E229: The Future is Bright (Orange) with Special Guest

Dalia Platt


E229 Introduction


Bitcoin is the first technology that allows the entire world to join the ruling class in opting out of the plans the ruling class has for the entire world.”    Laser

Now, why am I including so many recent episodes in the past two seasons about Bitcoin? I believe it is a technological innovation that will lead to a radically different (and far more positive future) than anyone can envision with the current corrupt fiat system, which is being debased as we speak (as in the purchasing power of your money is worth less and less each week, each month, each year)

I heard a Lawrence Lepard, a well-known thought-leader and advocate of sound money talking on a podcast recently and he likened Bitcoin to the early days of the computing, before the advent of the Internet. He said he was talking to Steve Ballmer back in the 1980’s and he was saying how huge Microsoft and personal computing was going to be. Lawrence said he sounded crazy because he was so early.

Lawrence said he sees the exact same dynamic right now with the early adopters of Bitcoin. Why am I sharing these conversations and my thoughts on this innovation? Because I want you Basecampers to benefit. If even 10 or 20 or 50 of you learn to buy, hold, and self-custody your Bitcoin, then these episodes were worth the time and effort. Knowing you and your family will greatly benefit. I will include the great episode I listened to where Lawrence was talking about all this stuff if you have an hour and your are interested in this.

I will continue to have some Bitcoin episodes here and there but we will spread them out as best we can. I know there are other juicy topics to get to and we are in a crazy election year with lots of moving parts and uncertainty is in the air. For me, Bitcoin acts as an important life-raft to sail what will certainly be stormy seas that is our foreseeable future.

Dalia Platt Bio-

My guest today is Dalia Platt. Dalia is a Bitcoin International Curriculum Developer, a Financial Literacy Educator, and a Bitcoin Custody Advisor with The Bitcoin Advisors. Here is my interview with Dalia Platt.


E228: The Sign of the Times with Special Guest Phoenix


E228 Introduction

The sign of the times. What are the sign of the times? Well, I would say a few things jump out at me.

First off, we live in a time of great corruption and deception. That much should be obvious to all, no matter your political orientation. We are all witness to the collapse of a corrupt global empire (the Deep State) that is being punched out by a pro-humanity alliance. Can you see the dynamic in this conflict? Are you aware of the propaganda war that you are swimming in? It’s all around you Basecamper. In fact, this podcast is a very small player in this war, doing what we can to assist humanity (no matter your political leanings).

The Globalists and their 3-letter agencies have done their best to pit us against each other. They have tried to demonize and pit you and I against one another, haven’t they? According to the MSM, if I disagree with you on anything, I must be your enemy or a terrorist or a lunatic. All for having my own opinions about things. And they tell me the same thing about you liberals (of which I was one for thirty fucking years!) But that‘s not good enough. You must be my enemy since you hate Trump or you LOVE experimental pharmaceutical shots, or you really believe in compliance and obedience. Those beliefs do not make you my enemy. Probably not my friend either but I don’t need to loathe or hate you for differing on any of it, do I?

It doesn’t make you stupid either. Sure, you LOOK stupid wearing that mask all over the place but that is a matter of taste. You just have SOME different values perhaps. Or the inputs you’ve received are different so we are arriving at different conclusions. My honest question to those on the left…..do you even know that you are in a war? Or has that escaped you?

Another sign of the time is that there are new weapons being deployed by both sides. For instance, there is a new weapon for WE THE PEOPLE. A hard monetary asset that has arrived in the nick of time to assist humanity in this transitional period. For one of the most powerful weapons the Globalists use is a fiat money ponzi scheme that they can debase through endless printing or QE (to use a Keynsian phrase) and then unlawfully steal from humans using lawfare and deception to make it look like its normal and good for people to “pay their taxes”. Remember, the IRS is not the gov’t. They are a private, foreign-owned corporation that steals your money and uses lawfare and jurisdiction to fool you. We see what your doing. Your not fooling WE THE PEOPLE. Until Bitcoin, there was no way out for the average person to opt out of this rigged game, no matter their nation.

What will happen in 2024? Nobody knows for sure. Everyone I know is doing a sort of light-prepping. Keeping two or three months worth of dry goods, getting their bug-out list and plan ready, having some cash on hand. Making sure there’s ammo for your firearms, if that is your thing. My point? No matter your politics, people are feeling the need to look at worse-case scenarios and plan accordingly. A lot of this stuff is common sense and I know you all are aware of this and I trust you to be making preparations that work for you and your family.

You guys know that I really like interviewing authors, podcasters, thought-leaders. But I also like interviewing everyday heroes like my guest today. It helps me to find out what everyday people are dealing with. The challenges and victories that they are having.

Don’t ever forget that we are all on a Heroic Journey together. Each playing his or her part. Let‘s go find out my guest is doing to play her part and keep awake and alive in these strange, deceptive times we live in. Enjoy the interview.

Phoenix Bio

 My guest today goes by the name Phoenix, which is not her real name but a handle that she uses on the social protocol called NOSTR. Phoenix is a mother, a Bitcoiner, and freedomtech lover and Pleb. Her interest include technology, science, economics, futurism, and anything else she can research and verify. Phoenix is particularly concerned with the state of affairs in our nation, education, and the overall well being of the human species. Here is my interview with Phoenix.



E225: B is for Bitcoin with Special Guest Daz Bea


E225 Introduction

Before we get to our interview, I thought I would share a few memes with you as they have been piling up and I like to share these with you. Today’s theme is Bitcoin and freedom (two topics I am obviously crazy for).

The first one is from author and thought leader Jeff Booth, who says:

All of the noise is just a natural part of a slow and messy transition from a world of deception, fear and scarcity- to a world of truth, hope, and abundance, with every person understanding the transition at their own pace. #bitcoin The chaos only tells you how early you are!”

And a great one with a Terminator theme. It had young John Conner asking Arnold Swarzennegar “Did you come back to save the human race from machines? In which the Terminator responds “No, I’m here to buy Bitcoin on the cheap”. Love it!

And former US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard who simply states:

Bitcoin opens the door to freedom, opportunity, and individual empowerment.”

And one from one of my all-time heroes. The great George Carlin who says

Sooner of later the people in this country are going to realize that the government doesn’t give a shit about them. Government doesn’t care about you or your children, or your rights, or your welfare, or your safety. It simply doesn’t give a shit about you. Its only interested in its own power, keeping it and expanding it wherever possible.”

Aho, and lastly from Humble Bitcoiner who says

“If you know someone that didn’t take the jab and now they’re telling you about Bitcoin, you should probably listen.”

My guest today is Aussie who got up at the crack of dawn to meet with us. Let’s go sit around the fire with him and speak the truth. Enjoy.

Daz Bea Bio

My guest today Daz Bea. Daz is an author, a musician, an electrician with qualifications in electrical engineering, a husband and father of two, and (of course) a Bitcoiner. Here is my interview with Daz Bea.

E225 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Daz Bea as much as I did. To up your understanding of Bitcoin and start to turn a corner on it, get Daz‘s great book B is for Bitcoin, available on Amazon. Like I said, it fills a sweet spot for new Bitcoiners taking you from noob into a more intermediate understanding of many of the important aspects of the protocol and why each is important. And a great resource for you to better understand Bitcoin is www.lookingglasseducation.com. They have courses and deep dives to help the new and experienced Bitcoiner better understand this game-changing technology.


E207: A BTC Firestarter


E207 Introduction

Hello Basecampers, I hope you are all doing well. I have been recovering from Shingles. Still not completely up and running yet but making small improvements. Working on getting you a few more good episodes before going on a short hiatus for the Holidays. Already thinking a bit about 2024 and Season six. 2024 is going to be crazy man. I think anyone with even a sliver of intuition knows this. Good time to take things slow and steady my friend.

What a time to be alive, isn‘t it? You are seeing truth coming in like a wrecking ball, laying waste to everything build on lies and deception. It’s glorious. I am here for the changing of the guard. For the emergence of humanity out from under a dehumanizing, centrally controlled Globalist system with an obvious master/slave fetish.

I have some memes and then a short-format Firestarter about Bitcoin. Enjoy.

E205: Bitcoin vs. CBDC


E205 Introduction

Hello Basecampers. Today is Season Five’s last episode about Bitcoin. That might be a relief to some of you. Next season it will be on the docket again though. Why do I include these as part of the center of the Basecamp curriculum? Well, because it gives us maximum optionality, to use a concept that my guest is fond of.

Why do I love Bitcoin? It represents everything the state and the Globalists hate: freedom, sovereignty, optionality, self-responsibility, WE THE PEOPLE. They want us to continue to adopt systems with a centralized control structure. WE THE PEOPLE counter with decentralized money and systems that will drastically alter our future and the possibilities that await us.

Oh, it will take awhile to cleanse our souls of the taint of fiat money-its corruption, debasement, its massive wealth inequality, to mention just a few. But the more you study Bitcoin, the more it reveals itself as a great ally to humanity. A quiet warrior who snuck behind enemy lines to detonate a fucking bomb into systems that sought to centralize everything into a system meant to suffocate and suppress all human expression of individuality, joy, and personal freedom.

Did you know that the US Dollar has lost 97 percent of its purchasing power since 1913? Did you know that the dollar has lost 17 percent of its purchasing power in just the last 3 years alone? Something has to give.

Do you still think Bitcoin is a passing fad with no intrinsic value? Well, it has become the fastest asset to reach 1 trillion dollars To put it in perspective, it took Microsoft 44 years to reach 1 trillion in market cap. Apple took 42 years, Amazon 24 years, and Google 21 years. Bitcoin achieved this in just 12 years! And we haven’t even got to the institutional adoption yet that will just get accelerated with the spot ETF approval that looks to be heading our way in early 2024. Bitcoin looks like a loaded spring from where I sit. Do yourself and your family a favor and get off zero bro? Yes I’m talking to you. Don‘t stand around flat-footed wondering what is what. At this point, I think you have all the information you need.

Here are a few memes that relate to today’s show. One from Bitcoiner and visionary author Jeff Booth who says “Imagine watching what happens to other nations and their people as their currencies lost value yet failing to connect the dots to the consequences of it in your own country. Imagine.” 

And one from author Tom Clancy, who says “What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms, and killing people. It‘s not good at much else.”

And a longer one but illuminating. I don‘t know who posted this, undoubtedly some Libertarian but it says

125 years ago, you didn‘t have to ask permission form the government to: collect rain water, go fishing, own a property, start a business, build a home, get married, hunt, own a weapon, cut hair, sell a product, protest, sell food.

You can do virtually nothing without being extorted by the government and obtaining their permission first. If you still think you’re free, you‘re deluding yourself. You are just a free-range human living on a tax farm.”

And Jack Dorsey who simply says “Bitcoin changes absolutely everything.”

With these teeing up the episode, let’t get to our interview with Mark. Enjoy.

Mark Jeftovic Bio– My guest today is Mark Jeftovic. Mark is an author and thought leader, a contrarian investor, and the CEO of Easy DNS. Here is my interview with Mark Jeftovic.

E205 Final Thoughts 

I hope you all enjoyed that interview with Mark Jeftovic. Mark has a couple of promos for you. The first is from his company Easy DNS. For better domain registration and DNS hosting, go to Easy DNS and enter the code (all caps) BASECAMPFORMEN for 21% off.

And to subscribe to Mark’s excellent newsletter and receive a 50% discount, simply go to either www.bombthrower.com/basecamp or www.thebitcoincapitalist.com/ basecamp.

That is all for the show this week. Thank you Basecampers and we‘ll see you around the fire next week.