly forgotten by a group that will do nothing but hate and demean her. WHAT THE HELL?!?

Will everyday men and women defend her honor? Will liberals? Do you really need to have your freedoms stripped from you before you see what you truly have in this country? It’s an insane approach if you do. And much more full of suffering.

Why not honor the Goddess that is in front of you by showing her the reverence, love, and and awe that she deserve . And defend her when she is attacked. Are you following me?

I see people not wanting to step up here, no matter their political leanings. Maybe they are following the riffs on myth and the Grail and the Goddess and all the things I seek to challenge you with. But they still take too passive of a stance when defending this Goddess. She needs Warriors, both men and women, that are awake. People that are willing to put their backs into it.  Our ancestors (and future generations) are counting on us. We will not them down.

I want to let my mythic imagination run free. When I look back on my life, I see that freedom was always of utmost importance to me. It is in the core of my being. And the country that I was born and raised in and even taught to hate by my liberal education, is a living breathing Goddess herself, isn‘t she? America is and will continue to be a beacon of Light, for the world. And she is in the middle of HER rebirth.

Just consider what I am sharing with you. Trust me. I want to challenge you but we are on the same side, you and I. My prayer and my deep intention is that we continue to find each other through boundaries that we were always meant to break free from.

Speaking for  both Lisa and I, we welcome those of you who are arriving and we deeply honor you on your Hero’s Journey, no matter which chapter you are on.

E99 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our time with the always interesting Lisa Rezac. My hope is that, if you are a die-hard liberal, you can come away with a fresh perspective of Libertarians and Conservatives that might look a little like Naomi Wolf’s newfound appreciation. Nothing will melt illusory boundaries between these camps like mutual appreciation and gratitude.

I also highly recommend, especially liberals, join Telegram. I promise you that you won’t die. What WILL happen is you will start to become aware of things that are unfolding that are being omitted and censored by Big Media and Big Tech. Telegram is full of citizen journalists and independent and critical thinkers and yes, “conspiracy theorists”. You will even see people reposting some of Q‘s drops.

One thing Lisa forgot to mention when we were speaking of the difference in information between Telegram and MSM is she mentioned the massive demonstrations that are going on all over the world. Huge gatherings to protest masks, vaccines, shut-downs, and government overreach into our liberties. Are you seeing any of this on YOUR feed? Well, it’s happening.

If you do decide to make your way to Telegram, start with a simple follow: a channel called We The Media.  It’s sort of the baseline on Telegram. From there, you can find interesting voices and  citizen journalists whom you enjoy.

All of it exists for your awakening. I trust all of you to have the bandwidth and discernment to find the threads that most spark your curiosity and Divine intelligence.