E90: Body and Soul with Special Guest Beth Pettengill Riley


E90 Introduction

As a former athlete, I have always been appreciative of my body. I have long intuited that the body could be a portal into something vast and mysterious.  This ran counter to the old lower masculine, Cartesian way of looking at the body as simply a machine. A separate object set aside from one’s mental, emotional, and spiritual lives. The body, in this way of looking at things, is not sacred. It is just a thing.

While it is true that the body is a temporary vessel for our Soul and Spirit, to diminish the body or disregard it leaves us dry and up in our heads. How many men are smart but lack the juicy presence of being embodied? How might men continue our evolution with a proper reverence for earth, bodies, the sensuous, and the feminine?

I think we will need to build it like a muscle. Something that has atrophied but not left us. Presence and embodiment seem to be waiting for our collective discovery. Men are starting to find what we have left behind.

I have said this before on a number of episodes. We aren‘t going to be able to think our way along the faint trail of the Hero’s Journey. If we could think our way through it, we would have done that already. For aren’t we all really good at thinking about it all. No. We will need to navigate it with our hearts and our FELT sense. It is here that the body suddenly arrives as an obvious ally in our quest.

There are ways of discovering this aspect of yourself. Somatic movement is a growing field that carries much wisdom and gifts for our tribe. As my guest today so elegantly expresses, the body’s wisdom can be the path that takes you all the way to the top of the mountain.

Beth Pettengill Riley Bio

Beth Pettengill Riley is a global leader in Somatic movement education and therapy with over 40 years of experience facilitating workshops in Continuum, Yoga & Meditation. She is the author of the book A Moving Inquiry: The Art of Personal Practice and maintains a private practice in the Santa Cruz area teaching classes and workshops and assisting individuals in finding greater freedom of movement. Here is my interview with Beth Pettengill Riley.

E90 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed my conversation with Beth. To find her online classes or her great book A Moving Inquiry, which was created to help you create your own somatic movement practice, go to Beth’s website at www.themovingwell.com

To find out more about Somatic Movement, go to the hub of all things Somatic Movement at www.ismeta.orgIsmeta has a directory of practitioners in your area and a list of approved trainings in case you are looking to be trained in this exceptional work.







E88: Conversations About Men with Special Guest

Brandon Clift


E88 Introduction

It has been interesting to me to watch the evolution of the show as we make our way along season three. When we created the tagline of the show of “Men, Myth, and the Hero’s Journey” it was made to be specific enough to give me focus but wide enough to make room for inspiration, the esoteric, and any other topics that caught my fancy.

I knew that if we continued to focus on our collective awakening, The Great Awakening, as it is now being called and giving you tools for your own Hero’s Journey, you would find value in the 30 minutes each week that you listen.

As my own spiritual journey has progressed, I have found that my radar for Truth has been fine-tuned by the Divine. I know that many of you are having your own breakthroughs as well. Whether that comes in the form of deepening your spiritual work, taking better care of yourself, or challenging the oftentimes surreal narrative of the MSM, I hope that you are finding that, in the final analysis, WE THE PEOPLE are one tribe and one heart.

I have been promising you an episode on the UFO phenomenon. I did an interview recently but it just wasn’t good enough. Not interesting enough. So I am reaching out to a few more people. I am committed to making a good episode or two on this topic.

I am really excited about the upcoming guests. I think it will provide us a nice balance between menswork, mythic viewpoints, the evolution of humanity, and some edgy red-pill episodes for your consideration.

I appreciate you riding shotgun with me. And thank you for all the email and text messages supporting the show. I really appreciate it.

Brandon Clift Bio

Brandon Clift is on a mission to break the archaic and outdated molds of manhood that have led to many of the challenges we face in the world today. He is the host of The Mankind Podcast where he interviews leading researchers, experts, and influencers of change to find out how you can become a champion for healthy manhood.

Here is my interview with Brandon Clift.

E88 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our conversation with Brandon. For a different sort of men’s podcast, one that is more focused on racial issues and social justice, go check out The Mankind Podcast at all the places you listen to podcasts. I like the sound of EP #7 with Tony Porter, so that might be a great place to start.

Also, I have been meaning to recommend Jeremy Elliot of the Iconic Podcast. It has been in my notes for a month now. Jeremy speaks truth to power and does it in a gracious and skillful way.

Like most other podcasters, I don‘t have time to listen to many other podcasters as I am really busy making mine once a week. But I have recognized in Jeremy a kindred spirit. A man who is committed to truth and the elevation of our human tribe.

He is not available on the usual podcast platforms. The best way to listen to Jeremy is to go to The Iconic Podcast on Facebook. You can also find him on You Tube (although they are deeply censoring counter-narrative voices like his) or BitChute.







E87: Standing in Strength with Special Guest

Paul Remington Jones


E87 Introduction-

With all of the complying by the masses. With all of the mandates and near totalitarian narrative around what is best for us (wear masks, everyone get vaccinated, keep wearing masks, prepare for your next vaccination), we seem to have lost sight of something. That this whole “let’s all comply to everything that is asked of us” is not going to get us there. Not by a long shot. In fact, it’s likely taking us in the wrong direction.

When is trading freedoms for safety ever worked out for us humans? Ever?

In today’s times, we need and will continue to need feisty men and women.  People with guts and courage. We will create nothing new by complying to every pseudo-authority figure. Whether that be Fauci, Gates, the Governor or any other rep for the so-called NWO.

The human spirit will not be weighed down by all this compliance and conformity. Where is our backbone? Where is our character? Our strength?

This reminds me of the great beat poet Gary Snyder who, when asked “why fight for the human tribe? Why try and change things?” Snyder simply responded, “because it’s a matter of style.”

I agree. I for one, am not interested in what the herd is doing for so-called herd immunity. My response? FUCKING WAKE UP! You’re being lied to all over the place and you know it.

Men, am I calling you out? Am I saying grow some balls? I am.

Remember, fortune favors the bold. As my guest today so beautifully illustrates.

Paul Remington Bio-

I first came across my guest today in a viral video where he gets pulled over by a police officer for not having his license plates, registration, insurance, or drivers license. What then follows is a jaw-dropping master class in common law and civil liberties. I couldn’t wait to get this man on the show.

Paul Remington Jones is a living  example of walking the walk and living your truth. He is a man who lives free and knows his constitutional rights and common law. Something that we all might want to educate ourselves in the coming days. Here is my interview with Paul Remington Jones.

E87 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our time with Paul Remington Jones as much as I did. To see his viral video with the police officer or the hilarious one where he walks into Home Depot with no mask, go to his You Tube channel at It’s Paul Unslaved.

Since this episode is about guts and being a free thinker and having some balls as you go about navigating a narrative that seems hell bent on taking away your liberties. I give you one of my favorite feisty individuals. One of my all-time heroes, the great George Carlin. Enjoy!





E86: The Path of Initiation with Special Guest Hunter Toran


E86 Introduciton

In episode #83, The Myth of the Grail, I brought forth some of the initiatory themes that lie at the heart of the Grail. Living a life that is marked by initiation is one that allows a person to grow “slowly wise” to use the words of Wolfram Von Eschenbach.

In every persons life, there are countless small initiations and usually a few big ones. The big ones are marked with a big “BEFORE” and “AFTER” signs in your soul’s journey.

It can be a good exercise to take out a notebook and mark out your initiations large and small. It can help you see your Hero’s Journey with more clarity.  I like to mark the initiation in one column and what you learned or how you are different now in the other column. And then ask yourself, what initiations still await my arrival?

To broaden your scope on this, a list of initiations might include things like getting your drivers license or having your parents get divorced when you were young. It definitely would include leaving home for good or the first time you fell in love. Something like military bootcamp is clearly an initiation. Moving to a strange city or country is also an initiation. Anything that marks a clear before and after for the soul qualifies as you will learn much about yourself and where you are going through these trials and tribulations.

I have spoken of my big initiations from time to time but I will mention a few of them again here. Like I said,  it is good to know your own. To know when your Soul found a deeper, more truthful song for you.

For me, moving to NYC was an initiation. I had never even been there when I arrived and had grown up my whole life in the PNW. New York was a strange, powerful, scary new land where I would find new parts of myself that I didn‘t know I had. I became gutsier and more confident because of it.

Another big initiation, as you all know,  was doing the Mankind Projects New Warrior Training. This was a clear “before Tony” and “after Tony”. I came out with a chestful of new tools: a mission I created (and then lived), knowledge of the male archetypes and how to access them, a deep appreciation of the tribe of men and my place in it. MKP gave me a Warrior’s fire and a container to express it. I would never go back to the overly nice, people-pleaser I was when I was younger. Between NYC and the New Warrior Training, I was finding all sorts of newfound inner power as a man.

The next big initiation was becoming a father. I was scared shitless waiting for Lucas to be born. All new fathers feel this (although few will admit it). It is an absolutely awesome, terrifying initiation to be brought into. My son arrived like some tiny force of nature. Divine, powerful, full of raw feeling and powerful vocal chords. He let me know, in no uncertain terms, that my old life was over. It has been a big, incredible initiation. One that I am grateful for every day.

My sobriety was another initiation for me. I know this is true for any addict or alcoholic who has taken on his or her recovery. Quitting drinking 8 years ago changed me. It was an initiation that I was never quite sure I was up to until one day it just happened. I stopped and I didn‘t die. And in my soul, I could feel the excitement that accompanied this new me. I knew it would lead to a hundred new great things if I could just stay with it. And it has! You’re listening to one of the gifts that was awaiting me once I crossed that threshold.

And my marriage to Lisa has certainly been an initiation. In a long-term relationship, you don‘t have anywhere to hide. Oh, you can try and I certainly do. But a life partner or soul mate will bring your love to a new level. It often won’t look the way you would like it to look but the alchemy of a long-term relationship is undeniable. You bring your strengths and your short-comings (we all have them) and you ride life’s ups and downs together, learning the whole way.

What initiations still await me? I can see as men grow older, we are forced to deal with loss. Becoming an empty nester, when your last child leaves the house is certainly an initiation. And losing your parents and other loved ones and friends will be a series of painful initiations as we grieve for what is passing. This all helps to bring us to our final initiation (at least in this body and in this dimension). Our own passing.

If we have grown slowly wise, as Parzival did, then each initiation will ripen and prepare us. We will arrive at our final initiation full of wisdom and grace, rather than regret and fear.  Through all of the changes and passing seasons and lessons and wisdom and grace granted, we will come to our own death with a recognition of what does not change. God bless you on this journey my listener. I am happy to be on this journey with you.

Hunter Toran Bio

Hunter Toran is a Somatic Educator and Therapist within the discipline of Spacial Dynamics and other Somatic practices. Hunter performs individual therapeutic sessions and  group workshops on the entirety of the human experience through conscious movement here in Seattle.  Most recently Hunter has begun to dive deeply into ‘men’s work’ to support containers that see the evolution of the divine masculine as imperative to the survival and development of humankind.

E86 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed my interview with Hunter Toran. To book a session for one of this excellent Spacial Dynamic sessions or to find out more about Hunter’s workshops, go to www.levitytherapeutics.com

E84: Health as Your Foundation with Special Guest Janell Hartman   E84 Introduction I hope you are all well. I wanted to start off by saying that I loved what Howard Ferguson said at the…