E157: The Cult of Western Medicine with Special Guest Rochelle Summers


E157 Introduction

With all the misinformation and disinformation coming out of the MSM about Covid and the vaccination program engineered by Big Pharma, something has gradually come into focus. That our blind trust in the “medical authorities” when they are intimately tied to something as corrupt as the pharmaceutical industry, no longer serves us. It is never easy to challenge something as monolithic as the western medical industry and the pharma-hydra that birthed it.

The fact is that more and more people are waking up. To the lies and deception. About the origins of Covid, about the so-called vaccines. And about the gaslighting and censorship that was administered by MSM and Big Tech.

Covid and its aftermath has turned out to be a massive red-pill for an unsuspecting public. Creating at first a sort of cognitive dissonance as most people put masks on and did what they were told. But people are going to be PISSED OFF when they get the full story of the Covid origins. Just wait. You can see it cresting just over the hill there and barreling towards us like a freight train.

It never ceased to amaze me how much blowback ordinary citizens and parents received by simply asking questions and challenging the mono-narrative. God forbid ask questions or have a different perspective or make different choices. Oye vay.

It has been an exhausting journey yet here WE THE PEOPLE stand. Wiser to the corruption, seeing the pattern, calling out each over-reach by the Globalists with more and more confidence and larger and larger numbers.

If you are just now starting to figure this out, we welcome you. For every one of you who have held two or more perspectives and haven‘t thrown the rest of us under the bus, I salute you. This information war has not been easy on any of us.

I will finish with a quote from the actor Woody Harrelson ,who said “The last people I would trust with my health is Big Pharma and Big Government because neither one of those strike me as caring entities.” Aho.

Enjoy the interview.


E154: Basecamp Classics


E154 Introduction

Hello Basecampers. Well, I was going to skip this week as I had two partial episodes that didn’t feel very compatible as one episode. In other words, they are two separate episodes with more work to do.

I shared this with my wife Lisa who reminded me that when Adam Carolla does not have fresh content on a given week, he re-releases one of his classic episodes. I think this is great idea! So with that being said, here is a classic Basecamp episode all the way to season two . The episode is E78 The Path with Heart. The guest is Scott Wyman. Enjoy.




E149: A New Vantage Point


E149 Introduction

Hello listeners. I hope everyone is well. I had my interview postponed this week due to illness so its just me. I‘ve got some things to chat about that I think are relevant to the times.

No episode next week. I will be off work and doing some hiking and stuff. We will resume on Aug 23rd for EP 150. Wow, I can’t believe we are all the way up to 150 already. Pretty cool.

I‘m looking over some things. We covered some of the vaccine stuff recently. Somebody has to talk about it. It’s uncomfortable, I know. I see at least 3 different camps on this. One is the unvaccinated and they are grateful and healthy and haven’t changed their tune one bit. Don‘t be looking for them to go out and get the Monkey Pox shot (also known as the Midterm Variant btw). Nobody I know that exercised their freedom of choice and chose NOT to get any of the Covid shots have any regrets whatsoever. The “winter of death” for the unvaccinated (as Biden called it) came and went and here we all are. Strong, sovereign, and healthy.

The second group is the vaccinated that have some regret and will perhaps not be participating in any more of Big Pharma’s mass experiment. Maybe they had a health issue after one of the shots. Or they watched as everyone they knew (vaccinated or not) get Covid. So, you know, what’s the point of the shots? They have maybe even been red-pilled a time or two by getting on Telegram or clicking on a link that one of their in-the-know friends sent them. The result: they are starting their own awakening process. They are starting to find the threads through the insane narrative that the media keeps blaring, hoping to keep you confused, in fear, and in the dark as to what is REALLY going on.

Then there is the 3rd group. Vaccinated, happy they did it, gleefully will get another as they parrot out the “I trust science” mantra. Refusing to look at any of the scientists that have been banned and censored on Big Tech for presenting evidence against the globalist narrative and Big Pharma’s money grab.

What I find encouraging about this is that there was really only two groups before and they were quite busy name calling the other: fuckin idiots, brainwashed, blah blah blah. I now see less of that with this middle group who seems to be wrestling with it all in a good way. It gives me hope.

E148: Learning to Fight with Special Guest Alex McShane


E148 Introduction

I have often thought that every man needs to know how to fight. To have been in a fight or two even. I know that isn’t very politically correct with all the snowflake prounouns and blah blah blah. But there you have it.

There is something a man learns about himself when he has been engaged in some sort of hand-to-hand combat. Whether that is through boxing, wrestling, martial arts, or good old-fashioned bar fight. And don’t get me wrong. I’m not preaching violence. It is just a man learns something of himself when he puts himself to the test. It’s empowering.

I often thought to myself throughout the whole Covid shenanigans “Where is the fight in men?”. Our Constitutional rights are being taken away (for example, no jab, no travel, no jab/no job here, wear your masks until some corrupt bureaucrat tells you its ok to take it off). I was stunned by the lack of fight I saw in men. Without a fighting spirit, we’re fuckin doomed.

America wasn’t formed as a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC because our founding fathers had no fight. Quite the contrary. Our nation is here because of the fight in its citizens and its soldiers. Covid was a test of this fighting spirit and I‘m not so sure we passed. At least not collectively. There will surely be new tests ahead of us where our courage and fight are again put to the test. My hope is that each person will do his or her part to stand for the principles that brought us here.

Today, I have the pleasure of speaking to an MMA fighter. Let’s go talk about training, fighting, and Bitcoin!

Alex McShane Bio-

Alex McShane is the Head of Multimedia / Programming at Bitcoin Magazine, and the CEO of McShane Capital. Alex also designs and sells shirts, shoes, and Bitcoin related art. In his free time, Alex enjoys practicing Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling, Muay Thai, and MMA.

E148 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our time with Alex McShane. You could see a difference in our mindsets around BTC. Where I am applying an old scarcity mindset where I never want to part with mine. Alex has evolved to find a more interesting way to engage and experience the BTC standard as a way of living. I have sent BTC to a number of friends but I look forward to joining Alex in a more fluid participation in the Bitcoin future.

Alex has some really cool t-shirts (I already ordered one) at the McShane Collection at www.lmtdsupply.com/pages/mcshane.

E147: The Elephant in the Room with Special Guest Cat Parker


E147 Introduction

I saw a meme going around that perfectly captures the current rash of health issues going around from being jabbed. It has been passed around IG and FB. It says “We are in the midst of the longest, saddest, most excruciating and unsatisfying I TOLD YOU SO in the history of the world.” I think this captures a particular moment in time right now.

As someone who was sounding the alarm bells about these experimental, untested shots, I know in my heart I did everything I could. And it brings me absolutely no satisfaction to be right about this. I don’t care about being right. I value health for all of us. My allegiance is always with WE THE PEOPLE.

A few positive developments I am seeing is more and more good nurses are starting to band together and sound the alarm bells. These nurses are hoping that parents will at least look into the adverse reactions happening all over the planet. If we can keep parents from jabbing the little ones, this would be a big win for us.

And I think this is happening. Parents are waking up. According to the corrupt CDC, Only 2% of children 6-month to 5 years old have had it. This has Pfizer flabbergasted, I‘m sure. And in the 5-11 year olds, only 16% have taken it. Big Pharma has lost our trust. Evidence (both anecdotal and hard data) are sinking the corrupt, careening industry that decided that experimenting on US was fine…..as long as the payday was big enough .Parents have been put on notice and have risen to the occasion. This brings a smile to my face.

Lastly, I saw a post my Dr. Horace Drew who says “Writing as a professional scientist, I would like to emphasize that ANY vaccine which requires 5 doses, once every three months, just to reduce symptoms, but not infection or transmission, would NEVER be approved under normal circumstances. Please get a grip on facts and reality. “ Well said doctor. Let’s go talk to our guest today, who has an interesting story to share with us.

Cat Parker Bio-

My guest today is Cat Parker. Cat is a creative photographer, a former law enforcement officer, and comes to share her story of health and censorship of information. Here is my interview with Cat Parker.

Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed my interview the awesome Cat Parker. To check out her photography or help her with a donation for her health costs, go to www.catparkerphoto.com Please consider helping her, every bit helps.

Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all good health. I hope that you and your family are feeling your best and, if not, finding the resources to return to vibrant good health. God bless you all.