E160: The Path of Humility w Special Guest

Michael Knight


E160 Introduction

Humility. Being humble. This is not a characteristic that comes natural for us in the West, is it? We are encouraged at a young age to not only have a healthy ego but to strive to be special, to be “the Man” in whatever endeavors you seek to make your mark. Be the smartest, the best, be special, be famous, blah blah blah.

We can see this lack of humility all over the place. Especially wherever there is “status”. In corporate business, with lawyers and doctors, with celebrities, with our athletes, and within ourselves. It is not something that many of us were taught, or so it seems. Humbleness isn’t flashy is it? So why cultivate it?

Yet something new is emerging as my guest today so eloquently expresses. That the humble path is the earthy and soulful path. That it has an elegance and a sort of magic to it.

I remember reading about the world famous New Zealand rugby team the All-Blacks. They are the greatest rugby team in world. Legendary. What do they teach and lead with? You guessed it, humility. The author of a book about the All-Blacks went to their training facility to interview their most well-known and most beloved players and found them happily sweeping out the locker room. Can you imagine seeing Michael Jordan or Kobe or Aaron Rogers or Aaron Judge sweeping up the garbage? Neither can I.

Yet, this humbleness permeates much of the male culture in Polynesia. The All-Blacks have many of the indigenous Maori and this emphasis on service comes from them. I have noticed this same, wonderful characteristic in many of the Polynesian men I have met. A gentle nature. A humility. A willingness to serve the tribe in whatever way is needed in the moment.

There is an invitation here for growth. For you and I to surrender to the process of letting go: of old identities and ways of being, of our arrogance, of old behaviors and ways of thinking and feeling that no longer serve us. The invitation is to travel lighter my friend. And right-sizing the ego and embracing the humble path may just be the key. My guest today is a friend and a man who exemplifies what I am talking about. Let’s go sit around the fire with him.

Michael Knight Bio-

My guest today is Michael Knight. Michael is a friend, former professional basketball player, a mentor/trainer and entrepreneur. Here is my interview with Michael Knight.

E160 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our time with Michael Knight. He is part of a new generation of athletes that carry a strong spiritual vibe about them. These athletes express some deep wisdom about who we are and that, sometimes when we focus on ALL of us getting better, each individual finds his or her unique Hero’s Journey in life. All of that resonates here.

Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.





E159: The Walkaways with Special Guest

Gracie West


E159 Introduction

The walkaway movement has certainly gathered much momentum in recent months. When I say walkaway I am, of course, talking about the walkaways from the Democratic party and their radical Marxist agenda. People are figuring it out, like my guest today. Once you see the tools and techniques of this deep conditioning, you can’t unsee it. That is how this awakening works. It has a momentum all its own. You may well be next my friend.

And the walkaway reasons are varied although you will hear variations of the same themes. Maybe you are a parent and you are starting to notice all the strange things happening in public school. The indoctrination against America, tradition, and family. Or the insane sexual content that public schools are exposing our young children to. What 6 or 7 year old needs to hear all about drag queens and gender reassignment? Good god, let them be kids for a few years. Enough with all the grooming.

Or maybe you are noticing (like Lisa and I did) that your child’s intellectual development was or is stagnating. One reason for this might be that they are not reading books anymore in public schools. Did you know that? That’s right. No more reading or writing book reports. Why is that? Indoctrination and ideology have taken the place of reading, writing and arithmetic.

Or perhaps curiosity got the best of you and you started to listen to a Jordan Peterson video to see what all the hubbub was about. Maybe Dr. Peterson opened your eyes to something, as he has done for countless other liberals and former liberals.

Or you may have wandered over to Telegram to see what all those crazy Maga people are talking about and found yourself agreeing with or at the least understanding a few too many of them. It’s been known to happen.

I believe that when it starts to dawn on WE THE PEOPLE that we have a common enemy and we have identified that enemy, the infighting will more or less stop. We have been choking on the lies and deception, haven’t we? But I can see coming out of the fog of war into the light. What a long, strange trip it has been. 

Gracie West Bio-

My guest today is Gracie West. Gracie is an author, a parent, a former feminist and another member of the growing walk-away tribe. Here is my interview with Gracie West. 

E159 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed interview w Gracie West. To find her excellent book Breathing in Water, simply go to Amazon. And if you are interested in John Taylor Gatto’s books(he was the legendary NYC teacher of the year and thought leader), I found a couple on Amazon. You can find Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling and Weapons of Mass Instruction both on Amazon.

Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.










E150: Around the Campfire with Special Guest Matthew Marnitz


E150 Introduction

Welcome Basecampers. I would like to start off by welcoming you all regardless of political orientation. Welcome liberals, conservatives, libertarians, Christians, atheists. All of you are welcome as you are, inside of this and all future conversations.

This show has and will always stand for OUR spiritual development and it is a stand for YOUR spiritual development as well. And right now, things are not what you think, this much I can promise you.

It seems the Divine, God, Great Spirit, Christ, however you conceive the Divine, is asking us to let go. To let go of black and white thinking. This bifurcation seems to be the one last hurdle in our collective awakening. Masks v no masks, vaccinated v not vaccinated, Trump lover v Trump hater, the so-called Anons with their awareness of what has lurked in the shadows v the normies thinking all that shit is crazy. NONE of these divides will survive what is coming. Not one

For the truth that has arrived at our shore is a mythic and ancient one. There is no “other” over there that you are projecting onto. There is just one of us here. This awareness is spreading like wild fire through the human mythic imagination. Burning all illusion that touches it.

Our future, yours and mine, depends on the in-between spaces now. Black and white thinking is a thing of the past. A characteristic of the ego and the ego is being transcended as we speak. There seems to be some ancient wisdom that is drawing us near.

Personally, the best I can do is have a novice mystic mindset. That is to say, be humble. Don’t cherish opinions right now (especially my own). Tread lightly, be fluid. Which, of course, means shedding the ego. How do you shed the ego? Cease to cherish your opinions for they are forming the very last prison cell in your liberation.

Let’s go speak with my guest today. We talk about the White Hat perspective, what it means for humanity, and the power and relevance of tapping into the Higher Self. This is the first half of a two-part interview. Enjoy!

Matthew Marnitz Bio-

Matthew Marnitz is a mystic, intuitive, and spiritual teacher. He teaches people how to differentiate one’s lower self, also known as ego from our Higher Self using one-on-one coaching and a variety of spiritual techniques. Here is my two-part interview with Matthew Marnitz.

E134: We Need BOTH the Masculine and Feminine Perspectives with Lisa and Tony Rezac


E134 Introduction

There are so many things unfolding right now. It can make your head spin. The Truth movement is really gathering momentum. A quickening. People are waking up all over the nation and the world. You can see abundant evidence even if you live in one of the woke enclaves like I do.

Sometimes I am not sure what I will do an episode about. Of the many topics that I cover, certainly a sort of metanarrative about how WE THE PEOPLE are doing would be near the top, wouldn’t it? How is YOUR awakening going? Feeling in the dark about what we are talking about? That is fine, you’re coming along. Pissed off at the corruption and lies in the media? Good! You should be and your awakening is in full bloom. Is your radar for truth seem to be getting sharper and more trust-worthy? Ahh, now I know things are going to get really interesting for you.

Today’s guest is a regular and she always makes good radio. She’s also been at my side for the past 27 years or so. Enjoy!

Lisa Rezac Bio

My guest today is the beautiful, always insightful Lisa Rezac. Lisa is a fundraising auctioneer and the new Regional Field Director for the Washington State Republican party. Here is my interview with Lisa Rezac.

E133 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed listening in on the conversation in the Rezac household. We will be stepping away for a week to go recharge and get some sunshine and celebrate Easter. So no episode next week. We will resume our journey together on April 26th. I am really looking forward to the conversations we will be having.


E104: Finding the Flow in Chaotic Times with Special Guest author Kari Hohne


E104 Introduction

I first came across today’s guest in a beautiful 7-minute video she made titled The Art of Going with the Flow. It resonated with me. Sometimes with wisdom teachings, we just need to be reminded. The essential truth is already inside of us.

We are all doing our best to navigate these strange times we find ourselves in. There is not agreement amongst us and that is fine.

As my guest today so eloquently states, chaos is a sign of growth and renewal. It means the old systems and energies that go with it are in decay. This is how nature intends it. There is a lot of talk in spiritual circles about the chaos of ushering the new paradigm. I for one am optimistic as is my guest today.

There is a strong tendency amongst my inner circle to fight. We are actively engaged in protecting our Constitutional rights from over-reaching Governors and health bureaucrats with an agenda.

But my guest today reminded me in a gentle and powerful fashion that perhaps all of this chaos is a test. Not necessarily a test of our willingness to fight for our principles, although we are being tested that way as well.  But a test of faith. Can we trust this whole process we are in? Can we trust one another and the Divine to usher us into the new epoch?

I for one can see where I can  still strengthen my faith and trust that we are unfolding the truth in a beautiful and perfect way. Can we leave all the angst and fear and scarcity behind? What do you think? What parts of us are starting to emerge? This is the question that excites me and inspires me on a daily basis. I am happy to have you along for the ride my friends. Let’s renew our faith in our emerging story and one another.

Kari Hohne Bio-

Kari Hohne is a popular author of many translations of ancient texts. Her books include The Mind’s Mirror, The Mythology of Sleep, Nothing Bad Happens in Life, and her latest book The Common Archetypes of the Tarot. Here is my interview with Kari Hohne.

E104 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Kari Hohne. To find her and all of her great resources, go to www.cafeausoul.com.