E239: Truth is Awakening Us with Special Guest

Dr. Mark McDonald


E239 Introduction

One thing I have noticed in this fog of war is that voices that carry truth act as a bell for awakening those that are destined to awaken. You can hear the clarity and strength in them and they give us hope and courage, and carry the future of humanity.

On the other side of truth and humanity is the Globalists using the ideas of Karl Marx, a man who HATED humanity and all that we stand for. Marxist ideas are everywhere (in our schools and universities, in Hollywood, in our government and corporations, and certainly in our media) and you will recognize them by the insanity, hatred, division, and confusion they always create in an unsuspecting population. 

Today’s interview is a good one. We cover what exactly is happening in our government run schools? Should parents of young children pull them out for an alternate way of educating them? What is going on with all the transgenderism? What is behind it all? Could all of this be a Marxist-induced mass psychosis? How can we know? How do we navigate all this and keep our sanity?

We also cover why the left is so triggered by President Trump. Hint……he is an unapologetically STRONG male figure. And this triggers women and weak men alike. Strong individuals (both men and women) tend to recognize and appreciate President Trump’s strong leadership.

It’s not that he is without flaws. We have never implied that. Only that his clarity and strength, masculinity, and LOVE of this country are what is needed for this nation right now. In my opinion, there is no second best.

Come sit around the fire with a guest who really embodies truth and clarity right now. Enjoy the interview.

Mark McDonald Bio 

My guest today is Dr. Mark McDonald. Mark is trained in both adult and child and adolescent psychiatry at UCLA, he now works primarily with children in private practice in west Los Angeles. His opinions on topics such as the need to re-open America’s schools, and the pandemic of fear in the United States today, have been widely published in local and national news, including the Wall Street Journal and The Federalist.

 He is the author of both United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis AND Freedom From Fear: A 12 Step Guide to Individual and National Recovery.

Dr. McDonald also publishes a podcast with Dr. Jeff Barke called Informed Dissent. Here is my interview with Dr. Mark McDonald.

E239 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our conversation as much as I did. I hope to have him back on soon to take a look at some other important issues. I love how Mark pointed out that liberals and conservatives actually hold very similar views on many important issues and that it’s the radical left and their activists that are opposing all of us. Interesting dynamic, isn’t it?

You can find his excellent content on www.dissidentmd.com and his podcast with Dr. Jeff Barke is Informed Dissent.


E238: Basecamp Classics


E238 Introduction

It seems we have crossed a rubicon with the Trump assassination attempt. As in things are about to get REAL INTERESTING for everyone regardless of political affiliation. Personally I was reading on the wires for weeks and months that there would be a FAILED assassination attempt on President Trump. It is one of the markers in the military game theory that is playing out before our eyes. It seems everything they do to Trump makes him stronger, doesn’t it? His following grows as they have attempted everything: impeachment, character assassination, indictment, arrest, trial, and now an attempt on his life.

The left looks disheveled. They are stuck wishing the CIA/Deep State had succeeded in murdering a President, a Patriot, a father because the MSM has told them incessantly that he is dangerous to them. Yet, they can’t express that or they look like a shell of a human, void of morality, brainwashed by the Marxist/Globalist enemies of our true tribe, which is WE THE PEOPLE and humanity. It must be a sort of nightmare for the left, who look flat-footed, spouting off tired old fake news/ Mockingbird Media sound bites about President Trump and his loyal band of America First patriots.

One of the interesting things that came through the fog of war is that the MSM was not reporting it as an assassination attempt. They all said that he had fallen and scraped his ear. Even thought there were hundreds of videos taken that captured the gunfire and Trump coming up off the ground, surrounded by Secret Service with blood running from his ear and down his face. None of the video evidence is hard to find, its ubiquitous. Think about that for a second. An assassination attempt on President Trump and YOUR news source, what YOU rely on to shape your understanding of things, tells you he merely fell. Are you starting to see why the Mockingbird Fake News can’t be trusted. They are LYING to you constantly.

Well I have been preparing a solo episode and a couple of great interviews coming up but I just wasn’t happy with the finished product. Not yet anyways. I will get this one to you soon. I like to save the Basecamp Classics, reruns of episodes I feel are top shelf, when I get in a pinch and I try to only do one per quarter. Today is the day.

I tried to pick one that fit with the news of the day and may give you some inspiration and insight. We are going to make it through the fog of war Basecampers. We keep ticking off markers that show us that things are moving in our direction. Things are likely to get pretty chaotic in the coming weeks and months. Our strength is in our fellowship, standing in our values, knowing who we are as WE THE PEOPLE and that we represent something to the world as Americans. It is our divine right to stand against tyranny and the totalitarian dreams of petty Marxists who are no match for us.

Today is a Basecamp Classic from back in Season Four titled My Favorite F-Word, which is FREEDOM, of course. Enjoy the Classic and we’ll see you around the fire next week.


E234: The Rabbit that Hunts Tigers


E234 Introduction

Hello Basecampers, I hope you are all doing well. Today is a short format episode, a Firestarter as I call them. Which simply means a solo episode that is relatively short compared to my normal 30-45 minute episodes.

Today’s title is The Rabbit That Hunts Tigers. What is the rabbit that hunts tigers? It‘s truth, of course and this little bugger is bagging all sorts of big game lately, hasn’t he? This is a good time to revisit what is happening with the military psy-op known as Q and the citizen journalist Anon movement that followed in its wake.

I will be using Erik Carlson’s article “Why Did Q Stop Posting?” along with my own thoughts, naturally. Enjoy the episode.

E233: The Independent-Minded American


E233 Introduction

A liberal friend of mine (yes I still have one, maybe two) texted me before the President Trump verdict. Now this friend fully has Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) . He has clearly lost all objectivity when it comes to this man. He gets his news from CNN and MSNBC and damn it, he’s right about President Trump.

He texted me that this is a historic day and if Trump isn‘t sentenced and imprisoned, it is the end of the world as we know it. Oye vay. I didn‘t have the heart to tell him that I hardly paid ANY attention to the trial and that it won’t make one iota of difference in the election or the direction of the nation. I paid about as much attention to the Trump shenanigans as I did Jan 6th. That is to say, next to zero. Both of these “historic events” to quote the MSM, were (as usual for them) simply noise meant to distract.

Donald Trump will be sentenced to a million years in prison and all of this so that they can refer to him as “Convicted Felon Donald Trump”. Ok. Do you really think that changes the destiny of America? Do you think the Globalists/Marxist win because of this illusory victory? Apparently some on the left think so. It’s pretty comical to me. But then again, I am not the one triggered.

Today I have the pleasure of sitting around the fire with a veteran and independent-minded American. We talk about what our experience was like during Covid, viewing things as an critical-thinker and independent, and our perspectives on President Trump (both as a man and as Commander in Chief). We proudly represent the other side of TDS. Enjoy the interview.

E232: Addiction and Faith


E232 Introduction

The different stories around addiction has been one of the recurring themes throughout the seasons here on Basecamp. Why? Well, because yours truly has participated in this particular Hero’s Journey.

As the host of this show, I keep my eye out for courageous and inspiring people from all walks of life. Since the MSM will only tell its version of what are as humans. And their version seems to be that as a species we are weak, violent, dependent victims who need others to tell us what to do and how to go about it.

I feel it is my duty to consistently present MY version of humanity, which is filled with love, respect, courage, and fellowship. We will always be presented in a false light by those in mainstream media. Why? Because they don’t want us united and inspired and proud. They don’t want us to living with dignity and walking in the Light with one another. If they truly wanted these things for us, then you would find much different stories about us in the newspapers and on the television, would you not?

Since they won‘t tell a true version of our collective Hero’s Journey, then it is up to us humble writers and podcasters to share our story with each other and future generations. And if you ever hear people saying things like “humans are just shitty by nature” or “we are the reason everything is going to shit” and they refuse to acknowledge our enemy or the war we have been immersed in, I challenge you to correct them (as I do). For this attitude towards our fellow humans show the depth of indoctrination in a deeply anti-human narrative and one that is constantly and consistently pushed in our faces by the bullhorns of MSM.

Today we sit down with another courageous human and one from Kenya! I hope you can hear our common ground and that we are both warriors for Team Human. Enjoy the interview.

Ruth Njagi Bio-

My guest today is Ruth Njagi. Ruth is based in Nairobi Kenya and is the founder of A Second Chance Consults, an organization doing excellent work in the area of sexual addiction and recovery. She is an author and speaker and is passionate about helping facilitate healing for people lost in addiction.  Here is my interview with Ruth Njagi.