E220: Growing Our Courage with Special Guest

Cliff Buenavista


E220 Introduction

Today was a fun interview for me. Why? Because it is with an very old friend of mine. Someone who I used to sit at the pub with and talk philosophy, existentialism, God and Spirit, along with more mundane topics like who was better the Seahawks or the 49ers.

You know how fond I am of the Hero’s Journey (both individually and collectively). Not all my old drinking buddies have taken a particularly courageous path. No judgment. Just like we mention in this interview, many will be called, most will stay back in the Shire, to use a Lord of the Rings reference. Without a clear picture of the battle or even what is at stake. But the more heroic will answer the call and do whatever they can to assist humanity. These are the times we live in.

One of the questions to ask is this: Who do we need to be as men in these times? What is our most courageous path? What do I need to do in my next chapter? What does humanity and God need from me next?

My guest today is an old friend who has answered the call. What a blessing it is to know these Warriors and I am fortunate to talk to more and more of them on this show. I like to give the vibe in these discussions as two friends sitting around the fire talking about what is REALLY going on. And it is easy when you have known each other as long as I have know my guest today. Enjoy!

Cliff Buenavista Bio

My guest today is my good friend Cliff Buenavista. Cliff is a Christian, a husband and father of 2 children and is a project manager at Nvidia. Cliff has maintained his sobriety for nearly 4 years, a true Hero’s Journey. Here is my interview with Cliff Buenavista.

E220 Final Thoughts

Well I hope you enjoyed our time with Cliff as much as I did. Like I said, him and I go WAAAAAY back and have both taken the road less travelled. I hope you heard something today that inspired you and gives you courage on YOUR Hero’s Journey. And go get some swag at Stand Up Now Apparel, they are offering all you Basecampers a great deal with 10 % off and free shipping by simply using the code “basecamp”.

Thank you Basecampers and we‘ll see you around the fire next week.

E217: The 911 Red Pill w Special Guest Richard Gage


E217 Introduction

For many in the truther movement, 911 was the first of many red-pills. For some of us, the events of 911 looked “off” as in we could detect a grand deception of some sorts. But much of is was gut instinct and intuition. That is until the archetects and structural engineers started to analyze the date. Then their findings confirmed what the citizen journalist truthers had known all along: the official 911 narrative was a sham. A story that the Deep State desperately needed you to believe as they invaded Iraq for non-existent “weapons of mass destruction” remember that? And then went on to pass unconstitutional legislature such as the Patriot Act to spy on, surveil, search without cause, and strip Americans of their God-given rights in the name of “safety”. My question after all these years is who is keeping WE THE PEOPLE safe from these psychopaths? Hmm.

I rarely talk about 911. Not because it‘s controversial, I hardly think of it that way anymore. Because for me it is so obvious! But also we have all sorts of other deception going on right now that 911 seems a long time ago, doesn’t it? However, it still carries an AK-47 capacity to red pill whoever dares to look at the evidence with curiosity, discernment, common sense, and an ability to let go of any strong conditioning about our so-called leaders.

If you go into your investigations with anything close to a Zen Mind, Beginners Mind, I guarantee you will arrive at the exact same conclusions that we came to. Its about as obvious as 3rd grade math.

I have always wanted to do a proper episode on 911 as it was one of my important but many red-pill moments and events that make me who I am today. I hope you enjoy the episode!

Richard Gage Bio-

My guest today is San Francisco Bay area architect Richard Gage, AIA, member of the American Institute of Architects and founder & former  CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. He, along with his courageous wife Gail, continues to lead the charge toward a real investigation into the destruction of all 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11  at RichardGage911.org .


E214: Embracing the Mystery with Special Guest Vincenzo Falone


E214 Introduction

One of my goals when I started Basecamp was to invite the men who listen into a more mythic way of viewing themselves and their lives. Having been an initiate of the Mankind Projects’ New Warrior Training, I saw firsthand for myself and the men who I have been close with just how powerful and long-lasting the impact of this initiation was.

One of the core benefits (I believe) is that the weekend awakens something in the Soul of men. Something that stirs in our depths but is dormant until the right initiatory pulse awakens it. It’s the combination of a deep sense that you belong in the tribe of men along with a clear sense of purpose that is often missing in so many men I see.

Before being properly initiated, men can chase money and status and women as a way of measuring and validating themselves. I think deep down, most men know that this road is futile. But there are no other clear paths that are marked. There is just a faint trail and maybe the only man or men who you‘ve seen take it are different from you in some regards…. a bit more courageous perhaps? Maybe, but I think its more ready, more tired of the posturing, more tired of living without a clear purpose. More tired of their own bullshit and living from their shadow.

My guest today is also a product of the faint trail. You can hear it in his speech, in his vibration.

There is always an invitation to join us on a Warrior weekend. It doesn’t matter your age, race, socio-economic background, your sexual preference, the weekend was built for you. Yes you.

There is a long cherished saying in the men‘s community when it comes to this initiation: Men Are Waiting.Waiting for you to take the faint trial, waiting for you embrace the mysterious and the mythic, and waiting for you to trust the tribe of men to have your back. Enjoy the interview!

Vincenzo Falone Bio

My guest today is Vincenzo Falone. Vincenzo is a father, a longtime bodyworker and cranial sacral therapist in addition to being a Certified Co-Leader with the Mankind Project. Vincenzo is also the co-founder of The Center for Relaxation and Healing in Chatham NJ. Here is my interview with Vincenzo Falone.

E212: Radical Unschooling with Special Guest Dayna Martin


E212 Introduction

Hello Basecampers, I hope you are all doing well. We are back up and running the start of Season Six and man, what a year 2024 is going to be. Can you sense the excitement, tension, anxiety, anticipation in the air? It is like EVERYONE knows that shit is going to hit the fan this year. It’s like watching a giant, global chess match between fairly evenly matched opposing forces.

I took my family down to Phoenix before Christmas to attend Turning Point USA‘s America Fest. It was incredibly inspiring. The lineup had a “who’s who” of great Conservative and Libertarian speakers. Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk, Steve Bannon, Donald Trump Jr., Candace Owens, Vivek Ramaswamy, Kari Lake, James O’Keefe, as well as people that I had just become aware of like NBA star Jonathan Isaac and North Korean escapee Yeonmi Park. The narrative was uplifting. The vibe was one of inspired courage and commitment at this crossroad in our nation’s destiny.

I highly recommend attending this for anyone looking to get plugged in. One of the most inspiring things was seeing all the young people (college and even high school kids) in the audience. Our future. These young adults are strong in their values and know that we live in the greatest country in the world. They aren’t buying all this Marxist woke nonsense. And they can articulate all the reasons why. It gave me a sense of hope to see a generation behind me with such strong values and faith. These young people are unshakeable.

Another thing that stuck with me about America Fest was how Charlie Kirk said that 2024 would be the year he planned on working the hardest he has ever worked to help save the country he loves. Think about that. This is one of the hardest working Conservatives I know of. Bannon said more or less the same thing.

The message was loud and clear. We have incredible people on our side but the restoration of America is up to each and every one of us. We all have a role to play. 2024 will not be a year of complacency. It is a year of summoning your courage, finding your voice, and getting out of your comfort zone. We need good people to counter the onslaught of AI-driven fear and division.

Today’s guest is someone I was so pleased to meet and get to know. She is the author of a couple of books we’ll talk about. And she exemplifies the American spirit: smart, a good critical thinker, with a healthy dose of American rebel. Remember Basecampers, if the rebellious streak that runs through our DNA, that great American anti-authoritarian rebel spirit leaves the gene pool, how on earth will we summon courage for what we will face? For the rebel spirit and courage go hand in hand.

Let’s have a 2024 worthy of our American lineage and one that where we can all stand tall (no matter our political leanings), knowing we were in the fight to save our great country.

Let’s get to our first interview of Season Six. It’s a good one. Enjoy!

Dayna Martin Bio

Dayna Martin is an advocate, speaker, educator, and author of three books about parenting and homeschooling. Dayna been featured on The Dr. Phil Show, CNN, Nightline, 60 Minutes among others.

I caught up with her to chat about her book Radical Unschooling. We talked about changing the context that we educate our children with, and why freedom is so vital for our kids.

Here is my interview with Dayna Martin.

E210: The Two Jordan Firestarter


E210 Introduction

Hello Basecampers, we are coming down the finish line towards the end of Season five. I hope you have enjoyed the episodes this year. I will be doing today’s solo episode and we will finish with a few words and a Basecamp Classic on Dec. 5th.

I am sorry to report that the Secret Space Program episode is being bumped until early Season 6. It will likely be one of the first 3 or 4 episodes of next season, which has an arrival date of sometime in Feb. I know I promised the Space episode this season but I got railroaded with Shingles that really brought a halt to my ability to do research and write. Also, this is a serious topic and it will be new to many of you. I want to find the right sorts of inputs so that it will make a positive impact for you. Right now, that material is not ready to go.

Today, we have some memes, and then some short pieces by both Jordan Sather and Jordan Peterson. I guess I could have called this one the Two Jordan Firestarter. Hmm. Enjoy the episode.