Basecamp for Men E84: Health as Your Foundation

April 6, 2021

E84: Health as Your Foundation with Special Guest

Janell Hartman


E84 Introduction

I hope you are all well. I wanted to start off by saying that I loved what Howard Ferguson said at the end of our last episode. He pointed to something that I love to return to and restate over and over. There is no division in WE THE PEOPLE. We are all in this learning together despite our differences of opinion about Covid, about Donald Trump, about whether or not we are getting vaccinated.

A couple of tidbits I found interesting on this front. That Merck, one of the major global pharmaceutical companies pulled their Covid 19 vaccine. They issued a statement saying that, after all their research, it turns out that the human immune system is the best defense against Covid-19. We already knew this.

There is a big controversy in Europe as multiple countries pull the Asta Zeneca Covid 19 vaccine. All sorts of issues with that including deaths and side effects we may not know for quite some time.

And here in the news, dozens of Washingtonians are coming down with Covid 19 even though they have been fully vaccinated. Just food for thought.

And after all the controversy as to whether or not this is a new type of “vaccine” (it is) and whether or not it alters your DNA (it does), the CEO of Moderna comes out and says it absolutely DOES alter your DNA. What do you think of that?

And according to the US Dept of Health and Human Services, Florida’s number of hospitalizations of patients with Covid continues to stagnate and in some age groups it is dropping. This despite opening up the businesses and the economy and throwing away or burning their masks in civic dispays of freedom and sovereignty.  I like your spunk and your spirit Floridians. Keep leading us along!

Lastly, I was at a friends house for dinner the other night and a young man in his late-teens was asking me about vaccines and what my thoughts and feelings were about them. He said he was having issues with his family. That he is expected to get the vaccine because they are. I asked him how he felt about getting it. He confided that he doesn’t want it and doesn‘t feel like he needs to get it.


I simply told him that every young person comes to a fork in the road where what they feel is right for him or her conflicts with what everybody else wants for them. I told him that I am not saying to openly defy your family but that honoring yourself and your own inner knowing and wisdom is a resource that you will come to trust and rely on as he gets older. What better time than now to exercise it?

And to be clear, I am fine with whomever is getting a vaccine. I respect your sovereignty and your freedom to choose what is best for you.  My request is that you simply extend that basic respect to those that are choosing a different road than you.

Today we will talk about foundational health and give you  some tips and suggestions on on how to create that. Good health is phase one for the Hero’s Journey. It is extra difficult to  have energy for the challenges we face if you are not feeling your best. Let’s go talk to Janell.

Janell Hartman Bio

Janell Hartman has always been drawn to art, music and mysticism as the means to navigate and integrate her journey. She currently lives and serves in Seattle as a colon hydrotherapist and education director at a naturopathic health clinic called Tummy Temple.

She spent a decade in social services working with homeless women where she turned to yoga for sanity and self-care. This led Janell to a long career of teaching yoga, which includes many years of offering classes to incarcerated men via the organization Yoga Behind Bars.

E84 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Janell Hartman. I have tinkered with supplements my whole life and thought I would share with you my short list of essential supplements. You may just find something for your health that helps your vitality and well-being.

I am a big believer in getting things in my body that are anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer. And I like things that help my PH stay alkaline. Disease thrives in a acidic PH and since I have a sweet tooth and love my coffee, it‘s important for me that I balance out these acidic substances with more alkaline supplements.

In an earlier conversation, Janell mentioned how much she loves Vitamin D as a supplement and I completely agree. Especially in the winter months in the northern states, this helps offset the lack of sun.

I also really like Vitamin C year round. It is a powerhouse of a vitamin. Helps to fend off viruses and illness and has anti-cancer properties.  I don‘t really like multi-vitamins and after speaking with countless naturapathic doctors, nutritionists, and health experts, I don’t think they are worth the money.

Tumeric is unbelievable! I can’t tell you how much better I feel since starting it. It is revered in India for it‘s anti-inflammatory and almost miraculous properties.

I love Spirulina tablets as an alkalizing agent.  Naturapaths sometimes refer to it a blood cleaner, so you know it’s good.

I take a full-spectrum CBD oil. I was experiencing some strange mouth and tongue pain. Maybe from some botched dental work, who knows. I was battling it for over a year. A week after I started to take CBD oil, it vanished and has never returned. Yeah, I‘m sticking with full-spectrum CBD.

My final recommendation might sound odd but I started to take Apple Cider Vineger. A an ounce or two in a glass of water. I do it about every other day. This has seemed to have a drastic uptick in my vitality and health. It is also a alkalizing substance.