E55: The Measure of Men with Jeff Perera


E55 Introduction

What is the current measure of a man? We have all grown up with all sorts of cultural imprints around this. The macho tough guy. The stud athlete. The alpha male and high-achiever and blah, blah, blah. I’m so bored with these guys.

And to a certain extent, we have all been asked to accept that the measure of a man is about his status and how much money he brings in. What sort of house he lives in or what kind of family he comes from. Everything is meant to put you in some sort of imaginary pecking order.

But things are changing. The conversations that men are having ABOUT men is taking how we measure ourselves into a new arena. One with more heart and soul and more breathing room for all of us. The new measure doesn’t exclude the high-status former alpha male. It’s just requiring him to right-size his ego and stop making everything about him and his image.

We have outgrown the old measure. This much is clear. The new measure will show that men are capable of a lot more than just being status ponies.

I’m excited to talk to my guest today as he is an expert on the inner lives of men and is helping to create this new measure that I am speaking of.

Jeff Perera Bio-

Jeff Perera
 has been speaking for over 12 years to audiences and teams across North America about men helping end gender-based violence, modelling healthy ideas of manhood, and empathy-building. Jeff started HigherUnlearning.com to explore how ideas of manhood impact all of us. Jeff has delivered two TEDx talks and contributes opinion pieces for Huffington Post.


E54: Educating Our Boys with Special Guest Jennifer Fink   E54 Introduction Currently there is a sea change happening in how we educate our boys. Brought on by this pandemic, parents are looking at alternatives…

E51: The Happiness Index with Special Guest Nic Marks


E51 Introduction

Happiness is something that I have had a keen interest in for a long time. I have enjoyed looking at this topic and experimenting in my own life as to what makes a happy person. I have even created a presentation that I deliver to groups called How To Create Happiness, which I will talk about in an upcoming episode.

What I love about my guest today is that he has studied happiness in countries and workplaces using statistics as a guide. Which is something that you don‘t see every day. What does this data tell us about what makes a happy country or happy workplace? And most importantly, how do we create more happiness, satisfaction, and well-being in the world while treading lightly on our beloved planet? Here is a conversation about this very issue.

Nic Marks Bio– My guest today is Nic Marks and he was once describe as a “statistician with a soul” due to his unusual combination of hard statistical  and soft people skills. He has been working in the field of happiness, wellbeing and quality of life for over 25 years with a particular emphasis on measurement and how to create positive change.

In 2010, he gave a TED talk on his work in public policy, which has now been watched over 2 million times.

Nic as ben applying his creative thinking to the world of work since 2012. He is the founder of Friday Pulse and has worked with over 1000 organizations and teams measuring and improving their happiness at work. Here is my interview with Nic Marks.


E50: Navigating Change with Special Guest Sharon Weil


E50 Introduction

We are in the midst of great change. It would be hard to argue against this observation. There are enormous changes afoot in society. Changes in how we work; in how we educate our children; in our relationship with others,  and in how we interact with the planet. And consciousness is evolving and expanding, as many of you are noticing.

How do we navigate the suddenly stormy waters we have found ourselves in? What can we depend on that will help us through these transitions? How, as creative humans, do we continue to create with alignment and heart, in the midst of such uncertainty and stress? Today’s conversation is about this very topic.

My guest today is Sharon Weil. 

     Sharon Weil has long been engaged in the conversation about courage and change as an author, activist, award-winning filmmaker, and somatic educator.She is the author of ChangeAbility, How Artists, Activists, and Awakeners Navigate Change, which draws upon the collective wisdom of twenty-five change-innovators across many fields. She is also the host of Passing 4 Normal Podcast (iTunes), conversations about change.   For the past twenty-one years, Sharon has been a  somatic movement educator and Continuum teacher.

Here is my interview with Sharon Weil.

E47 Firestarters for Men: The Five-Minute Mystic   E47 Introduction Collectively, we are at the point in the Hero’s Journey where the audience is on the edge of their seats and going “Oh shit, this…