E248: “Health Care” is Making Us All Sick


E248 Introduction

“Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a healthy human left.”

Aldous Huxley


At some point, the obviousness just hits you in the face. As you look at something called the “Health Care System” (what an Orwellian doublespeak that word is) and see the deep-seated corruption, the masses of unwell people who are plugged into it all. The rampant mental illness and addiction, new diseases and disorder being invented every day with products that have more and more side effects. An endless merry- go-round of poor health, bad advice, strange side effects, and with healthy dose of  fog of confusion and denial meant to keep the whole sick clown car rolling. I am not exaggerating, not even a little bit.

The massive financial incentives for hospital, medical centers, and doctors to keep their collective heads in the sand and shut up and go along with it is literally killing us. Doctors are good at going along with it, with juicy compensation packages keeping them docile and quiet. My take on medical doctors, nearly all of them are smart people… and most of them lack moral courage. They are cowards and if people are starting to ignore them (especially around the vast pharmaceutical products that so many of them are pushing), then good. I do not feel sorry for these people, how can you? They have been gatekeepers and purveyors of a system that is making us all sick.

I just have one thing to say about this situation….thank God for the courage of the nurses. Men and women like my guest today. They are front-line warriors that take their Hippocratic oath very seriously, something that many doctors have lost sight of.

People like my guest today used to be called conspiracy theorists. Today, she looks like a steely-eyed purveyors of Truth. Destiny has caught up with us as more and more people are getting out of the racket of blind trust in doctors, obedience to authority, and Big Pharma reliant, ill-health. Enjoy the episode!

Kimberly Overton Bio

Kimberly Overton is a Registered Nurse with a background in Critical Care in and has worked in the health care industry for over 28 years. In July of 2021 she founded Nurse Freedom Network to stand against the medical tyranny.

In 2022, Kimberly founded Remnant Nursing, a Private Membership Association providing concierge healthcare services and specializing in the consultation & care of the vaccine injured. She is also the Wednesday host of the popular radio show Nurses Out Loud. Here is my interview with Kimberly Overton.


E247: We Welcome Kennedy Liberals

with Special Guest Pamela Garfield Jaeger


E247 Introduction

When I had Dr. Mark McDonald on recently, he touched on something that really resonated with me. That traditional liberals (Kennedy liberals) and conservatives actually have a ton in common. That it is really the radical left that is causing the rift with their Marxist ideas of hate America, hate individual freedom, transgenderism and other weird notions disconnected from reality. The leftists, not to be confused with Kennedy liberals, are distorting the real dynamic by using the bullhorn of mainstream media and social media to drown out and attempt to suffocate any unity between conservatives and Kennedy liberals.

Sure, there are differences between these two sides but it is not a gulf. It is a stream that we can cross together, I believe.

These bridge-building episodes have been some of my favorites over the past two or three seasons and maybe my most important ones. I like to think that, even though I am a FORMER Kennedy liberal and I now embrace more libertarian and conservative values, my listeners can still hear my stand for humanity. And if Kennedy liberals and conservatives have much common ground, then this is the group that I want to speak to. Because if these two meet across the small stream we need to cross, then our best days in America are still ahead of us, despite the noise coming from the far left bunkers. Let’s keep finding common ground Basecampers, shall we?

I just love talking with my guest today as you can probably tell. Enjoy the interview.




E241: Navigating Transgenderism with Special Guest

Pamela Garfield-Jaeger


E241 Dedication

 This episode is dedicated to all the parents out there. All the ones who got swept up in this Transgender insanity and all who are about to go through it. My heart goes out to you and I hope this episode and the resources mentioned assist you in finding a healthy and sane path for your young person and your family. May God Bless you all.

 E241 Introduction 

Today’s topic is a good one……navigating the Transgender minefield as a parent who may not have an inkling about what the so called “authorities” have in mind for your kids.

I like what Dr. Miriam Grossman said when she wrote “I want the following truths- recognized by everyone on the planet aside from gender studies professors and grad students until about 2 weeks ago- do be acknowledged. That sex is not assigned at birth, it’s established at conception.” AHO.

There is a movement afoot that tells your kids (and expects everyone, adults and children alike, to meekly follow) that whenever a boy SAYS they are a girl then the ARE a girl. Whenever a girl SAYS she’s a boy, then she IS a boy.

Basecampers, they are coming for your kids. Are you awake yet? There is a cult-like crusade that targets them 24/7.

Let’s be clear. To indoctrinate children and young adults with falsehoods and drive a wedge between them and their loving parents is evil. To encourage them on a path of that leads to harm is evil. To describe it all as a journey to authenticity and to entice children with glitter and rainbows is evil.

To echo last weeks sentiments with Dr. Mark McDonald, child psychiatrist extraordinaire. Schools cannot be trusted. They are a major site of indoctrination for the Transgender ideology.

And before we get to today‘s excellent interview, I wanted to read you a quote by the great author JK Rowling, who has been a very vocal critic to all this insanity. She said “I don’t believe that even a 14 year-old can truly understand what the loss of fertility is. At 14 I would have said that I don’t want children but motherhood has been the most joyful, wonderful thing in my life.”

She goes on to say that the best cure for gender dysphoria is the let children go through puberty. I couldn’t agree more. And now, onto our sponsor and our guest.

Pamela Garfield- Jaeger Bio 

My guest today is Pamela Garfield-Jaeger. Pamela has been a licensed clinical social worker for over 20 years. She has ben an op-ed contributer to the Epoch Times and is the author of an important new book titled “A Practical Response to Gender Distress: Tips and Tools for Families”, geared for families who are trying to make sense and skillfully navigate the gender issue.

E241 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed that conversation as much as I did. Pamela mentioned a great documentary that she participated in called Gender Transformation: The Untold Realm. You can find it at www.gendertransformation.com

Pamela mentioned all the ways you can find her but her website again is www.thetruthfultherapist.org. Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.





E240: The Marxist Mis-Education of Our Youth


E240 Introduction

Looking over the assessment for our students in public education, OSPI for this in the spring of 2023. 49% do not meet basic ELA standard. 61% do not meet basic Math standards. 57% do not meet basic Science standards. I’m talking the basics folks. One thing that has been successful? Well, the dumbing down of American children has been wildly successful from a Marxist point of view. Dumb them down so they can’t think critically, fill them with a bunch of lies and half-truths about the country they live in, make them ashamed of their bodies, their biological sex, the nation their forefathers fought for.

There are many appalling things about the war we are currently in. And when I say war, I am not talking about anything between liberals and conservatives or Democrats vs. Republicans. The conflict has so many layers that I won’t disrespect you by oversimplifying it.

However, for me and many others, the most appalling aspect of this conflict has been the impact that our enemy has had on the minds and souls of our children. The impact of Marxist ideology and the hatred, division, confusion, and unhappiness that this has sown in our young people is heartbreaking.

And most parents can’t see it. Not yet anyways. Although more and more are forced to contend with the truth: that the indoctrination in gov’t run schools is dumbing your kids down, turning them into misinformed woke activists being used by a larger agenda. And ill-equipped to be functioning men and women in society. Hell, they can’t even tell you what a man or woman is? This is how bad education has become.

Why don‘t we start teaching our youngsters the TRUTH about America and what we represent to the world? Why all the hatred, lies, ommisions of American exceptionalism and heroism? They can’t. You know why? Because it goes against their agenda.

You know, it is one thing to be aware of the Marxist takeover in our schools and universities. It is another to roll up your sleeves like my guest today does, to have a good long look at the textbooks. Not quite sure if your kids are being mis-educated in public schools? Let’s go talk to a woman who looks over what your kids read and find out. She has a VERY interesting take on it. Enjoy the interview!

Ann Streit Bio

My guest today is Ann Streit. As a concerned public educator, Ann Streit began investigating the reasons behind our failing schools. Appalled by what she learned, she has been sounding the alarm for the past ten years.  She is currently the Chapter Chair of Moms for Liberty – King County. Here is my interview with Ann Streit.

E240 Final Thoughts

Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times. 

The good times created a tribe of weak men, unable to recognize and stand up to the Marxist and Globalist enemy who is inside the gate and here for our children and our nation.

If ever there was a time for strong men and women to find their voices and their purpose, now is that time, don’t you think?

I will be here every step of the way Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.




E238: Basecamp Classics


E238 Introduction

It seems we have crossed a rubicon with the Trump assassination attempt. As in things are about to get REAL INTERESTING for everyone regardless of political affiliation. Personally I was reading on the wires for weeks and months that there would be a FAILED assassination attempt on President Trump. It is one of the markers in the military game theory that is playing out before our eyes. It seems everything they do to Trump makes him stronger, doesn’t it? His following grows as they have attempted everything: impeachment, character assassination, indictment, arrest, trial, and now an attempt on his life.

The left looks disheveled. They are stuck wishing the CIA/Deep State had succeeded in murdering a President, a Patriot, a father because the MSM has told them incessantly that he is dangerous to them. Yet, they can’t express that or they look like a shell of a human, void of morality, brainwashed by the Marxist/Globalist enemies of our true tribe, which is WE THE PEOPLE and humanity. It must be a sort of nightmare for the left, who look flat-footed, spouting off tired old fake news/ Mockingbird Media sound bites about President Trump and his loyal band of America First patriots.

One of the interesting things that came through the fog of war is that the MSM was not reporting it as an assassination attempt. They all said that he had fallen and scraped his ear. Even thought there were hundreds of videos taken that captured the gunfire and Trump coming up off the ground, surrounded by Secret Service with blood running from his ear and down his face. None of the video evidence is hard to find, its ubiquitous. Think about that for a second. An assassination attempt on President Trump and YOUR news source, what YOU rely on to shape your understanding of things, tells you he merely fell. Are you starting to see why the Mockingbird Fake News can’t be trusted. They are LYING to you constantly.

Well I have been preparing a solo episode and a couple of great interviews coming up but I just wasn’t happy with the finished product. Not yet anyways. I will get this one to you soon. I like to save the Basecamp Classics, reruns of episodes I feel are top shelf, when I get in a pinch and I try to only do one per quarter. Today is the day.

I tried to pick one that fit with the news of the day and may give you some inspiration and insight. We are going to make it through the fog of war Basecampers. We keep ticking off markers that show us that things are moving in our direction. Things are likely to get pretty chaotic in the coming weeks and months. Our strength is in our fellowship, standing in our values, knowing who we are as WE THE PEOPLE and that we represent something to the world as Americans. It is our divine right to stand against tyranny and the totalitarian dreams of petty Marxists who are no match for us.

Today is a Basecamp Classic from back in Season Four titled My Favorite F-Word, which is FREEDOM, of course. Enjoy the Classic and we’ll see you around the fire next week.