E124: Finding Our Way with Special Guest Roy Holman


E124 Introduction

I would like to start with a quote by St. Augustine who said: “The Truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will defend itself.”

We are at a most interesting time in our awakening. It seems the truth is making itself known to more and more people. And not just the libertarians and freedom-loving tribe. The center, center-left, and yes even some lefties I know are seeing things differently than even a few months ago.

People seem, dare I say, LESS DIVIDED than before? The new book by Robert Kennedy Jr. The Real Anthony Fauci has stormed up the charts. It is red-pilling the center and center-left as we speak. Do you wan to know who Tony Fauci REALLY is? Go grab a copy for yourself and see what all the buzz is about.

And people seem to be turning more to God or Christ or the Divine and this is the other aspect of the Great Awakening. Humanity is learning of our Divine partnership in unique ways with each one of us adding to the whole.

My guest and I were marveling off microphone that we have both traversed the spiritual road far and wide and arrived back at God and Christ. There has been a particular magic for me in all of this. My spiritual journey has been a constant in my life. It was always imbued with myth and teachings from the East. It is only now, well into my middle years, that I have taken a keen interest in Christ and his teachings. It seems that God and the Divine like to keep us on our toes.

With that being said, I have always felt that BFM was divinely guided. My guests and topics come to me in often synchronistic ways. And it has taught me to trust God, to trust myself as a medium and messenger, and to trust you my listener to be able to pull from the conversations the insights and tidbits that you need to accelerate YOUR awakening and Hero’s Journey.

2022 is going to have us on the edge of our seats. There is protests for medical freedom and sovereignty happening all over the place. The center and center/left are waking up. This is the stage that mystics call The Quickening.

E124 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our conversation with Roy. I love his podcast Soulful Warrior. He is so down to earth and approachable in his conversations and never comes from a egoic point of view. Always offering the higher ground and insights for his listeners. It’s really valuable. To find his yoga and meditation classes and retreats or listen to his podcast The Soulful Warrior, go to www.holmanhealthconnections.com

E123: The Kybalion with Special Guest Ronni Thomas


E123 Introduction

If one is to be a seeker of Truth, you will inevitably find yourself in a forested maze, so to speak. Truth is looking for us and is embedded in myth, the Western mystery schools, esoteric and occult topics, and things like conspiracy theories where the seeker will rub shoulders with all sorts of characters. Some for us and some against us.

I used to think I was looking for “the Way”. As I have aged, I realize that I was always looking for MY way. My way of interpreting the data, speaking the Truth with courage, helping others understand what is happening to us. And my way of being in the flow and helping to ready ourselves for what is coming.

I believe there is great value in looking at the deeper patterns that are showing themselves to us. Can you be in conversations that are a bit uncomfortable? Ones that take you out to your edge of understanding? We are all being forced to our edges and this is how the Divine intended it to be. Let’s go meet our guest (from Brooklyn) and unpack some esoteric ideas.

Ronni Thomas Bio

Ronni Thomas is a Brooklyn based artist and filmmaker most known for his web series The Midnight Archive, his 2014 film Walter Potter the Man Who Married Kittens and the AMC digital series The Broken and the Bad which is a documentary compendium to Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. His most recent film, The Kybalion released early this year is a surreal documentary expansion of the 1908 text of the same name. Here is my interview with Ronni Thomas.

E123 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Ronni Thomas. I look forward to keeping track of him and his future projects and hopefully having him back on Basecamp later this year.

For Ronni’s work and to find his latest film The Kybalinon, go to  themidnightarchive.com .

In terms of the esoteric classic, The Kybalion, I highly recommend The Kybalion: The Definitive Edition by William Walker Atkinson writing as Three Initiates. Introduced and Edited by Philip Deslippe.

E122 Archetypes for Men with Special Guest James Rapson


E122 Introduction

Throughout my journey as a man and leader in the field of men’s personal development, one particular approach has stayed with me over time: the use of male archetypes to help men on their Hero’s Journey, whatever path that might be for each man.

It was how I was trained as a young man and I have had a love affair with these archetypes ever since. As the philosophical backbone of the Mankind Projects New Warrior Training, work in these concepts have continually provided a forward path with upward movement.

The use of archetypes has many dimensions, as the great philosopher, author, and therapist Carl Jung helped us to understand. Archetypes can bring us into mythical and transcendent realms where the collective and personal intersect. They also act as a diagnostic lens where we can read what is happening in humanity be looking in any direction: inward, outward, personal, or collective. Once your inner eye starts to focus on myth and archetypes, you start to see with new vision. A new vision that is full of magic and possibility as to where we are going and how you might properly play your role.

Archetypes are great for enlarging the context. For making the conversation bigger. The larger the context for our unfoldment, the more excited I get. With that in mind, let’s go have a conversation about male archetypes with our friend James Rapson.

E122 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed that conversation as much as I did. If working with male archetypes is interesting to you, I happen to emphasize this approach in my coaching practice.

I currently have a Life Renewal Program for Men that helps you work with these four archetypes plus the archetypal Hero. I love working with this framework and I can certainly help you create them as powerful tools for whatever transition or challenge you are facing.

If you are interested and want to get started or are just curious as to what this would be like, I offer the first session for free, no strings attached. This is a way for you to see how you might benefit and if working with me is in alignment with you and where you want to go as a man.





E121: Leaning Into 2022 with Special Guest Claire Morency


Hello listeners, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas season and are off to a good start to the new year. I got a much needed rest and am off and going here with season four.

2022 will certainly be an interesting year. More and more people are waking up. Even the most positional of us are starting to realize, shit, I think they might be lying to us. If you still can’t admit this, it’s ok. I‘m not judging you. However the Truth is coming and can’t be stopped.

To me, the pandemic is essentially over. Done. It has lost all steam and credibility. I talk to all sorts of people from all different backgrounds and political stripes. People just don’t give a shit any longer. Omicrom….a mild variant with no deaths. We’re supposed to stay afraid? I don’t think so.

I have been watching along with you, all the people (fully vaccinated) who are testing positive for Covid. This fact alone will wake up a lot of people. The vaccinations are not preventing people from getting or spreading the variants. It was never designed to do so.

2022 will be the year of letting go for many of us. Silo‘s like Democrat/Republican, liberal/conservative, vaxxed/unvaxxed really don’t mean much any longer. It seems that, as Americans, we have a unique opportunity to finally transcend all that has kept us bound and separate. We are Americans. We stand for a set of principles-freedom and liberty being front and center.

Do you like your liberties? Your freedoms? Good! So do I and I don’t care where you are on the political spectrum. I will make you a promise. I won’t box you in and turn you into a cliché if you can afford me the same courtesy. I respect you too much to put you “over there” and label you ignorant. We will all arrive at the mountaintop together. Some are marching straight up. Some are taking a circuitous  road. All good.

What will happen in consciousness in 2022? Where are we at?

What myths will serve us in this next year? What will BFM explore? These are exciting questions for me. My role in our awakening has gradually come into greater focus. I am to keep a meta-narrative of WE THE PEOPLE at all times. If I deliver an uncomfortable Truth, I am to pull back to see the bigger picture. When people are triggered and in fear and denial, I am to give them space to work it out.

I am very optimistic for 2022. There will be many things unfolding, some of which will be jaw-dropping. Is this the year the Great Awakening hits its stride or reaches its apex? Is this the year Americans come together to strengthen our Republic? Time will tell. One thing is for sure. We are rapidly moving towards something that will forever change the way we see the world and ourselves. Are you ready? I am.

I would like to start with an intention. That 2022 is a year like no other for you. This is the year that Truth finds you and does its magic. That you find the resources to make sense of it all and that you and your family are protected and assisted by the Divine at all times. This is the year that humanity transmutes its fear into something that elevates us. And that this is the year we all sense our essential Unity and make our collective and individual choices based on that realization.

Let us all step into the next chapters of our Hero’s Journey boldly together. I am with you. Here we go.

Claire Morency Bio

Claire Morency is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Conscious Language Instructor and Body Language translator, a natural teacher and facilitator of health and wellness. She acts as a bridge to specific, clear, and insightful wisdom, coalesced by more than 30 years of education and experience. Here is my interview with Claire Morency.

E120 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our interview with Claire. Hypnotherapy has always existed in those in-between spaces for me. Meaning that because it addresses your sub-conscious mind and how you use language and self-talk, it has the power and ability to effect positive change in the area or areas that you are struggling with. I think it could be an important tool in your toolbox as you look to transform what may be stuck.

And Claire has graciously given Basecamp listeners a generous discount. If you are ready for a change and want to get started working with Claire, simply email her at https://clairemorencyhypnotherapy.com and mention Basecamp in the email and she will discount your first session by $50. I am planning on working a bit with Claire in 2022 to see what hypnotherapy is like and see if I can shift some old mindsets that no longer work so well.

Thank you for listening. It’s good to be back!


E120: Season Three Wrap-Up


E120 Introduction

Well Basecampers, we have come to the end of season three. I hope you have been finding value in the episodes. Today we have a Firestarter short format with no interview. I really enjoyed season three. I feel privileged to be able to meet all these great people and bring you something different with these conversations. And I know that sometimes you and I are not in complete agreement on something and I want to thank you for giving me space to explore and express certain ideas and themes. I hope I am giving you space as you express your concerns and viewpoints and hopes about where we are going as a tribe.

There is so much going on in the world right now. There is a lot of people waking up. I will continue to do my best to hold and present a meta and mythic viewpoint for us. I invite you to join me in creating the new narrative. It is my belief that 2022 will be an astounding year for us. Our collective awakening is quickening and events will certainly come fast and furious in the coming year. Let’s continue to help one another make better sense of it.