E5: American Education w Special Guest Jolie Lansdowne


E5 Introduction

Today’s topic is one of my favorites: the state of American education or lack thereof. Before we get to our interview, which is the 2nd half of our short interview with King Co Chairwoman Jolie Lansdowne, you will here us fade into that discussion as we already aired the first part of this in Episode #2.


I thought it was perfect to read a couple of quotes from one of my favorite writers in Education reform, the 2 x NYC Teacher of the Year and author, the legendary John Taylor Gatto. A teacher as beloved by his students as any you will ever see.

“I‘ve noticed a fascinating phenomenon in my thirty years of teaching: schools and schooling are increasingly irrelevant to the great enterprises of the planet. No one believes anymore that scientists are trained in science classes or politicians in civics classes or poets in English classes. The truth is that schools don’t really teach anything except how to obey orders. This is a great mystery to me because thousands of humane, caring people work in schools as teachers and aides and administrators, but the abstract logic of the institution overwhelms their individual contributions. Although teachers to care and do work very, very hard, the institution is psychopathic — it has no conscience. It rings a bell and the young man in the middle of writing a poem must close his notebook and move to a different cell where he must memorize that humans and monkeys derive from a common ancestor.” 

And this one: “Whatever an education is, it should make you a unique individual, not a conformist; it should furnish you with an original spirit with which to tackle the big challenges; it should allow you to find values which will be your roadmap through life; it should make you spiritually rich, a person who loves whatever you are doing, wherever you are, whomever you are with; it should teach you what is important, how to live and how to die.”

I will be doing a deeper dive on Education and our future on this show in the near future. For now, let‘s go get our guest’s thoughts and insights on this important topic.

Jolie Lansdowne Bio

My guest today is Jolie Lansdowne. Jolie was elected and serves as the King County GOP Chairwoman. Jolie is a a wife and mother (who homeschooled kids for 20 years), a local business owner, and a woman who believes that engagement in local government is one of the most effective ways we can impact positive change for our next generation. Here is my interview with Jolie Lansdowne.



E4: We are All Americans with Special Guest Roy Holman


E4 Introduction

Hello and welcome to the American Pulse. One of our aims on this show is to create inspiring, short-format content that you can listen to on the fly. Our take is that Americans are drawn to optimism and inspiration.

Right now, WE THE PEOPLE are energized. More and more of us are witnessing the truth of what our gov’t has been doing (or not doing) and seeing new possibilities that did not exist with the prior status quo. And when I say status quo, I mean until very recently that both parties have been entrenched, are you following me?

I believe we are close to a tipping point in this nation and in the world. Where more and more of us will realize just how corrupted our political structures have been, their allegiances to something or someone that does not have WE THE PEOPLE nor the Constitution of the United States Republic in mind.

But the tide has shifted, hasn’t it? And with the shifting tide, we need to shift with it. Do we still need the us vs them attitude? Are we still in an epic battle? Or has something changed and God is requiring something else right now from each and every one of us. I am presenting this to you as a question, not an answer. For I am in this monumental time in our country just the same as you. Looking for wisdom, doing our best to remain patient, forgiving others and asking for forgiveness.

Today’s guest is one of my best friends, Roy Holman. Enjoy the episode.


E3: Being Bold in Times of Change with Special Guest Lisa Rezac


E3 Introduction

Hello my listeners and welcome to EP #3 of The American Pulse. For decades, Americans have struggled to make sense of why political systems and decision making rarely, if ever, reflected the best interests of WE THE PEOPLE. Good everyday Americans were misled at every step. Each bit of depressing news about our great nation seamed INTENTIONALLY to demoralize a confused and unsuspecting populace.

With decades of entrenched power comes a level of corruption that is mind-boggling as we are finding out every day. It turns out that both parties have had political structures built to serve only the centralized elites. In other words, the political structures (up until the November elections) were always meant to keep the riff-raff, the “useless eaters” as the Globalists are so fond of calling us, out of positions of perspective and influence. The whole game was meant to keep WE THE PEOPLE resigned, cynical, and disempowered.

Even here in King County, where the dynamics of the so-called “two party system” revealed an entrenched and corrupt “Uniparty” that marched to the same pied piper (in this state, everyone knows the  pied piper is Bill Gates) regardless of which party they claimed loyalty to. The corruption was and is real. President Trump has said repeatedly that he is giving power back to the people. And this power back to the people includes centrists and Kennedy liberals, if they can time to see a bigger picture. Ironic, isn’t it?

EVERYTHING of what I just said has changed. We have entered into a new phase in American History. And there will be a New Republican Party that will be reborn out of this radical transparency and honesty that we see as the new normal. The seeds are being planted and we will, with care and fellowship with all Americans see a bright new day fulfill the American dream. Too high-falutin? I don”t think so. I believe we are in a new 1776 moment that is and will capture the imagination of any American willing to look at things with an open mind.

Our leader now and for the foreseeable future is President Trump. We will to take our cues from him. Is he holding back truth to try and appease confused Republicans or the Woke Left? No, he is not.

Fortune favors the bold my fellow Americans and this is a golden opportunity, with the wind at our sails, to do just that. Americans have always done well when we are optimistic, bold, inventive. We do better when we honor God, our country, our ancestors and love and protect our God-given freedoms. I believe more Americans are finding their bearings again.

Let’s get to our sponsor and our interview. I decided to air the 2nd part of this interview first as I think it flows with where we are at a bit better. Enjoy the interview.

Lisa Rezac Bio

My guest today is Lisa Rezac. Lisa is a mother, a fundraising auctioneer, and the newly elected Vice-Chairwoman of the KCGOP. She is also my wife and life-partner for the past three decades. Here is my interview with Lisa Rezac.



E2: Our Season of Renewal with Special Guest Jolie Lansdowne


E2 Introduction

Hello my fellow Americans and welcome to The American Pulse. My name is Tony Rezac and I am excited and grateful to be sharing this time with you.The triumph of Donald Trump signals a New Dawn for America and the world.

This is true on the national level and it is true on the state and county level. Monumental changes are in the air. Every day brings jaw dropping news of corruption uncovered.

There are many Americans from all walks of life, across most of the political spectrum, who have been afraid to raise their voices to express their concerns or even to express their gratitude for being an American. This means not only Conservatives and Libertarians but Centrists and Kennedy liberals as well. This, in my view, IS the silent majority The far left (and I am not talking about Kennedy liberals here) has used both legacy and social media to cancel, threaten, and silence the American voice. But the tide has changed. We have claimed the high ground in which to operate from. Not a righteous high ground but a higher frequency in which to speak with all Americans, are you following me?

Everyone is welcome on The American Pulse. It is my hope and my sacred duty to present you with enough truth and optimism to help you through what is about to unfold. Do you think this is going to calm down soon? I don’t think so.

I think between the Trump EO’s, the national news, and the reverberations right here in good ole King County, which everyone knows has been a Democrat/Globalist stronghold for as long as any of us can remember. There is a sea change happening all over the country. Yes, even in traditionally liberal and woke areas like Seattle, Portland, CA.

Traditional Kennedy liberals are waking up too and trying to make sense of things. Even their hatred of Donald Trump seems to have been muted quite a bit, hasn’t it? Well, I think this projection of the left is now firmly on Elon Musk but that is a conversation for another day.

This show will most certainly evolve over time. Right now, the King County Republican party has entrusted me to get this horse out of the barn and that is exactly what I will be doing. I think a good place to start is by looking each week and what President Trump is doing and then chatting with our local leaders and everyday people all over our great nation about how these changes are effecting them. Excited, thrilled, sad, angry, depressed? Let‘s find out.

We will most certainly have good interviews as that has been my most central format over the past 6 years on Basecamp for Men. But we will also jump on and do short-format announcements and quick check-ins with our people. On Basecamp for Men, we call the short episodes Firestarters.

Let’s see, with a name like The American Pulse, should we call our short ones Heartbeats? Murmurs? Or should we not even give them a name and let it just be short?

We’ll figure all this out over time. For now, it is good to be at the microphone in partnership with the King County Republican party and speaking to Americans all over this great country. Enjoy the interview!

Jolie Lansdowne Bio 

My guest today is Jolie Lansdowne. Jolie was elected and serves as the King County GOP Chairwoman. Jolie is a a wife and mother (who homeschooled kids for 20 years, a local business owner, and a woman who believes that engangement in local government is one of the most effective ways we can impact positive change for our next generation. Here is my interview with Jolie Lansdowne.


E1: The American Pulse with Tony Rezac


E1 Introduction

Hello welcome to The American Pulse, I’m your host Tony Rezac. This is the show that seeks to listen, express, and amplify the voice of the American people, no matter where you live in this great nation. We are unabashedly pro-humanity, pro-freedom, and pro-America. Welcome and let’s get started! 

What a time to be alive, isn’t it? Have you noticed? There has been a battle for the Soul of America and who wins this war will impact our children, our grandchildren, and future generations as far as the eye can see.

That is why ordinary Americans, WE THE PEOPLE, as I’m fond of saying have heard the call and risen to the occasion.

Who am I? My name is Tony Rezac and I am the creator, producer, and host of the long-running podcast Basecamp for Men. And I am honored and humbled to be your host here at The American Pulse.

This show will amplify what is going to at the grassroots level. What ordinary people-men and women from all walks of life, are seeing and talking about what is going on in this country. We will also highlight where we need more involvement. Ways that YOU can make a positive difference in this American Renewal that is unfolding.

Conservatives, Libertarians, Centrists, and Kennedy liberals. We want to talk to and understand all. For in our view, we have much more in common than the MSM would have us believe. It is only the divisive and nasty Marxist/Globalists rhetoric with their dystopian dream of a One World Government and all the noise you hear around this that creates confusion in the human race.

We will offer a clear, heart-felt, and honest expression of what Americans dream of and what stands in our way. There has been many of us that have been beat down and disenfranchised by politics as usual. There has been a cynicism and resignation that has crept into the American Soul. But this is not our way, is it?

On the American Pulse, we will carry a different message from a different frequency. One that will show us, with God’s good grace, how we can restore our country and, with it, ourselves and our families.

There are going to be rapid-fire changes in the months ahead. The American Pulse will be here to help cut through the confusion.

Thank you for giving The American Pulse a listen. If you love the show, please go give us a positive review on Apple podcasts. 2025 here we come!