E173: Conversations with Walkaways with Special Guest

Keri Smith


E173 Introduction


As promised, we continue with our series of episodes about the Walkaways or those who have dared to leave the left, or leave the church of the woke. I like how we are unfolding this season. Sometimes we are diving into a Walkaway episode, sometimes its Bitcoin, sometimes it’s about how the spiritual war is unfolding and what WE THE PEOPLE need to be aware of. Hopefully it all ties together for you.

I do feel this show is in God’s hands. There is a synchronicity and grace in how the guests arrive and even what I feel inspired to share or dialogue with you about. Hopefully, you will feel that the show is giving you some insights and resources that you are not hearing elsewhere or maybe its reinforcing something in you. An alignment with truth perhaps.

Today’s conversation is one of my recent favorites. Keri Smith and I, (Keri is the creator of Deprogrammed), share our Walkaway stories. Both of us long-time liberals. Each of us using our innate wisdom and discernment to find the road less-travelled and then using podcasts to call back to those that may need to also find the road back to sanity, back to truth. Enjoy today’s episode.

Keri Smith Bio

My guest today is Keri Smith. Keri is a thought-leader, a walkaway from the woke ideology, and the creator and host of the podcast and You Tube channel Deprogrammed. Here is my interview with Keri Smith.

E173 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Keri Smith as much as I did. Her and I are in alignment on so many things, it’s fun to go back and forth. It resonated with me when she said that wokeism is an authoritarian ideology. You must comply or else.

And I love how she handles the pronoun thing for transgendered individuals. It’s the first time I have heard such a humanist distinction and I like it. I am going to adopt it.

To find Keri and her work, go to her You Tube channel Deprogrammed for all sorts of excellent content. Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.

E172: Sobriety as a Hero’s Journey

with Special Guest Dr. Bob Beare


E172 Introduction

I speak a lot about our Hero’s Journey, both our individual and our collective. Each chapter requiring a slightly different version of yourself. Each man and woman and child will have their own version of this and all will help elevate the collective. Isn’t that fantastic news? Each and every person has the opportunity to embrace their courage, face their fears and their demons, and contribute to the healing and redemption of the Human Soul, the Human Spirit. This Hero’s Journey will bring you many gifts: dignity, worth, unconditional love, the development of grit and strength, and the expression of courage, which always inspires.

I have had many initiations as many of you know. So have you, whether you acknowledge them as such or not. Getting married and moving far away from friends and family was an initiation. Doing the New Warrior training was obviously an initiation. Becoming a father was an initiation. But perhaps my greatest initiation was taking on my sobriety from alcohol.

The reason I am bringing this up is that this episode airs on March 7th. And March 8th, Wednesday, will be my anniversary, marking my 10th year of sobriety. So many blessings happened after this initiation, after I finally committed to myself. It was like God started to bestow these incredible gifts to me. My marriage got a lot stronger, my health and perspective improved, I wrote a book and that led to me having this podcast with 172 episodes. I seriously doubt any of these things would have taken place without my stepping through that dark tunnel and into the light of clear seeing. Anyone can do it. The alcohol and drugs would have you think that there is no way you can live without them. After all, who would you be? My answer, a more courageous slightly new version of yourself.

I want to honor each and every one of you. I have been blessed with an incredible group of friends over my lifetime. Many who are addicts and alcoholics. I even know many who have taken the same initiation that I have taken. Gratefully walking the sober path.

I was approaching March 8th and wondering who I should have on the show. As I was looking over my guest list, I saw Dr. Bob Beare’s name and that was it. Bob knows more about addiction that just about anyone I know, both as a recovering addict and a therapist and addiction counselor and director of a top notch treatment center in Texas.

Let’s go sit around the fire with our respected friend and mentor Dr. Bob Beare.

Bob Beare Bio-

My guest today is author Dr. Bob Beare. Bob has been a leader in the mental health and addiction field for over 20 years. He is the Senior Clinical Consultant and former Clinical Director of The Last Resort Treatment Center for Men.

Dr Bob Beare is the CEO of Deep Waters Recovery Programs – deepwatersrecovery.com . Bob is the author of a new book, which we‘ll talk a bit about today, titled “Stop Doing Shit You Don‘t Want to Do.” Here is my interview with Dr. Bob Beare.

Final Thoughts

If you are someone who is looking for a safe program to step into your new sobriety as a Hero’s Journey, I can think of no better guide that Bob. To find out about his Deep Waters Recovery Program and how it can launch and support you in your healing, go to www.deepwatersrecovery.com

Thank you so much Basecampers, good luck on your Hero’s Journey, and we‘ll see you around the fire next week.


E171: Mom’s For Liberty with Special Guest Tiffany Justice


E171 Introduction

Throughout the shit-show that was Covid 19, one thing that was absolutely appalling to me was how quickly Americans rolled over to the obvious Globalist/Marxist agenda. I imagined these sociopaths laughing at how quickly we masked up, got the experimental jab, and turned on one another for “wrongthink”. They totally played us and, except for a few fighters, we bent the knee. I thought Americans were supposed to be the feisty ones? The rebellious ones who thumbed our noses at corrupt authority in favor of personal freedom and sovereignty? I guess not so much.

So I went on a mission to find others who still had fight in them. Citizens who still stand for and live in American principles rather than men and women who acquiesce and comply. You following me? I slowly started to find them. Like my guest today. Someone who is standing up to the government indoctrination program and embodying the principles of freedom, parental rights and family first, and is looking to strengthen an education system that has clearly been under attack from Marxist thinkers and bureaucrats who have betrayed our nation and our young people.

The Globalists think that they can do whatever they please with our young people. Indoctrinate them in the most insane Marxist ideology. These things have awakened something in mothers and fathers, at least the ones paying attention. Let’s go find out what the Mom’s for Liberty are noticing.

Tiffany Justice Bio-

My guest today is Tiffany Justice. Tiffany is a wife and Mom of four school-aged children. She is a a former school board member in Florida and the co-founder of the national organization Mom’s For Liberty. Here is my interview with Tiffany Justice.

E171 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our time with Tiffany Justice. To get involved or find or start a Moms for Liberty chapter near you, simply reach out at www.momsforliberty.org. Thank you Basecampers and we‘ll see you around the fire next week.

E170: Passage to Elderhood with Special Guest Mark Jackson   E170 Introduction It is something that I say often. That each chapter of your Hero‘s Journey will require a slightly different version of yourself. When…

E169: Basecamp Classics


E169 Introduction

Hello Basecampers, I hope you are all doing well. Today’s episode has a few memes and then a Basecamp Classic. I have a few good interviews coming up after this week so we’ll start a run of the traditional format of my monologue then the interview then the Outro. I stitched this one together for you. I thought it was better to do it this way rather than do a shorty. Enjoy!

What a time to be alive! Are you starting to get a sense of the dynamics at play? This clash of ideas and narratives btw the Globalists with their Totalitarian/Communist agenda in one corner. You know their menu. CBDC, mandatory “vaccines” ad nauseum, social credit scores for your carbon footprint and more and more restrictions on our freedoms. Put forth by self-appointed so-called “authorities” , the WEF, the WHO, the CDC and other so called “experts”. God, its exhausting just describing these anti-humanists. Oh, and just a reminder: they have ZERO authority. None.

And you have humanity in the other corner. Full of promise, fellowship, shared vision (with differing opinions), and BTC aka the peoples money. We have a front row seat for this and, many of us are throwing out hearts and souls on the side of humanity. Who else are you going to fight? Hollywood? The corrupt status quo? The sociopaths who long to tighten their control of WE THE PEOPLE? I don’t think so.

Georgia Meloni, the fierce new pro-humanist Prime Minister of Italy, has this to say “Everything that defines us is now an enemy for those who would like us to no longer have an identity. And so, they attack national identity, they attack religious identity, they attack gender identity, they attack family identity. I can no longer define myself as an Italian, Christian, woman, mother. No. I must be citizen x, gender x, parent 1, parent 2. I must be a number. Because when I am only a number, when I no longer have an identity or roots, then I will be the perfect slave at the mercy of Globalist financial speculators.”

Then she goes on to say “That’s the reason why we inspire so much fear. Because we do not want to be numbers (or QR Codes for that matter). We will defend the value of the human being, of every single human being.”

That’s the fighting spirit. God I love this woman!

The Memes

It’s meme time Basecampers! I like to bust out a few memes on the show. They are like little red truth bombs. A bite size piece of information for your consideration.   Here we go.

Here is one from Joe Blo on Twitter who says “There’s a growing portion of the population that will never, ever again believe a goddamn thing they hear from mainstream media, government and health officials. We just need that number to reach a tipping point.” Aho and I believe we are getting there Joe.

Here is one from Michael Knowles who says “The Left controls every major institution in America: MSM, the educational academy, administrative government, Hollywood, Big Tech (well, except for Twitter now), etc. So if “institutional racism” really does exist, whose fault would that be?” Good question Michael.

And one from Joel Rafidi, another fellow freedom-lover. He says “I don’t care if you worship Jesus, Jehovah, Krishna, or Muhammad. I don‘t care if you believe you’re a starseed, a lightworker or an intergalactic traveller. Just don’t tell me what to do.” 

And lastly, an old one from the Q-Drops. Oh my God, he is dropping something from Q! Look away, look away!  The drop is Q1690 and it is simply “ You are Witnessing/Watching the systematic destruction of the Old Guard.”

Look at that Basecamper, you just survived a Q drop without imploding, Good on ya.

And one from Ultra Patriots in Progress (I love this guy). He connects Bitcoin with Q. He is not the first. He says” Bitcoin is no different than the Q operation. It is simply information that one can research to undeniably prove as true. Bitcoin is much easier as it is fundamentally math, and cannot be misinterpreted. Arguing with a Bitcoiner when one has not gone down the rabbit hole is like arguing with an Anon that human trafficking and corruption doesn’t exist. You simply lose every time. Bitcoin doesn’t care about emotions or opinions. Bitcoin is Bitcoin. You have to do the work and learn.”

And lastly dear Basecampers, remember: Normal healthy adults do not get angry that they can’t talk to 5-9 year olds sex, they just don’t. People with common sense understand that this is not appropriate……don’t shoot me, I’m just the messenger! 🙂

I was clicking around looking for a Basecamp Classic and I wanted to do an early episode and I love the two I did with Dr. Bob Beare. This one is all the way back to the tail end of season #1. It’s episode #32: The Heart of Addiction with Dr. Bob Beare. Enjoy!