E3: Being Bold in Times of Change with Special Guest Lisa Rezac


E3 Introduction

Hello my listeners and welcome to EP #3 of The American Pulse. For decades, Americans have struggled to make sense of why political systems and decision making rarely, if ever, reflected the best interests of WE THE PEOPLE. Good everyday Americans were misled at every step. Each bit of depressing news about our great nation seamed INTENTIONALLY to demoralize a confused and unsuspecting populace.

With decades of entrenched power comes a level of corruption that is mind-boggling as we are finding out every day. It turns out that both parties have had political structures built to serve only the centralized elites. In other words, the political structures (up until the November elections) were always meant to keep the riff-raff, the “useless eaters” as the Globalists are so fond of calling us, out of positions of perspective and influence. The whole game was meant to keep WE THE PEOPLE resigned, cynical, and disempowered.

Even here in King County, where the dynamics of the so-called “two party system” revealed an entrenched and corrupt “Uniparty” that marched to the same pied piper (in this state, everyone knows the  pied piper is Bill Gates) regardless of which party they claimed loyalty to. The corruption was and is real. President Trump has said repeatedly that he is giving power back to the people. And this power back to the people includes centrists and Kennedy liberals, if they can time to see a bigger picture. Ironic, isn’t it?

EVERYTHING of what I just said has changed. We have entered into a new phase in American History. And there will be a New Republican Party that will be reborn out of this radical transparency and honesty that we see as the new normal. The seeds are being planted and we will, with care and fellowship with all Americans see a bright new day fulfill the American dream. Too high-falutin? I don”t think so. I believe we are in a new 1776 moment that is and will capture the imagination of any American willing to look at things with an open mind.

Our leader now and for the foreseeable future is President Trump. We will to take our cues from him. Is he holding back truth to try and appease confused Republicans or the Woke Left? No, he is not.

Fortune favors the bold my fellow Americans and this is a golden opportunity, with the wind at our sails, to do just that. Americans have always done well when we are optimistic, bold, inventive. We do better when we honor God, our country, our ancestors and love and protect our God-given freedoms. I believe more Americans are finding their bearings again.

Let’s get to our sponsor and our interview. I decided to air the 2nd part of this interview first as I think it flows with where we are at a bit better. Enjoy the interview.

Lisa Rezac Bio

My guest today is Lisa Rezac. Lisa is a mother, a fundraising auctioneer, and the newly elected Vice-Chairwoman of the KCGOP. She is also my wife and life-partner for the past three decades. Here is my interview with Lisa Rezac.



E1: The American Pulse with Tony Rezac


E1 Introduction

Hello welcome to The American Pulse, I’m your host Tony Rezac. This is the show that seeks to listen, express, and amplify the voice of the American people, no matter where you live in this great nation. We are unabashedly pro-humanity, pro-freedom, and pro-America. Welcome and let’s get started! 

What a time to be alive, isn’t it? Have you noticed? There has been a battle for the Soul of America and who wins this war will impact our children, our grandchildren, and future generations as far as the eye can see.

That is why ordinary Americans, WE THE PEOPLE, as I’m fond of saying have heard the call and risen to the occasion.

Who am I? My name is Tony Rezac and I am the creator, producer, and host of the long-running podcast Basecamp for Men. And I am honored and humbled to be your host here at The American Pulse.

This show will amplify what is going to at the grassroots level. What ordinary people-men and women from all walks of life, are seeing and talking about what is going on in this country. We will also highlight where we need more involvement. Ways that YOU can make a positive difference in this American Renewal that is unfolding.

Conservatives, Libertarians, Centrists, and Kennedy liberals. We want to talk to and understand all. For in our view, we have much more in common than the MSM would have us believe. It is only the divisive and nasty Marxist/Globalists rhetoric with their dystopian dream of a One World Government and all the noise you hear around this that creates confusion in the human race.

We will offer a clear, heart-felt, and honest expression of what Americans dream of and what stands in our way. There has been many of us that have been beat down and disenfranchised by politics as usual. There has been a cynicism and resignation that has crept into the American Soul. But this is not our way, is it?

On the American Pulse, we will carry a different message from a different frequency. One that will show us, with God’s good grace, how we can restore our country and, with it, ourselves and our families.

There are going to be rapid-fire changes in the months ahead. The American Pulse will be here to help cut through the confusion.

Thank you for giving The American Pulse a listen. If you love the show, please go give us a positive review on Apple podcasts. 2025 here we come!

E227: We Welcome All Americans with Special Guest

Jolie Lansdowne


E227 Introduction

America has always and will always be built on and fortified by civic involvement. This has been true throughout our history. However, WE THE PEOPLE have gotten a bit flabby here, haven’t we? We have forgotten that sleeves rolled up is the American way, regardless of political orientation or philosophical leanings.

Some of it really isn’t our fault, not really anyways. We have not been educated as to the importance of this local involvement. A sort of resignation and cynicism has slowly taken over the American mindset. That my involvement really doesn’t make a difference since there is so much power and corruption near the top.

The establishment is hoping that his continues to be your perspective. As this will keep any restorative movement for the American Republic at bay. For what is good for WE THE PEOPLE and our Constitutional Republic is almost never in the interests of the ruling Elite. Have you noticed that?

I love what my guest talks about today when she mentioned her Grandfather, who fought at Normandy. She reflects on how can she honor her Grandfather’s sacrifice and honor her nation by continuing to serve? It‘s a great question right now. How can I help this nation that has done so much for me and my family? Lady Liberty has been under seize from those that wish do her and her people harm. What can I do to come to her aid? In 2024 and beyond, this might be the most important civic question we can ask of ourselves.

Let‘s go sit around the fire with my guest today. A friend, a mom, and proud (and involved) American. Enjoy the interview.

Jolie Lansdowne Bio-

My guest today is Jolie Lansdowne. Jolie is a wife and mother (who homeschooled kids for 20 years, a local business owner, and a civil servant who serves as the Legislative District Chair of the 34th district right here in King County. She is a woman who believes that engangement in local government is one of the most effective ways we can impact positive change for our next generation. Here is my interview with Jolie Lansdowne. 

E227 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our conversation with Jolie as much as I did. We talked about all the PCO vacancies across the nation.. This is a great opportunity to help in a small, effective way. If you find yourself feeling helpless and upset about what is happening in your city or your neighborhood or your nation, join us as PCO in whatever state you reside in. Let’s put good Americans in those vacancies. It’s a great way to help restore America and stand in the principles that are near and dear to YOU. Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.

E223: We’re All on the Same Side


E223 Introduction

Let’s talk a minute about Signal vs Noise. To start with, it is safe to say that damn near EVERYTHING the Globalist put out via MSM is propaganda and noise. They are not incentivized to give you signal, to keep you informed or awaken or empower you. That is not in their self-interest, is it? Why would it be? If you want to control the population from the top-down, then treat people like mushrooms: keep them in the dark and feed them shit. Which is exactly what they do.

All signal at this point comes from citizen journalist, independent and critical thinking Anons, and podcasts like yours truly. Oh, I am not implying that I have nothing but signal. But at least I am trying to awaken you. I respect you and your awakening. And I am trying to assist humanity in any way I can. This has always been the mission here at Basecamp.There are so many others that are doing their small part, like my guest today.

One of the points of 2024 and beyond is to wake up people to the fact that we are in a non-kinetic war. A new type of warfare that features propaganda and disinformation (from both sides), the use of cyberwarfare and AI, the emergence of decentralized platforms that are censor-resistance and pro-freedom, and a fierce fight for the narrative high ground. We are seeing this in spades, are we not.

This has been a heavyweight fight and it is not a Republican/Democrat divide or even a Liberal/Christian or a pro-governament/Libertarian divide. It is the Globalists and their Totalitarian top down control of our human population that they seek to reduce so as to control in an easier way. And WE THE PEOPLE with our own tools to subvert and create systems that work well for US.

I recently listened to a podcast with General Kwast as a guest. I like to listen to the highest military officers speak with insight and intelligence about the war we are in. I feel this approach puts you in alignment with much more SIGNAL than just taking whatever information they throw at you. Kwast even talks about how effective the Q drops have been to activate a citizen journalism movement and show people just how corrupt and evil the Cabal is. Q sketched it out, Anons filled in the painting in vivid colors- trafficking children for unspeakable uses, sexual blackmail scandals (you had another hit the airwaves this week with P Diddy, treason in the highest of places, the enemy inside the fortress. We are seeing all of this in real time. My 2 cents? Find yourself someone who takes time to research and befriend them. Start asking questions and stop poo-pooing all the people who are working to bring you this information for YOUR BENEFIT. Continue to wake yourself up, even if its uncomfortable truths. This is what is required of a true Hero’s Journey, is it not?

My guest today is a woman who felt called to assist in this Great Awakening we have talked about over the years. Let’s go sit around the fire and listen for the signal that will assist our forward movement. Enjoy!

Anna Kane Bio

My guest today is Anna Kane. Anna is a patriot, Christian, and mother of 6 who co-founded the independent newspaper The Flame. Here is my interview with Anna Kane.

E222: Passing the Torch with Special Guest Connor Macfarland


E222 Introduction

Many of you know that had a great time attending Charlie Kirk‘s America Fest in Phoenix this past December. It was so inspiring that I plan on going again this year.

One of the things that jumped out at me was how many young Conservatives and Libertarians were in the audience. Charlie puts them right up front as these young men and women are our future. To me, it’s really amazing to see them and talk to them as their values and principles run counter to what I see our public schools teaching here in Seattle (or any blue state for that matter). Seattle area schools are a mess with their obsession with all things woke-transgender ideology as young as you can slip it into the classrooms, endless pronouns meant to confuse further divide. No real American civics- no mention of the Constitution or Bill of Rights.

How many young people coming out of public school can even describe the Revolutionary War, the creation of our nation with the Declaration of Independence. Or why the Civil War was fought. I am not convinced high school seniors down the street can accurately describe any of this. And it’s really not their fault. They weren‘t taught it, were they?

How can a generation feel dignity and pride in their great nation when everything taught in government schools slanders and demeans its young citizens about who we are as nation and as a people?

We have come a long ways in just few short decades. When I went to high school 40 years ago, the whole nation was patriotic. Do you remember that? Yep, Democrat and Republicans alike. Hard to image that today. Ronald Reagan was President and carried every state but two. American was experiencing a renewal back in the 80’s and damn near everyone you spoke with was proud to be an American and all knew what an exceptional nation we lived in. When you spoke with new immigrants to our nation, they were excited and grateful to be given a chance to live in the “land of opportunity”. So many of them embodied the American Dream. Future generations did better than their predecessors.

What will happen if we don‘t turn around education? At this point, it may be best just to dismantle public education and their Unions and start from the ground up. They have been captured by Marxists/Communists pushing a radical Woke curriculum on the unsuspecting students. When you understand it, it’s pretty gross. Education in my view is too far gone to save. At this point, the students are better off not attending these government indoctrination camps. They will be smarter than all the woke kids who insist that there is no such thing as a man, no such thing as a woman. Most parents instinctively know this. Public schools no longer teach anything useful to the students. It’s basically a shitty babysitter where you get to see your friends a bit. If parents really knew, most would get them out of there asap. Seriously. It’s that bad Basecampers.

I may have shared this with you already. I don’t remember. To illustrate this, I had coffee with a friend not too long ago and he described what his son was doing in public high school. He had one book report his junior year and get this, it could be on a graphic novel! Are you kidding me? One book report for the whole year and it can be on a comic book! Oye vay.

You know what is a good way to dumb down kids? Don’t have them read or write and don’t teach them anything useful. Add to that no actual American civics and you have a whole generation who can’t navigate, critically think, or add anything of value to society.

Thankfully, parents are waking up and pushing back. There is a sense of urgency with this as we have future generations who are counting on us to turn the ship around.

I don’t get a chance to speak with many college students, so this was a special treat for me. Let’s go connect with our guest today, a young man stepping into his leadership at Liberty University. Enjoy the interview.

Connor Macfarland Bio

Connor Macfarland is the National Development Director for College Republicans of America and is studing Business Administration with a focus on Entrepreneurship at Liberty University. He’s focused on expanding the organization and connecting with conservatives across the country.

E222 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Connor as much as I did. Go get yourself some patriotic gear at our sponsor Stand Up Now Apparel at www.standupnowapparel.com Thank you Basecampers and we‘ll see you around the fire next week.