E77: Why the World Will ALWAYS Need Men

with Special Guest Nicky Billou


E77 Introduction-

I believe that we still need masculine men. Men who know who they are, who are comfortable in their own skin. I believe we will always need the rock solid strength that men bring to the world.

Look, not everyone is going to be transgender or androgynous, despite what the MSM or pop culture is telling us. I do not believe it is best for our nation to have a world full of overly sensitive, politically correct soy boys. Do you?

The world has always and will always need men. After all, who will defend our nation? Who will protect our women and children? Who will father our future generations? Where will humanity derive its strength, which is inherent in men.

The eroding impact of cultural Marxism has temporarily put good men on their heels. Masculinity is under attack. This is not the cry of a victim here. I am just noticing.

There is a concerted effort to emasculate men. To turn us into something that we aren’t.   Boys are being educated to sit down and shut up and are often shamed simply for being of “the aggressive gender”.

I had the experience recently of finishing up a 9-year stint on the Board of Directors for a NYC not-for-profit. Overall, it was a wonderful experience.  However, as I was finishing up my tenure, our Board happened to schedule a day-long training in Critical Race Theory. I politely declined to participate.

According to Critical Race Theory, the fact that I declined to participate automatically makes me a racist. It doesn’t take much these days.

Yet, the truth is I didn’t want to waste 6 precious hours talking about how best to treat people, which I feel I do pretty well.  As a man, I’ve been trained to guard my boundaries well and I am just am not interested nor available to be shamed, confused, and isolated by trained cultural Marxists.  It seems that shaming, dividing, and confusing people is what they do best.

Political correctness has brought us a long ways from something so common sense as this: have respect and kindness for everyone you meet. This seems to me a much simpler approach to all the hand wringing, angst, and finger-pointing that we see today.

In these issues, I am really clear about a couple of things. One, I refuse to let others tell me what my experience is within the human tribe. I trust myself and I see us all as brothers and sisters on an epic Hero’s Journey. If that is not good enough for cultural Marxists and their followers, fuck ’em I say.

And I am also really clear that we will continue to need good men to help anchor strength in the human tribe. Men are needed now more than ever. If the men of our human tribe don’t claim and honor their inner strength, the part of them that is essentially masculine, then what do we do when the world once again needs the clarity and presence and strength of good men?

Let’s go talk to my guest today about some of these very issues.


Nicky Billou Bio-

Nicky Billou is the International Best Selling Author of the book: Finish Line Thinking: How to Think and Win Like a Champion.He is an in-demand and highly inspirational speaker and an advisor and confidante to some of the most successful and dynamic entrepreneurs in Canada. He is the co-founder of eCircle Academy (www.eCircleAcademy.com) where he runs a yearlong Mastermind & Educational program working with Coaches, Consultants, and Corporate Trainers.

Nicky is the host of the podcast The Thought Leader Revolution where he has interviewed over 200 of the world’s top thought leaders. Here is my interview with Nicky Billou.

E77 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our conversation with Nicky as much as I did. As we were finishing our call, Nicky wanted me to pass along an offer for you. Anyone who wants a free 45-minute coaching session with him, just go to www.eCircleAcademy.comand go book a success call. This is a really generous offer to all of you entrepreneurs out there to get some free insights from a man who knows how to guide thought leaders and others towards success.

E76 Firestarters for Men: Building Bridges


E76 Introduction-

Well today we come in with one of our short format Firestarters for Men. I am calling it Building Bridges. For what it’s worth, I am feeling incredibly optimistic right now. That may surprise some of you. It hit me this week. A feeling that we are right on the verge of something historic. A restoration of our Republic. A reclaiming of what is rightfully ours as WE THE PEOPLE.

I want to get a guest on to unpack The Act of 1871 and its implications. I mentioned this at the end of the last episode. It seems this knowledge is making its way to the center stage. Were any of you able to go do some research on this?

I am also starting to put together interviews that will serve us as a tribe NO MATTER what happens in the world. If the shit hits the fan, what are our resources as men? What can we count on? Where is our edge right now as men?

It seems we are being asked to transcend our boundaries. To integrate the polarities that have kept us divided. I hear it from both sides, right and left. I have been in both camps at different points in my life. Here is what you will hear: I can’t talk to them. THEY are brainwashed. THEY don’t listen. THEY are crazy. THEY are stupid. THEY are violent.If you move across the political spectrum in this country, it’s the one thing that both sides have in common. They view the other side as a bunch of brainwashed idiots.

I am not sure if way of thinking if going to get us there. Do you? If what we have been talking about here the past ten episodes or so is true, this polarity will need to be transcended. What work do you need to do?

Let’s not forget what we have learned about projecting our shadow. We have a strong, unconscious tendency to hide, repress, and deny all the traits that we don’t want to own in ourselves. We then project them onto the other person or other group. So, it is always them. THEY that are ignorant ones, never us. THEY are violent, not us. THEY are brainwashed and conditioned, never us. THEY are wrong about something never us. And finally, it is THEY who are arrogant and lack humility, not us.

Do you see how prevalent that is in our thinking? To remedy this, we can get out one of our most powerful tools in menswork and just own the projection.

I can be ignorant of many, many things. There is so much I DON’T know.

I can be violent and angry. Sometimes I want to burn this old, corrupt system to the ground.

I can be brainwashed and conditioned. My whole life I have processed information that wasn’t true. Even though it was packaged as such. So have you, my friend.

I can be wrong….about lots of things. Maybe I am even wrong about this.

And finally, I can be arrogant and lack humility. I can think I know more or am better because I do spiritual work or mens work or I’m smart and well-read and so on and so forth. I can lack humility. This is a shadow that many men have.

Can you find these in yourself? These qualities you project to the other side, whether that other side is on the left or on the right. This sort of owning your shadow is what helps build the bridge. Are you starting to see that?

We have forgotten that WE ARE We The People. There isn’t a political divide in WE THE PEOPLE. The divide is an artificial construct. An impediment or obstacle in our collective awakening .

Sure the MSM, which is controlled by the DS and CIA, stokes and fuels our division. This is by design. However it is up to us to see this and ultimately decide: does this division serve us? Will it take us to where we need to go?  Does it feel good to constantly put our friends and family members “over there” in the box we label as idiots or brainwashed or misinformed (even when you can easily make the case for this). Will standing above others ever awaken them?Or do we need to figure out more elegant ways to build the bridges for WE THE PEOPLE.

I have work to do finding the new language. I am betting that you do too. This is perhaps the most important work you and I will do together. Do you want to be part of reclaiming WE THE PEOPLE and look back on this time as the best thing that you ever saw happen in your lifetime? Then it’s time to lean into your work and your courage. We are counting on you my friend.

For me, another area I see that I can continue to develop is in my ability to hold space for people that don’t agree with my viewpoint. This seems really important right now I‘m really being challenged by that with this show. I want people to like me and respect me (although this desire has lessened as I have grown older).

My teacher Patrick mentioned this in the recent retreat I did with him. He reminded us to stand in the Truth, no matter what. Serve the Divine and serve the Truth. Then let the chips fall where they may. You might lose a few friends and family members as you continue on your Hero’s Journey. But that’s ok. Sometimes these people you think are gone circle back around further up the mountain.

I got a great email from a listener that I want to share with you. He was so respectful and expressed how much he has enjoyed Basecamp and called out some specific episodes that he has enjoyed. He then expressed that the recent episides on The Great Awakening and, specifically, the episodes where Q is referenced have been off-putting and out of alignment with him and his viewpoint.

I completely get this. I have an intuitive feeling that many of you may be sitting with the same unease or lack of resonance with these recent episodes. My question to you is: did you get anything from the episodes, even if you didn’t agree with some of the content?

Here is the email I sent back to him. I hope it makes sense to you. I won’t use his name, of course.

Thank you for your honest response and thank you for listening to Basecamp. I think I understand where you are coming from.

That being said, I wanted to clear something up as best I can. The Great Awakening is not centered on nor dependent on Q for its momentum. It is a collective awakening to both the Light and the Dark. Q is simply a tool to help awaken many to the shadow. That’s it really.

Is Q a military intelligence operation? Yes it is. Are they preparing to make arrests? Yes they are. Is it going to shock the public? Yes it will.

However, beyond that, you don’t ever have to go there (nor does anyone else). There are a lot of ways up the mountain (many versions of the Hero’s Journey) and there seems to be a collective quickening happening right now. It’s palpable in the air, isn’t it?

I’ve done 75 shows now and only 5 or so mention anything related to the Q phenomenon. I will continue to serve men and serve Truth and our collective awakening. 

Thank you for giving Basecamp a listen and I wish you well.

With respect,


It seems we are being asked to forge new tools for the next chapters of our Hero’s Journey. What has brought us this far may be inadequate for the next challenges. How do you do your part to build bridges? What part of you is beckoning for expression? What part of you that has been dormant is now being asked to come forth? Your voice? Your heart? Your truth?

To steal a few lines from Andy Dufrane in The Shawshank Redemption, one of my favorite films of all-time. If you’ve come this far, perhaps you’re willing to come a bit further. I hope this episode finds you and finds you well.

Your friend,



E75: The Masculine/Feminine Dynamic with Special Guest

Lisa Rezac


E75 Introduction-

Well my dear listeners, this show has continued to evolve as you and I evolve. What started out as a show about men’s personal development and the evolution of consciousness has moved more fully into an investigation into the Great Awakening and how to better prepare for the upcoming chapters of our collective Hero’s Journey.

We will continue to offer episodes that address the issues that men currently face in their personal lives AS WELL as offer interesting alternative viewpoints on what is happening in our country that may help you find alignment with your own truth. We’ll continue to seek balance on these issues.

The compass will continue to be truth, even when it is uncomfortable. We have trained ourselves through men’s work and these conversations to align ourselves with the human spirit. With what we ALL have in common. This will continue to guide us.

In terms of issues on the national stage, I will continue to reference and speak as part of WE THE PEOPLE as this is in alignment with my own mission. Right now, there is a group that is relieved that Joe Biden is President. And that is fine. They feel that they can breathe now. There is another group that is sure that the military is fully in control and does not recognize Biden as a legitimate Commander in Chief. And there is a third group that isn’t sure what to think.

What is unfolding goes WAY beyond Democrat v Republican. Can you sense this? Your political orientation is about to become completely irrelevant. And this may well be a Godsend for our nation.

My guest today is my wife Lisa who is coming off a 3-day meditation retreat with our teacher Patrick Conner. I was on retreat as well. I thought it would be a good chance to check in on the value of your spiritual practice, being in partnership with your spouse or life partner, and taking a look at the masculine/feminine dynamic and what we might learn from it.

Lisa Rezac Bio-

My guest today is an exceptional woman known for her beauty, intuition, humor, and courage. Lisa Rezac has been an classically trained actor, corporate trainer, entrepreneur, mother, and a fundraising auctioneer. She is a creative thinker and a person who models living your deepest truths. She has also been my life-partner for the past 26 years.

E75 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our conversation with the always interesting Lisa Rezac.

For information about retreats with Patrick Conner, go to www.sharmada.org

Lastly, people are talking a lot about the Act of 1871, where a CORPORATION of the U.S. was created and how Trump and the military, in essence, are in the process of restoring the original Republic and give the power back to WE THE PEOPLE.

This Act of 1871 might be an interesting red pill for some of you attorneys out there. You can compare and contrast our Original Constitution for WE THE PEOPLE with the alterations made in 1871 and the creation of the CORPORATION of the U.S. I will be doing some research into this to see what the hubbub is all about. Let’s see what we all find out, shall we?

E73: Jan 19th, 2021…..On the Brink with Special Guest Spencer Thurston


E73 Introduction-

Well, my last episdode E72: The Storm is Upon Us got taken down by Apple. So I have been banned from Twitter and had an important episode removed from Apple. Both are considered badges of honor in the podcast community. It means your doing something right. It’s still an annoyance though.

I am going to try and rename the episode and use special characters to see if I can evade Apple’s algorithms. You can always just go directly to www.basecampformen.com or Spotify.

Here we sit on the precipice. The world as we know it is about to change, drastically. Are you aware of this? The MSM is not reporting this so you won’t get a clear picture from them. When we did this interview, we were just a few short days away from a Jan. 20th.  When this hits the airwaves, it will be Jan. 19th. There is a beehive of activity coming from our military, national guard, and FEMA. The fence around the capital looks more like a fence to keep people IN rather than keep people OUT. Which I find very interesting.

Men, have you been doing your work regarding your own awakening? Are you looking at what is going on beyond the Deep State’s narrative on the news and print channels? Are you learning how to find the right information and discern for yourself what is really happening?

The rumors that have been swirling around the internet are about to be put to the litmus test. Will Biden be inaugaurated and then serve as our President?  HA! Will President Trump address the nation via Emergency Broadcast System? Will there be a false flag terrorist event staged by the Deep State to try and hold onto power? Has the CCP made their move on our Republic?  Are we going to declare war on China because of this? The truth is looking for you and the coming days will tell the tale.

Keep your wits about you men. The next time I speak here will be after the historic events on Jan. 20th.

Spencer Thurston Bio-

My guest today is Spencer Thurston and he is a Patriot and author as well as a musician. Spencer is a free thinker and, like myself, just got banned from Twitter for speaking truth. Here is my interview with Spencer Thurston.

Spencer Thurston-Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Spencer Thurston.

Keep your head and hearts about you men. If we are unable to post episodes for a week or two, we‘ll return to the airways just as soon as we are able.

I thank you for listening. We’ll see you on the other side.


E71: Bringing Truth into the Light with Special Guest Howard Ferguson


E71 Introduction-

We sit at the precipice. The completion of 2020 and the start of what will be an epic 2021 for humanity. If you have been listening and investigating, you are certainly finding some interesting truth threads. They are everywhere these days.

It seems that we are being asked to integrate conflicting narratives right now.  How will you process information that makes you angry or upset? How will you treat people that have a drastically different viewpoint from you? Will the left hand and right hand continue to condescend and project onto one another? Can you find the higher ground in the coming days? If you do, I promise you will receive exactly what you need to understand what is unfolding.

The new information that is coming into your awareness now and into early 2021 will be some of the most important information you will process in your lifetime. Can you make room? Can you let go of your preconceived notions? Can you recognize what is happening? In humanity? In the world? In yourself?

We enter 2021 with a sense of excitement and trepidation. Something big is upon us. The Hero has prepared and has taken a hunter’s stance.

Howard Ferguson Bio-

My guest today is a friend, entrepreneur, restaurateur, and fellow seeker of Truth. Howard Ferguson is a man known as straight-shooter, a truth teller, and someone who is able to integrate new information and form it into a collective vision of what is happening and where we might be going.

Here is my interview with Howard Ferguson.

E71 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our time with our friend Howard Ferguson. A few resources for you for the upcoming year. I HIGHLY recommend my teacher Patrick Conner’s New Year Intention meditation. If you go to www.sharmada.org  you will see it right there at the top of the first page and its free.

Howard recommended the Heart Math Institute; Dr. Joe Dispenza and his excellent book Becoming Supernatural; and Dr. Bruce Lipton’s Spontaneous Evolution.

I also love what Howard said about accessing Heart coherence. It’s not only for your health and spiritual well-being but as a way to fine-tune your instrument for resonating with truth. Seems like a good thing for us to continue to develop right now.