E253: Battlefield Addiction with Special Guest Art Dahlen


E253 Introduction

Today is a bit of a hybrid episode. I have a great guest on, someone who has walked the talk in regard to addiction and recovery and has started an organization that is truly helping addicts recover by putting families first and offering tough love and accountability rather than enabling a victim mentality and this jives with us here at Basecamp. Taking responsibility for one’s life is tried and true methodology that consistently produces results, as you will hear in our discussion.

But we are also on top of a monumental election that has both sides and anyone stuck in the middle nervous. What is coming our way? There are many interesting possibilities at play. A grand 5D chess game between two opponents who seem to know each other and what moves their adversary might make.

And I am not talking about D vs. R. God, we are WAY past that rudimentary understanding of this, aren’t we Basecampers. All of the rabbit holes lead to the Truth at this point. Go ahead, dive down. You will end up right here where we are at.

Like I said, I have this great interview but I needed something more. After all, the nation is bracing itself, is it not?

Then I found a great piece about the Trump-Joe Rogan conversation that Burning Bright put out on Substack. It fits perfectly. Burning Bright, I hope you don’t mind me turning your excellent piece into a episode here. I will credit you here and at the end. I take no credit for this piece about DJT and Rogan. Although I wish I would have written it. Enjoy the episode.

Art Dahlen Bio

My guest today is Art Dahlen. Art is the founder and visionary behind Battlefield Addiction. Art has over 13 years of experience as a highly effective family and recovery coach, having guided thousands of families and individuals through strategic interventions that result in long-term recovery. Here is my interview with Art Dahlen.

E252: The Way of the Soul with Special Guest Dr. James Hollis


E252 Introduction

Today‘s episode is a special one for me as I get to speak with someone so well versed in depth psychology and the way of the Soul. To me, these interviews have a timeless quality to them as my guest and I talk about life’s most important questions and how a brave and sensitive Soul might go about navigating these questions and finding a true path for oneself.

We seem to be in the midst of a profound collective identity crisis. And I believe it is a calling back to Soul itself that will most help humanity emerge with new perspectives, new life, and a renewed sense of vitality and purpose. Turbulent times seem to guide and prod us to find our deepest resources within.

Before we get to our excellent guest, I wanted to read you a passage from one of his 19 books.

As children we suffer the wounds of too-muchness or not-enoughness, feeling overwhelmed or abandoned, and wind up adapting our Souls to protect our wounds.

What a difference it would make in the life of the child, and of the whole world, if the parent could repeatedly, sincerely, say ‘You are brought into life by nature having all you need. You have a great force, a great spirit, a great energy within.

Trust it, stay in contact with it, and it will always lead you towards what is right for you.”

Profound words from a very wise man. Enjoy the interview.

Dr. James Hollis Bio-

My guest today is renowned author and teacher Dr. James Hollis. Dr. Hollis is the author of nineteen books (soon to be 20) and is a Washington DC-based Jungian analyst and speaker. Here is my interview with Dr. James Hollis.


E249: The Inverted Hero’s Journey with Special Guest

Simon Esler


E249 Introduction

Well I did something that I rarely do on Basecamp. Turn an interview with an excellent guest into a two-parter. I have tried (in vain) to keep my episodes to 45 minutes or so. In the early seasons, 30 minutes was the norm. Now, as you know, it is often 45-60 minutes.

However, I don’t want  to go over an hour. If I am honest, I would love to get back to 30 minute episodes but I am following God’s plan for my guests and how long the episodes will be.

In Part one with my guest, we get into the power of rituals and rites of passage (something near and dear to me); the power of homeschooling and unschooling (something more and more parents are looking into these days); and how humanity’s enemy is using inversion tactics including an inverted Hero‘s Journey to capture the minds and hearts of our young people.

I always love sitting around the fire with a bright mind and today’s guest is certainly one of them. Enjoy the episode

Simon Esler Bio

My guest today is Simon Esler. Simon is a committed defender of families & the lost art of free thought. Simon has been an actor, an ordained minister and mindfulness entrepreneur which led him to becoming a professional content creator & independent filmmaker. His website, www.simonesler.com, hosts an array of films, series and resources focused on leveraging the pressures of modern war to foster personal growth and collective resilience.

E249 Final Thoughts

I hope you all enjoyed Part 1 with Simon Esler. In part two next week, we get into 5th Generation Warfare, the anti-children/anti-innocence culture that we find ourselves in and is this by design. We also cover the taboo topic of pedophilia and what sort of future is this all leading too? Thank you Basecampers and we‘ll see you around the fire next week.




E247: We Welcome Kennedy Liberals

with Special Guest Pamela Garfield Jaeger


E247 Introduction

When I had Dr. Mark McDonald on recently, he touched on something that really resonated with me. That traditional liberals (Kennedy liberals) and conservatives actually have a ton in common. That it is really the radical left that is causing the rift with their Marxist ideas of hate America, hate individual freedom, transgenderism and other weird notions disconnected from reality. The leftists, not to be confused with Kennedy liberals, are distorting the real dynamic by using the bullhorn of mainstream media and social media to drown out and attempt to suffocate any unity between conservatives and Kennedy liberals.

Sure, there are differences between these two sides but it is not a gulf. It is a stream that we can cross together, I believe.

These bridge-building episodes have been some of my favorites over the past two or three seasons and maybe my most important ones. I like to think that, even though I am a FORMER Kennedy liberal and I now embrace more libertarian and conservative values, my listeners can still hear my stand for humanity. And if Kennedy liberals and conservatives have much common ground, then this is the group that I want to speak to. Because if these two meet across the small stream we need to cross, then our best days in America are still ahead of us, despite the noise coming from the far left bunkers. Let’s keep finding common ground Basecampers, shall we?

I just love talking with my guest today as you can probably tell. Enjoy the interview.




E245: On Being a Man with Special Guest

Dr. Mark McDonald


E245 Introduction

As many of you know (and by the title of this show), this podcast started out as a show and a resource for men as they navigate their lives and their Hero’s Journey. As many of you know, one of my big transformations in life was from a nice guy, people-pleasing liberal into a rough-and-tumble, masculine Warrior Dog. I am only half-kidding. Today, I am man who is comfortable in his masculinity and in his own skin. This was done through my own initiation that I have talked about plenty, especially in those first episodes.

But over the years, something happened with the show. God was asking me to expand my repertoire of topics to include, well, all of the topics you have come to listen to over the years. Everything from the war with the Deep State to the truth about Covid and vaccines to ET’s to Bitcoin and everything in between. I have done my best to always try to show a through line and a Hero’s Journey or Awakening that was and is unfolding. God was picking the subjects and the guests, I was riding shotgun with microphone and ears and heart as open as I could manage.

With that being said, today’s is a bit of a throwback and I am grateful to do this one. I don’t talk about men and the state of masculinity as much as I did 10-15-20 years ago. I have taken my place in the narrative war as a voice of truth and a stand for courage, freedom, and strength in my tribe, humanity.

Today‘s episode is another with Dr. Mark McDonald and we break out Jack Donovan’s The Way of Men to talk about being a man today and what is at stake (for men, women, and children). What is the difference between being a good man/nice guy and being good at being a man? We’ll explore this in depth.

The world will always need strong, courageous men. And thankfully, we still have them. Men like my guest today. I have done many episodes to build bridges for the left……today may not one of them. Enjoy the interview!

Dr. Mark McDonald Bio

My guest today is Dr. Mark McDonald. Mark is trained in both adult and child and adolescent psychiatry at UCLA, he now works primarily with children in private practice in west Los Angeles. His opinions on topics such as the need to re-open America’s schools, and the pandemic of fear in the United States today, have been widely published in local and national news, including the Wall Street Journal and The Federalist.

He is the author of both United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis AND Freedom From Fear: A 12 Step Guide to Individual and National Recovery.

Dr. McDonald also publishes a podcast with Dr. Jeff Barke called Informed Dissent.

You can find Dr. Mark at https://dissidentmd.com/

Here is my interview with Dr. Mark McDonald.