E3: Being Bold in Times of Change with Special Guest Lisa Rezac


E3 Introduction

Hello my listeners and welcome to EP #3 of The American Pulse. For decades, Americans have struggled to make sense of why political systems and decision making rarely, if ever, reflected the best interests of WE THE PEOPLE. Good everyday Americans were misled at every step. Each bit of depressing news about our great nation seamed INTENTIONALLY to demoralize a confused and unsuspecting populace.

With decades of entrenched power comes a level of corruption that is mind-boggling as we are finding out every day. It turns out that both parties have had political structures built to serve only the centralized elites. In other words, the political structures (up until the November elections) were always meant to keep the riff-raff, the “useless eaters” as the Globalists are so fond of calling us, out of positions of perspective and influence. The whole game was meant to keep WE THE PEOPLE resigned, cynical, and disempowered.

Even here in King County, where the dynamics of the so-called “two party system” revealed an entrenched and corrupt “Uniparty” that marched to the same pied piper (in this state, everyone knows the  pied piper is Bill Gates) regardless of which party they claimed loyalty to. The corruption was and is real. President Trump has said repeatedly that he is giving power back to the people. And this power back to the people includes centrists and Kennedy liberals, if they can time to see a bigger picture. Ironic, isn’t it?

EVERYTHING of what I just said has changed. We have entered into a new phase in American History. And there will be a New Republican Party that will be reborn out of this radical transparency and honesty that we see as the new normal. The seeds are being planted and we will, with care and fellowship with all Americans see a bright new day fulfill the American dream. Too high-falutin? I don”t think so. I believe we are in a new 1776 moment that is and will capture the imagination of any American willing to look at things with an open mind.

Our leader now and for the foreseeable future is President Trump. We will to take our cues from him. Is he holding back truth to try and appease confused Republicans or the Woke Left? No, he is not.

Fortune favors the bold my fellow Americans and this is a golden opportunity, with the wind at our sails, to do just that. Americans have always done well when we are optimistic, bold, inventive. We do better when we honor God, our country, our ancestors and love and protect our God-given freedoms. I believe more Americans are finding their bearings again.

Let’s get to our sponsor and our interview. I decided to air the 2nd part of this interview first as I think it flows with where we are at a bit better. Enjoy the interview.

Lisa Rezac Bio

My guest today is Lisa Rezac. Lisa is a mother, a fundraising auctioneer, and the newly elected Vice-Chairwoman of the KCGOP. She is also my wife and life-partner for the past three decades. Here is my interview with Lisa Rezac.



E1: The American Pulse with Tony Rezac


E1 Introduction

Hello welcome to The American Pulse, I’m your host Tony Rezac. This is the show that seeks to listen, express, and amplify the voice of the American people, no matter where you live in this great nation. We are unabashedly pro-humanity, pro-freedom, and pro-America. Welcome and let’s get started! 

What a time to be alive, isn’t it? Have you noticed? There has been a battle for the Soul of America and who wins this war will impact our children, our grandchildren, and future generations as far as the eye can see.

That is why ordinary Americans, WE THE PEOPLE, as I’m fond of saying have heard the call and risen to the occasion.

Who am I? My name is Tony Rezac and I am the creator, producer, and host of the long-running podcast Basecamp for Men. And I am honored and humbled to be your host here at The American Pulse.

This show will amplify what is going to at the grassroots level. What ordinary people-men and women from all walks of life, are seeing and talking about what is going on in this country. We will also highlight where we need more involvement. Ways that YOU can make a positive difference in this American Renewal that is unfolding.

Conservatives, Libertarians, Centrists, and Kennedy liberals. We want to talk to and understand all. For in our view, we have much more in common than the MSM would have us believe. It is only the divisive and nasty Marxist/Globalists rhetoric with their dystopian dream of a One World Government and all the noise you hear around this that creates confusion in the human race.

We will offer a clear, heart-felt, and honest expression of what Americans dream of and what stands in our way. There has been many of us that have been beat down and disenfranchised by politics as usual. There has been a cynicism and resignation that has crept into the American Soul. But this is not our way, is it?

On the American Pulse, we will carry a different message from a different frequency. One that will show us, with God’s good grace, how we can restore our country and, with it, ourselves and our families.

There are going to be rapid-fire changes in the months ahead. The American Pulse will be here to help cut through the confusion.

Thank you for giving The American Pulse a listen. If you love the show, please go give us a positive review on Apple podcasts. 2025 here we come!

E263: Honoring the Soul’s Journey with Special Guest Katie Webster


E263 Introduction

Well, we posted out the trailer for the new show I am writing, producing, and hosting called The American Pulse. We put the trailer right on the Basecamp live feed as our American Pulse feed is still being built. The first three episodes are scheduled to drop sometime late next week or maybe even on the weekend. We’ll see.

I absolutely LOVED speaking with my guest today. A fellow seeker who has a deep interest in relationships, men, depth psychology, and myth and meaning. Right up our ally, right Basecamper? Let’s get right to it, shall we?

Katie Webster Bio

My guest today is Katie Webster. Katie is Transformational Men’s Coach, a Confidant to the Wild Man, a Bitcoiner, and a student of the Mystery. Here is my interview with Katie Webster.


E250: The War on Innocence with Special Guest Simon Esler


E250 Introduction

Of all the issues that our world faces, there is perhaps no greater indicator of enemy and intent than the war on children and on innocence itself.

It’s interesting to note that citizen journalists have reported over 300,000 missing children from our border. Think about that! From the MSM, it has been fucking CRICKETS. No surprise there as they have been running cover for this for decades, haven”t they? 300,000 missing little ones and the Globalists have nothing to share with WE THE PEOPLE. Why not? Well, the CIA Mockingbird media work for our adversary and they exist to keep you in the dark. You know this already.

Do you think this number is exaggerated? By how much? Can you see the flawed logic? “There hasn’t been 300K, it has ONLY been 100k, or 80K, or 50K” Are you following me? Which is the acceptable number of missing children at our wide open southern border? Is there a number that is acceptable? To what ends?

In addition to gagging on this big old red pill is something even more insidious and clever. It is the war on innocence itself. This is directly impacting a whole generation or generation and a half. Kids are not left alone anymore, do you notice that? There seems to be no time in government indoctrination camps for innocent and imaginative play. Kids are hollered at to hurry up at lunch, where they are given 20 minutes total for lunch (which really amounts to 10 minutes with their friends). I witnessed this horrific ritual at our public school. The kids are not honored, not on a soul level. Everything is about obedience and compliance. The kids are not thriving, that much is crystal clear.

I had coffee with a new friend today and he talked about how great some of the public schools were when we were kids. And they were. There was a respect for country and a true desire to equip young people with math and reading and civics and even some critical thinking skills. All that has been pushed aside for Marxist ideology, Paulo Freire , and their woke, social justice nonsense. Every kid needs to be force-fed transgenderism. You know, in case they are confused. Kids are being dumbed down. I can’t say it with any more clarity than that.

This conflict has parents on one side and the Marxists/Communists on the other. Ask yourself this: Which side is fighting for kids and their innocence? Which side is fighting for more state-controlled indoctrination with its mandatory obedience and compliance.? Why do Communist and Marxist educators want to produce dumbed down kids who only spout THEIR ideas and agenda? Is there an agenda to produce a dumbed down populace? Hmm.

To quote the author and thought-leader Jimmy Song:

Universities are useful idiot factories.”

Aho. Not to mention our public schools. I remember reading that author and three-time New York teacher of the year John Taylor Gatto and said that homeschool kids will end up way smarter and better off than your average public school kid. I wasn“t 100 percent sure what he meant 20 years ago. Boy, I sure know now and so do you. People are leaving public schools in droves. It’s a dying institution as more and more parents are realizing that keeping them away from Marxists who don’t like humanity is actually a way better option than subjecting their little ones to anymore of this nonsense.

Let’s renew a sense of innocence, both in ourselves and in the imaginative play of our kids. It is my belief that humans of all ages can carry a child-like curiosity and joy for life without sacrificing street smarts. The Communists/Globalists are counting on us abandoning this super power. We will not. It only takes a small band of parents and kids to say that we will live with our innocence and divinity intact, despite the attacks for us to win. And win we shall.

Today’s interview is Part 2 with the excellent Simon Esler. Enjoy our conversation!

E250 Final Thoughts

Well, we have a big election coming up, don’t we. It feels as if almost anything can happen, doesn’t it? People are waking up….lots of people. Is it enough to move us positively into our next golden chapter? Do we need to go around and around the Marxist toilet bowl and few more years. God, I hope not. Personally, I can’t handle seeing America Republic so disrespected and dishonored by the leaders of the American CORPORATION.

There are a LOT of chess pieces moving on the board. Devolution is lurking. Is the American Corporation about to lose its life support? Let’s keep alert and keep our collective cool while all of this plays out. I’m in the narrative trenches with you Basecampers. We’ll have another fire next week, we’ll see you there.









E249: The Inverted Hero’s Journey with Special Guest

Simon Esler


E249 Introduction

Well I did something that I rarely do on Basecamp. Turn an interview with an excellent guest into a two-parter. I have tried (in vain) to keep my episodes to 45 minutes or so. In the early seasons, 30 minutes was the norm. Now, as you know, it is often 45-60 minutes.

However, I don’t want  to go over an hour. If I am honest, I would love to get back to 30 minute episodes but I am following God’s plan for my guests and how long the episodes will be.

In Part one with my guest, we get into the power of rituals and rites of passage (something near and dear to me); the power of homeschooling and unschooling (something more and more parents are looking into these days); and how humanity’s enemy is using inversion tactics including an inverted Hero‘s Journey to capture the minds and hearts of our young people.

I always love sitting around the fire with a bright mind and today’s guest is certainly one of them. Enjoy the episode

Simon Esler Bio

My guest today is Simon Esler. Simon is a committed defender of families & the lost art of free thought. Simon has been an actor, an ordained minister and mindfulness entrepreneur which led him to becoming a professional content creator & independent filmmaker. His website, www.simonesler.com, hosts an array of films, series and resources focused on leveraging the pressures of modern war to foster personal growth and collective resilience.

E249 Final Thoughts

I hope you all enjoyed Part 1 with Simon Esler. In part two next week, we get into 5th Generation Warfare, the anti-children/anti-innocence culture that we find ourselves in and is this by design. We also cover the taboo topic of pedophilia and what sort of future is this all leading too? Thank you Basecampers and we‘ll see you around the fire next week.