E222: Passing the Torch with Special Guest Connor Macfarland


E222 Introduction

Many of you know that had a great time attending Charlie Kirk‘s America Fest in Phoenix this past December. It was so inspiring that I plan on going again this year.

One of the things that jumped out at me was how many young Conservatives and Libertarians were in the audience. Charlie puts them right up front as these young men and women are our future. To me, it’s really amazing to see them and talk to them as their values and principles run counter to what I see our public schools teaching here in Seattle (or any blue state for that matter). Seattle area schools are a mess with their obsession with all things woke-transgender ideology as young as you can slip it into the classrooms, endless pronouns meant to confuse further divide. No real American civics- no mention of the Constitution or Bill of Rights.

How many young people coming out of public school can even describe the Revolutionary War, the creation of our nation with the Declaration of Independence. Or why the Civil War was fought. I am not convinced high school seniors down the street can accurately describe any of this. And it’s really not their fault. They weren‘t taught it, were they?

How can a generation feel dignity and pride in their great nation when everything taught in government schools slanders and demeans its young citizens about who we are as nation and as a people?

We have come a long ways in just few short decades. When I went to high school 40 years ago, the whole nation was patriotic. Do you remember that? Yep, Democrat and Republicans alike. Hard to image that today. Ronald Reagan was President and carried every state but two. American was experiencing a renewal back in the 80’s and damn near everyone you spoke with was proud to be an American and all knew what an exceptional nation we lived in. When you spoke with new immigrants to our nation, they were excited and grateful to be given a chance to live in the “land of opportunity”. So many of them embodied the American Dream. Future generations did better than their predecessors.

What will happen if we don‘t turn around education? At this point, it may be best just to dismantle public education and their Unions and start from the ground up. They have been captured by Marxists/Communists pushing a radical Woke curriculum on the unsuspecting students. When you understand it, it’s pretty gross. Education in my view is too far gone to save. At this point, the students are better off not attending these government indoctrination camps. They will be smarter than all the woke kids who insist that there is no such thing as a man, no such thing as a woman. Most parents instinctively know this. Public schools no longer teach anything useful to the students. It’s basically a shitty babysitter where you get to see your friends a bit. If parents really knew, most would get them out of there asap. Seriously. It’s that bad Basecampers.

I may have shared this with you already. I don’t remember. To illustrate this, I had coffee with a friend not too long ago and he described what his son was doing in public high school. He had one book report his junior year and get this, it could be on a graphic novel! Are you kidding me? One book report for the whole year and it can be on a comic book! Oye vay.

You know what is a good way to dumb down kids? Don’t have them read or write and don’t teach them anything useful. Add to that no actual American civics and you have a whole generation who can’t navigate, critically think, or add anything of value to society.

Thankfully, parents are waking up and pushing back. There is a sense of urgency with this as we have future generations who are counting on us to turn the ship around.

I don’t get a chance to speak with many college students, so this was a special treat for me. Let’s go connect with our guest today, a young man stepping into his leadership at Liberty University. Enjoy the interview.

Connor Macfarland Bio

Connor Macfarland is the National Development Director for College Republicans of America and is studing Business Administration with a focus on Entrepreneurship at Liberty University. He’s focused on expanding the organization and connecting with conservatives across the country.

E222 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Connor as much as I did. Go get yourself some patriotic gear at our sponsor Stand Up Now Apparel at www.standupnowapparel.com Thank you Basecampers and we‘ll see you around the fire next week.