Basecamp for Men E47: The Five-Minute Mystic

July 21, 2020

E47 Firestarters for Men: The Five-Minute Mystic


E47 Introduction

Collectively, we are at the point in the Hero’s Journey where the audience is on the edge of their seats and going “Oh shit, this doesn’t look good.” Every hero’s tale has this part of the story. Can you see this? To complicate matters, and this may land in left field for some of you, our collective hero’s journey has you at the center. Little ole’ you.

Our story is not all told. The Hero, it seems, is back on the move.

Now for the conspiracy theorists, the question of has there been a conspiracy to constrain and restrict Consciousness? Something adversarial, either external or internal, that has opposed or attempted to deny our spiritual development?  Of course there has. Every sign, both logical and intuitive, points to this.

However, it doesn’t stop there. Beyond the playing field of duality; of good and evil, light and dark, right and wrong, there is a Unity of Consciousness.  Something innate and Divine shimmering just underneath all polarity.

If the mystics are right, and when have they not been, we are playing out a grand Cosmic Game ultimately arriving at the same spiritual realization as those that came before us (regardless of your religious or spiritual or philosophical preference.)

Here is a quote by the great mystic and philosopher Ken Wilber, he says “The ultimate metaphysical secret is that there is no boundaries in the universe. Boundaries are illusions, products not of reality but of the way we map and edit reality.”

Now, if the Quantum Physicists are right, and when have they not been, then the material world is an illusion, a mental construct, a matrix if you will. Quantum physics says that Consciousness is the ground substance that we swim in, with no separation.  There is no “edge” to Consciousness. No place where you stop and anything or anyone else starts. We are, at our most fundamental core, one consciousness plugged right into the Divine.

Here is Albert Einstein talking about this very thing “Quantum physicists have discovered that everything is connected as ONE THING that is merely appearing to be many things. IT‘S ALL ONE.” And then he says “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

Or to express this as a mystic, there is just one of us here. Once you know this, and we all will come to know this, everything changes. We are all, right now, arriving at this great mystic truth, at a new vantage point on the mountaintop and a new chapter in our story.

Here is a quote from the modern day philosopher Charles Eisenstein, whose excellent book The More Beautiful World Our hearts Know is Possible sits on my desk as one of my essential books, says

Enlightenment is a group effort. There are few maps and we have not yet learned to see the trail. We are following an invisible path, learning from each other how to follow it. As we do that, and we learn to see its subtle markings, the path becomes visible. 

Absent a map, and in the very early stages of a new story, we can only follow our intuition at each choice point, guided by our heart-compass, not knowing how our turnings will add up to the destination. Frequently our habits of separation lead us to stray into the old, worn paths we can see. We have to develop new vision, to see the faint traces of ancient footsteps that lead us out of the maze.”

If we let the Heart be our guide, the Heart knows the way. We can still use logic, but there will be a bridge that is approaching that cannot and will not be crossed with logic. This is part of every Hero’s Journey, isn‘t it? A test in faith- faith in God or the Divine, faith in our path and all that is good, faith in one another, faith in ourselves and our own inner knowing.

Just as we watched the Hero’s that came before us and modeled it for us, we will take a deep breath, summon our courage, trust our heart and our fellow travellers, and step forward. And remember: we have powerful allies pulling for us and assisting us in this transition.  Whatever happens to be coming our way, we got this.