E176: Unified in Our Humanity with Special Guest Nadine Ness


E176 Introduction

You all are aware by now how much the myth of the Hero‘s Journey has impacted my life and my worldview. I have taken this meta-narrative into my heart and have lived FROM this story as much as I am able to. I didn’t set out to be particularly heroic. I was not trying to prove myself, per se.

No. It was a selection process. As in the myth selected me after I had prepared myself to be more principled and courageous. Maybe you can see the same preparation for yourself. The Hero’s Journey loves characters that have grit and stand in principles. It makes the story more interesting, doesn‘t it? As humans, we want to see other principled humans battling ancient demons on behalf of the tribe.

There is part of us that enjoys witnessing these battles. Even if we don’t agree with the hero or character in the myth. And I suspect that for the ones who stand witness to things like courage or principles like freedom or truth, these are the ones that will soon stand alongside the ones that are already in this battle.

This is how myth works, in my humble opinion. We are all just now arriving at the destination, are you following me? Victory is on our side. And by “our side” I mean humanity as a whole.

My guest today walks this talk. Both as a Hero in the myth and an everyday mother who speaks from principles and from truth. Let’s go sit around the fire with her.

Nadine Ness Bio-

My guest today is the Nadine Ness. Nadine is the founder and President of the non-profit organization Unified Grassroots. She is also a wife, mother of four and a former Canadian police officer with an interesting background. Here is my interview with Nadine Ness.

E176 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Nadine Ness. She opened my eyes to how I might be closing myself off and how sometimes I have pre-conceived notions that keep the division alive and well. Learning about your blind spots is part of what keeps The Hero’s Journey moving into new chapters! Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week..









E168: Freedom and the Good Fight with Special Guest Lisa Rezac


E168 Introduction

I am trying to find a balance in subject matter inside of a whole slew of things that are vying for my attention. Before I started Season Five, I drew a quadrant and put various subject matter in each quad.

The first quadrant had the spiritual war that we currently find ourselves in. The Globalists vs. Humanity. This seems to want center stage at times right now as Truth continues to look for WE THE PEOPLE. In the second quadrant I put BTC. More and more people will be flocking to Bitcoin once the Globalists roll out CBDC and WE THE PEOPLE get a good long look at it.

The 3rd quadrant I had the Walkaways. As in former liberals that walked away from the Left and their wokeism. This is important as more and more people will hear former traditional liberals who are now Libertarians or Conservatives or Independents and resonate and find new community and resources for themselves and their loved ones.

The final quadrant I had the esoteric with Galactic Disclosure and the topic of ET’s headlining that quadrant. This one might feel out there and a bit too Star Trek and futurist but just bear with me. I wouldn‘t include it if it wasn’t important to OUR Hero’s Journey.

Also in the mix will be vaccine questions and people that have been injured by them. I feel this is an important voice to be heard. I don’t really care if you continue to get MRNa shots, that is on you. But I want those that took the shots and now regret it to be heard. They have an important contribution to make and the Globalist media wants nothing to do with them as it conflicts with Big Pharma and any future injections they may want us to take “for our own good.”

And I will continue to look at some of the issues that men face. I have one of those coming up fairly soon. Its just that Basecamp has become more of a Basecamp for Humanity as opposed to something just for men. It is meant to be a podcast to help US on OUR Hero’s Journey. Wherever you are at on your journey, I welcome you. You may just well be another emerging human, a Warrior for Truth and someone who values freedom and humanity. We will continue to take our usual pro-humanity WE THE PEOPLE viewpoint and stand in the principles that we have come to adore: freedom, courage, truth, and justice. All the while respecting our neigbors, wherever they are on the philosophical and political spectrum. . What principles will you stand for on your Hero’s Journey?

I am reminded of a line from one of my favorite Led Zeppelin songs The Rain Song. The line is “These things are clear to all from time-to-time.”

Let’s go find Lisa and have a chat with her.

Lisa Rezac Bio-

My guest today is Lisa Rezac. Lisa is a fund-raising auctioneer, a walkaway from the left and their woke agenda, and the chairperson for the Legislative District 32 here in Seattle. She has also been my life-partner for the past 28 years. Here is my interview with Lisa Rezac.

E153: Building Bridges for the Left


E153 Introduction

As a podcaster, writer, and former liberal, I seek to build bridges for the left. Not as a way to convert them. I am not interested in being right or converting anyone to any certain views or ways of thinking. But to show them where I, and others like my guest today, found OUR PATH out of the shrinking silo of conformity that we had found ourselves in on the left.

We talk a lot about the Hero’s Journey on this show. It helps frame much of what we are about. The Hero, whether that be a man, woman, or child, will always have to be willing to let go of his or her positions when they no longer serve the Journey. Who out there can skillfully leg go of a position or viewpoint without losing their essence of who they are? That my friends is the real path!.

To keep letting go of your identity around politics and whatever side you found yourself in on the COVID issues and see if you can bring yourself back to the collective human tribe. To WE THE PEOPLE. Once more and more people find breathing room to express whatever truth (and not be censored or shamed for it), the more clear seeing there will be for all people.

Much of what has been going on has been hidden from sight and, for those of you that know me best, you know that I believe that this has been intentional. Evil? Sure. But there is something powerfully uniting and affirming of our mutual humanity stirring just under the surface of this realization. Let’s go talk to another member of Team Human and see what she has been noticing.

Kelly Lamb Bio– Kelly Lamb is a musician and Canadian prairie girl. She is an ex-SJW and leftist and created her You Tube channel to help foster productive meaningful conversations on divisive issues, while balancing the head, the heart, and the gut. Here is my interview with Kelly Lamb.

E153 Final Thoughts– I hope you enjoyed that conversation as much as I did. Kelly forwarded some of her favorite Jordan Peterson videos, which I will be diving into next. Dr. Peterson has enraged and awaken a whole lot of people I am looking forward to listening to what the good doctor has to say on some of these issues we face.

Everything seems to be the left vs right, Trump haters vs. Trump supporters, vax vs no vax, etc. It can be so tiresome and draining , right? I love what she said about how people in her community were fine with political and philosophical differences and that humor was often used as a common ground and way to carry your views a bit lighter. God, can you imagine engaging with the other side willingly and with humor? I like to imagine it and I hope you will too.

You can find Kelly Lamb on You Tube, go subscribe to her excellent channel.

And if you like the show and want to donate to the cause, please go to www.basecampformen.com and click on the Podcast tab and then Donate. I really appreciate your support.

Thank Basecampers, I will see you around the fire next week.