E263: Honoring the Soul’s Journey with Special Guest Katie Webster


E263 Introduction

Well, we posted out the trailer for the new show I am writing, producing, and hosting called The American Pulse. We put the trailer right on the Basecamp live feed as our American Pulse feed is still being built. The first three episodes are scheduled to drop sometime late next week or maybe even on the weekend. We’ll see.

I absolutely LOVED speaking with my guest today. A fellow seeker who has a deep interest in relationships, men, depth psychology, and myth and meaning. Right up our ally, right Basecamper? Let’s get right to it, shall we?

Katie Webster Bio

My guest today is Katie Webster. Katie is Transformational Men’s Coach, a Confidant to the Wild Man, a Bitcoiner, and a student of the Mystery. Here is my interview with Katie Webster.


E156: The Open Way with Special Guest Enna Reittort


E156 Introduction

We have done quite a few episodes about or alluding to a changing of the guard on this planet. A reorganization of structures and ideas. Not the Great Reset as Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and the WEF would have in store for you. To be succinct, they have all sorts of new ways of reducing our population and enslaving humanity in sometimes clever but mostly really obvious ways.

No, the reorganization we are talking about is along a much more humane path. The Open Path as my guest calls it. It is a path of cooperation, gratitude, and inspiration amongst all of us good humans, no matter your age, sex, status, skin color, or political affiliation. We have bonds that are much deeper than that. Are you following me?

People seem a bit uneasy right now and for good reason. Most are reaching for resources that help discern the truth from the noise and man is there a lot of noise right now. Hang in there Basecampers. It feels like we are on the precipice of about 3-5 major world events that will be coming at us. Ones that we will talk about for years and decades to come. We will be here doing our part to help discern and make sense of what is happening. And offering an alternate perspective, if that is helpful for you. A perspective that is perhaps a bit more uplifting and pro-humanity.

There seems to be a new future that is calling for us. One that is not dependent on our past or any preconceived notions. It‘s not confined by any religion or even any myth. There is something emerging in humanity. A recognition, perhaps. An inner knowing and strength in our respective missions.

Before we get to our interview, I would like express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for youFor all the ways you serve our tribe. In the 1001 ways you show up as a human, warts and all. And for all the ways you let go of things that no longer serve you and, therefor, humanity. I see you and I know how far you’ve come on YOUR Hero‘s Journey.

Thank you Basecampers and enjoy the interview.

E118: Entangled in Myth with Special Guest Dr. Anne Baring


E118 Introduction

One of the things I see that can really assist us on this Great Awakening is to keep having conversations with the wisdom keepers. The ones who have done more inner work than we have or are a bit further along. I think this affirms our Soul‘s Journey.

Which myths and modes of seeing the world will best serve us? How does each of us “serve the Grail” so to speak. It is these questions lived in each heart that will ultimately heal the Wasteland that we find ourselves in. We are not living in hopeless times, far from it.

There has never been a better time to be alive. And I don‘t mean because there are opportunities to get rich. Really, who cares about that when the inner and outer Wasteland is so evident all around us and desperately needs our attention.

No, there has never been a time when so many of us are receptive to Divine intervention. Open to the magic of transformation and alchemy. When so many of us are experiencing a deep awakening of our collective mythic imagination or epinoia as the Gnostics referred to it as.

There has never been a time when the Grail myth was so close to completing IT’S mission. That’s right. I have it heard said many times over the last couple of years say we are living in biblical times. I can certainly see and appreciate this perspective. However for me, I would say that we are living in mythical times. That the culmination of our great search for truth and meaning as a collective is about to enter an exciting new chapter.

To quote my guest today:

“What is being born in the collapse and dissolution of the old mythologies- the old belief systems which have divided instead of uniting humanity- is a recognition that we do not live in a dead, meaningless universe but within a Sacred Cosmic Order.”

I couldn’t agree more. Let‘s go have another enlightening conversation with wisdom keeper and author Anne Baring.


E115: Elderhood and the Legacy of Men with Special Guest Paul Dunion


E115 Introduction

I was thinking yesterday about the Journey of the Soul. The DESCENDED path, as it is often referred to. My guest today speaks and writes beautifully about this road.

The Descended path runs counter to everything about our Western culture. Collectively, we tend to push forward with technological progress and quest for more, more, more. More speed, more improvement, fast results, fast information, fast internet speed and blah blah blah. Everything has to happen 5 minutes ago.

The Soul doesn’t care about any of this. Not one damn bit. The Soul wants to marinate, to meander, to get lost, and to slowly figure things out. All the people I know who have a largeness of Soul carry this expression with them. It is such an attractive quality in people. Those that speak from the Soul.

It’s interesting to me that all of the New Age talk and books are about Ascension. The Ascending Spirit. It is easy to see why. The dynamic of Ascension has an escaping quality to it. As in I am tired of all this suffering and I want to help lift us (and myself) out of this place. I think both dynamics are probably important. At least that is my hunch. The spirit and lightness of ascension and the earthy, authenticity, and truthfulness of the Soul.

I think again and again of the Grail myth here. The Grail speaks wonderfully of the descended path. Remember, Parcival (the Hero of the story) was unable to heal the Fisher King‘s wound and restore the Kingdom until he did his inner work in this descending path. He needed to become humble, which is a derivative of humus, which means earthy, feminine, unsophisticated. In short, Parzival needed more Soul. Or I should say, he needed to do the work to contact and express the largesse of his own inner experience.

How many of us are at this point in the Grail story? We took whatever tools we had and arrived at a place to heal the ailing King. But none of us knew what to do. The story shows us that Parzival (ourselves) had more inner work to do. The DESCENDING path of the Soul. This is where we start to meander. To notice the depths in ourselves and those around us. Nature starts to have an incredible beauty and interconnectedness. The Descended path starts to awaken our inner mystic. The part of us that needs to feel a bit lost and confused in order to properly arrive at our destiny.

If we are to grow into elderhood and properly mentor the good men that are younger than us, as well as awaken the archetypal King, then this path of the Soul will need to be walked and brought into clear focus for future generations. Remember, there are mystics and teachers that will arrive at our shores who have not yet been born.

It is important for men to do this inner work, as my guest today speaks about so eloquently. Let’s go talk to him about the path of the Soul, meandering, and the importance of mentorship and elderhood.



E102: The Alchemy of Vibration


E102 Introduction

I have long been a fan of esoteric studies. This has been true for around 20 years or so. It could be just about anything off the beaten path- alchemy, meditation, ET stuff, Tesla, fractal geometry, crop circles, secret space program. Anything that is in the occult, which is a word that means “hidden”, not “devil worshipper” as some would have you believe.

In some of the spiritual/consciousness communities there is something that starts to come into focus over time. That frequency or vibration may just be the key to understanding the whole kit and caboodle.  Here is a quote by the great visionary scientist and futurist Nicola Tesla. He said,

“If you want to know the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”


The esoteric classic The Law of One speaks of vibration on dozens of occasions. Mystery schools east and west speak of vibration and alchemy as keys to something astounding. What could it be, I wonder? It seems there is something here that we are discovering in this process of our awakening.

We have been so conditioned to receive the world as a passive observer. That whatever happens in the world is out of our control. Like a hand at blackjack, whatever happens is just unfolding. Is this true or have we all just been taught and then internalized this belief?

Does happiness, bliss, creativity, inspiration, joy and play just happen when the circumstances are just right? Or are these higher states of consciousness that we cultivate and grow in our neuropathways to be shared and co-created with others in our tribe. Remember, alchemy is an inside game and spiritual awakening is a group effort.

Come listen in on a discourse about frequency, energy, and vibration.