E205: Bitcoin vs. CBDC


E205 Introduction

Hello Basecampers. Today is Season Five’s last episode about Bitcoin. That might be a relief to some of you. Next season it will be on the docket again though. Why do I include these as part of the center of the Basecamp curriculum? Well, because it gives us maximum optionality, to use a concept that my guest is fond of.

Why do I love Bitcoin? It represents everything the state and the Globalists hate: freedom, sovereignty, optionality, self-responsibility, WE THE PEOPLE. They want us to continue to adopt systems with a centralized control structure. WE THE PEOPLE counter with decentralized money and systems that will drastically alter our future and the possibilities that await us.

Oh, it will take awhile to cleanse our souls of the taint of fiat money-its corruption, debasement, its massive wealth inequality, to mention just a few. But the more you study Bitcoin, the more it reveals itself as a great ally to humanity. A quiet warrior who snuck behind enemy lines to detonate a fucking bomb into systems that sought to centralize everything into a system meant to suffocate and suppress all human expression of individuality, joy, and personal freedom.

Did you know that the US Dollar has lost 97 percent of its purchasing power since 1913? Did you know that the dollar has lost 17 percent of its purchasing power in just the last 3 years alone? Something has to give.

Do you still think Bitcoin is a passing fad with no intrinsic value? Well, it has become the fastest asset to reach 1 trillion dollars To put it in perspective, it took Microsoft 44 years to reach 1 trillion in market cap. Apple took 42 years, Amazon 24 years, and Google 21 years. Bitcoin achieved this in just 12 years! And we haven’t even got to the institutional adoption yet that will just get accelerated with the spot ETF approval that looks to be heading our way in early 2024. Bitcoin looks like a loaded spring from where I sit. Do yourself and your family a favor and get off zero bro? Yes I’m talking to you. Don‘t stand around flat-footed wondering what is what. At this point, I think you have all the information you need.

Here are a few memes that relate to today’s show. One from Bitcoiner and visionary author Jeff Booth who says “Imagine watching what happens to other nations and their people as their currencies lost value yet failing to connect the dots to the consequences of it in your own country. Imagine.” 

And one from author Tom Clancy, who says “What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms, and killing people. It‘s not good at much else.”

And a longer one but illuminating. I don‘t know who posted this, undoubtedly some Libertarian but it says

125 years ago, you didn‘t have to ask permission form the government to: collect rain water, go fishing, own a property, start a business, build a home, get married, hunt, own a weapon, cut hair, sell a product, protest, sell food.

You can do virtually nothing without being extorted by the government and obtaining their permission first. If you still think you’re free, you‘re deluding yourself. You are just a free-range human living on a tax farm.”

And Jack Dorsey who simply says “Bitcoin changes absolutely everything.”

With these teeing up the episode, let’t get to our interview with Mark. Enjoy.

Mark Jeftovic Bio– My guest today is Mark Jeftovic. Mark is an author and thought leader, a contrarian investor, and the CEO of Easy DNS. Here is my interview with Mark Jeftovic.

E205 Final Thoughts 

I hope you all enjoyed that interview with Mark Jeftovic. Mark has a couple of promos for you. The first is from his company Easy DNS. For better domain registration and DNS hosting, go to Easy DNS and enter the code (all caps) BASECAMPFORMEN for 21% off.

And to subscribe to Mark’s excellent newsletter and receive a 50% discount, simply go to either www.bombthrower.com/basecamp or www.thebitcoincapitalist.com/ basecamp.

That is all for the show this week. Thank you Basecampers and we‘ll see you around the fire next week.

E202 Keeping Our Humanity with Special Guest Elisa E


E202 Introduction

Keeping our humanity. This seems to be a recurring theme with each and every guest I speak with. If you are even half-awake, you have no doubt noticed some disturbing signs in your city and town.

The homelessness and addiction. The pervasive mental health issues amongst every demographic group. The creeping sense of dread as if we are bracing for something……monumental and perhaps epoch defining. And collectively, we seem to have a combination of amnesia (as in we don’t really know our own Divinity or Soul’s Journey) and mid-level anxiety and fear that have become the water we are swimming in. Most of the people I observe looked frayed. As in torn and frayed. Those that took the jab are as my friend Mark Jeftovic has expressed “feeling like I have a ticking time bomb inside of me.”

And then there’s the lies and deception that are pushed at us daily. What does it do to the Soul to never be told the truth about anything important? How do we not only survive the toxic enslaught but learn to transmute and transcend the lead into gold? How do we not only survive but come out stronger, more aligned with the Light of the Christ, and more clear in our path together? These are the steps we are learning together. I am in this with all of you.


Before we get to the interview, I have a couple of quotes from my guests website to help tee this one up.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edward Burke

“There is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.”John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States of America, 7 days before his assassination in 1963.

Enjoy the interview.

Elisa E Bio

Elisa E is a survivor of MK Ultra programming born in New Jersey in the early 1960’s. Her story crosses the MK Ultra trauma-based programming of that era and runs into the technological advancements in the 1990’s. As a survivor and support person to other survivors, she chose to update her books in 2022 as a witness to what is occurring globally since late 2019. Her insights remain important du to the eyes to see and ears to hear beyond the narrative and into the esoteric agenda she has lived through. Here is my interview with Elisa E.

E202 Final Thoughts-

I so enjoyed this conversation and I appreciate Elisa‘s insights and courage to come onto Basecamp to share. In fact, when we were done recording, I immediately had a slew of new questions for her. We are talking one-to-one this week and hopefully, we’ll find a way to do a Part 2 of this sometime soon.

Her book is Our Life Beyond MK Ultra and you can find it on independent bookseller LogoSophia Books. A great opportunity to give your dollars to an independent business and not Amazon. They are at LogoSophiaBooks.com.

And the great Rudolph Steiner. A true visionary and mystic. One of our best. He was such a  prolific writer! One can spend a whole lifetime studying Steiner and still only scratch the surface, it seems. Essential material. You can Google Anthroposophy Rudolph Steiner and find lots of reading material.Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.



E200: A Basecamp Retrospective


E200 Introduction

Today’s show is E200 and a bit of a landmark episode for me. When I was originally chosen to host a show for men way back in early 2019, I had no idea I would still be doing this well into our fifth season. It goes to show you how mysterious the Divine is and how mysterious our own Hero’s Journeys are if we surrender to higher, more powerful currents than our own.

As I was fumbling my way through season one, I heard a small, clear voice. One I have come to recognize as my Higher Self or the Divine within me. Or God whispering to me. It simply said “Do 200 high quality episodes. That is your task.” I accepted.

When I shared this story with my teenage son Lucas, he asked me “what are going to do after EP 200?”. I said “Do episode #201, of course!”I love doing this and I have found this to be a medium of creativity that really suits my particular creative strengths and it aligns with my mission to assist humanity.

As I was reflecting back on the first five seasons, a few things jumped out at me. First, BFM started out as strictly a personal development show for men. This was tapping into my own experience as the author of a humble little book for men and the fact that I had long led small men‘s groups throughout my time as a man. Conversations with men and leading men was something that came natural to me.

But as we moved moved through season one and beyond, my love of myth, mysticism, and transcendence began to be expressed in more and more episodes. I started to recognize God’s hand in my choice of guests and topics. I began to deeply understand that I was simply a vehicle and it was the work of God that was asking to write the episodes speak to the people…..enjoy the look back and thank you listeners!



E189: Happy Birthday Lady Liberty!


E189 Introduction

Today is Independence Day. Our nation’s birthday. Why am I doing this episode? Because I love America, I really always have. Even while I was being educated at university to be ashamed of her by thinkers like Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn, who were extremely fond of pointing out America’s mistakes (and in retrospect, many of the things they were pointing out were operations of the Globalist CIA and were not connected to the American Republic or WE THE PEOPLE.

Today I am using The President’s Advisory 1776 Report and putting together this Independence Day Firestarter. I hope you enjoy it.


E187: Gatekeepers and Bitcoin with Special Guest

Nozomi Hayase


E187 Introduction

Let’s see, I thought I would start off with a little overview of some of the next few episodes we have coming up. I have a good interview with Ole Dammegard, one of the most famous of all truthers out there. We will be unpacking what is going on in this spiritual war that we all find ourselves in. I have an upcoming episode with Sophie Maclean, who has a new book coming out. Sophie knows more about the human mind and human heart than just about anyone I know. Both Ole and Sophie are return guests.

And I am working on a July 4th episode, a special solo episode around my love of our great nation. July 4th happens to fall on a Tuesday this year so there is some synchronicity to that one.

Today is a bit of a hybrid episode. The topic is Bitcoin and my guest is Bitcoiner and writer Nozomi Hayase. But I wanted to read you a short piece by thought leader Jimmy Song first. This article first appeared in Bitcoin Magazine and the topic of this article and the latest issue of Bitcoin Magazine is gatekeepers. Enjoy Basecampers.

Nozomi Hayase Bio

Nozomi Hayase, Ph.D., is a prolific writer in the Bitcoin space with a background in psychology and human development. She is a contributing writer for Bitcoin Magazine. She focuses on Bitcoin’s incentives and its psychological and philosophical implications. In her independent publishing platform, “The Way of the Heart“,  she explores the Bitcoin rabbit hole experience as a cultural phenomenon that fosters profound individual transformations. Here is my interview with Nozomi Hayase.

E187 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed my interview with Nozomi Hayase. To follow her work on Twitter, follow her at @nozomimagine. Thank you Basecampers and we‘ll see you around the fire next week.