E179: Firestarters and Memes


E179 Introduction

Today we have a short format Firestarter for your enjoyment. We have a number of interesting interviews coming up including one with a renowned climatologist who is going to help us make sense of what exactly is going on there.

How are you all holding up? I did a recent podcast episode with Roy Holman from Truthful Warrior podcast. I can include that in the episode notes if you would like to click on that for a longer listen this week. Roy and I talk about keeping your optimism during an information war, among other things. I really like Roy’s unassuming but insightful and truthful style. We see eye to eye on so many things.

I have some memes and a short clip from Bill Maher. Just 14 minutes of content today.

Let’s kick it off with some memes that I have collected in the recent days and weeks.

The Democrat party is America’s ex-wife.”

Jason Andrews

And Edward Snowden says “The whole system revolves around the idea that the majority can be made to believe anything, so long as it is repeated loudly and often. And it works.” Yes it does Ed, yes it does.

And a clip from Bill Maher, who in my opinion, is red-pilling the shit out of the left. Who have come to rely on him for years to skewer conservatives and their viewpoints. And now find themselves at the receiving end of the sword. Yes, there is some sweetness to this.

If you would like to hear my interview with the always interesting Roy Holman, go to this link and his podcast Truthful Warrior.

Tony Rezac interview https://www.buzzsprout.com/1697956/12632316

E179 Final Thoughts

We’ll get to the climate crisis soon. That is it for today Basecampers. Keep preparing yourself for the next chapters of your Hero’s Journey. Choose truth. Choose courage. Choose love. And never forget, that humans are an amazing tribe, never more so than when we have each others backs. See you around the fire next week Warriors.