E176: Unified in Our Humanity with Special Guest Nadine Ness


E176 Introduction

You all are aware by now how much the myth of the Hero‘s Journey has impacted my life and my worldview. I have taken this meta-narrative into my heart and have lived FROM this story as much as I am able to. I didn’t set out to be particularly heroic. I was not trying to prove myself, per se.

No. It was a selection process. As in the myth selected me after I had prepared myself to be more principled and courageous. Maybe you can see the same preparation for yourself. The Hero’s Journey loves characters that have grit and stand in principles. It makes the story more interesting, doesn‘t it? As humans, we want to see other principled humans battling ancient demons on behalf of the tribe.

There is part of us that enjoys witnessing these battles. Even if we don’t agree with the hero or character in the myth. And I suspect that for the ones who stand witness to things like courage or principles like freedom or truth, these are the ones that will soon stand alongside the ones that are already in this battle.

This is how myth works, in my humble opinion. We are all just now arriving at the destination, are you following me? Victory is on our side. And by “our side” I mean humanity as a whole.

My guest today walks this talk. Both as a Hero in the myth and an everyday mother who speaks from principles and from truth. Let’s go sit around the fire with her.

Nadine Ness Bio-

My guest today is the Nadine Ness. Nadine is the founder and President of the non-profit organization Unified Grassroots. She is also a wife, mother of four and a former Canadian police officer with an interesting background. Here is my interview with Nadine Ness.

E176 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Nadine Ness. She opened my eyes to how I might be closing myself off and how sometimes I have pre-conceived notions that keep the division alive and well. Learning about your blind spots is part of what keeps The Hero’s Journey moving into new chapters! Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week..