E104: Finding the Flow in Chaotic Times with Special Guest author Kari Hohne


E104 Introduction

I first came across today’s guest in a beautiful 7-minute video she made titled The Art of Going with the Flow. It resonated with me. Sometimes with wisdom teachings, we just need to be reminded. The essential truth is already inside of us.

We are all doing our best to navigate these strange times we find ourselves in. There is not agreement amongst us and that is fine.

As my guest today so eloquently states, chaos is a sign of growth and renewal. It means the old systems and energies that go with it are in decay. This is how nature intends it. There is a lot of talk in spiritual circles about the chaos of ushering the new paradigm. I for one am optimistic as is my guest today.

There is a strong tendency amongst my inner circle to fight. We are actively engaged in protecting our Constitutional rights from over-reaching Governors and health bureaucrats with an agenda.

But my guest today reminded me in a gentle and powerful fashion that perhaps all of this chaos is a test. Not necessarily a test of our willingness to fight for our principles, although we are being tested that way as well.  But a test of faith. Can we trust this whole process we are in? Can we trust one another and the Divine to usher us into the new epoch?

I for one can see where I can  still strengthen my faith and trust that we are unfolding the truth in a beautiful and perfect way. Can we leave all the angst and fear and scarcity behind? What do you think? What parts of us are starting to emerge? This is the question that excites me and inspires me on a daily basis. I am happy to have you along for the ride my friends. Let’s renew our faith in our emerging story and one another.

Kari Hohne Bio-

Kari Hohne is a popular author of many translations of ancient texts. Her books include The Mind’s Mirror, The Mythology of Sleep, Nothing Bad Happens in Life, and her latest book The Common Archetypes of the Tarot. Here is my interview with Kari Hohne.

E104 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Kari Hohne. To find her and all of her great resources, go to www.cafeausoul.com.