E107 Dealing with Ourselves


E107 Introduction

One thing that we have come to understand through all this is that we are in a messy process. We are, as a tribe, learning how to deal with uncertainty and chaos. It is all around us right now. And my sense is that we also learning how to develop our inner knowing and our connection to the Divine light. For some this will be through Church and the Light of Christ. For others it will be a Gnostic path with Goddess motifs and the natural world. For still others, it may be an eastern wisdom tradition or aplant medicine of one kind or another to help accelerate this inner knowing. All roads lead to the mountaintop, as the mystic would say.

The process is always messy. Never neat and tidy. As we deal with our repression, denial, trauma, and amnesia. Many of us are working our way out of a kind of numbness that we have used to try to insulate us from the pain of separation or trauma. Others are working through the fog of disinformation that acts like a pollution in our minds. Making it difficult to see the truth or the Divine Light and to know which way is up and out of this mess.

How do we meet one another “where we are.” Knowing that where you are and where I am might be quite different. How do we get our arms around everyone we care about, which is this whole tribe that is in our care. It is my belief and my vision that we are entering a whole new chapter of our collective Hero’s Journey. We will leave cynicism and disbelief and habitually dark patterning behind us.

We are all, you and I, learning to hold the Light for one another. When one of us slips, another stops to help them up. This is our alchemy and our work. We are all in this together, working to elevate one another.  Hang in there for we are almost to the next chapter of our story.

Ben Bio-

Because of the nature of our conversation today, my guest wants to be able to speak freely and remain somewhat anonymous and we will use only his first name.

Ben is a friend, a software developer and spiritual warrior. He leads men’s groups and a Brazilian church that uses Ayehuasca or plant medicine as their sacrament. Something we talk about in today’s episode. Here is my interview w my good friend Ben.

E107 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Ben. I love how authentic and heart-centered Ben is. It was fascinating to me how his work in a church with plant medicine looks a lot light a laboratory that shows us what we are all going through. Processing fear and uncertainty, healing trauma, letting go of ego and habitual ways of doing and seeing things.

It stood out to me when Ben said that in his work, the medicine is the body or Consciousness of Christ. I could feel the power and truth in this declaration.

Not everything is the way we once thought it was. It seems right now, EVERYONE is having to navigate this. THE TRUTH IS ALSO SEEKING THE SEEKER.