E261: A New Day Dawns


E261 Introduction

Hello Basecampers I hope you are all doing well. What do you think of the new Intro? It is just SLIGHTLY different. I wanted something to reflect where Basecamp is at but still keep the music and the part that still resonates about living a courageous life. It is not that I won’t do stuff around men and masculinity. It’s just that my role in the awakening, in the narrative war, has turned out to be much bigger than just messages to one of the two genders, are you following me?

Today is short format Firestarter to sort of preview season seven and because none of my interviews really fit well with the moment, do you know what I mean? President Trump was just inaugurated as our 47th President, a miracle unto itself. So I thought a shorter episode to lay out the season but also to talk about President Trump might be proper. I almost always start the new season with a good interview but God wanted me to start this way, so here we are. Let’s kick off season 7!




E233: The Independent-Minded American


E233 Introduction

A liberal friend of mine (yes I still have one, maybe two) texted me before the President Trump verdict. Now this friend fully has Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) . He has clearly lost all objectivity when it comes to this man. He gets his news from CNN and MSNBC and damn it, he’s right about President Trump.

He texted me that this is a historic day and if Trump isn‘t sentenced and imprisoned, it is the end of the world as we know it. Oye vay. I didn‘t have the heart to tell him that I hardly paid ANY attention to the trial and that it won’t make one iota of difference in the election or the direction of the nation. I paid about as much attention to the Trump shenanigans as I did Jan 6th. That is to say, next to zero. Both of these “historic events” to quote the MSM, were (as usual for them) simply noise meant to distract.

Donald Trump will be sentenced to a million years in prison and all of this so that they can refer to him as “Convicted Felon Donald Trump”. Ok. Do you really think that changes the destiny of America? Do you think the Globalists/Marxist win because of this illusory victory? Apparently some on the left think so. It’s pretty comical to me. But then again, I am not the one triggered.

Today I have the pleasure of sitting around the fire with a veteran and independent-minded American. We talk about what our experience was like during Covid, viewing things as an critical-thinker and independent, and our perspectives on President Trump (both as a man and as Commander in Chief). We proudly represent the other side of TDS. Enjoy the interview.