E145: About Men


E145 Introduction

Wow, there is so much going on in the world right now. How are you all holding up?

God you hear some absurd stuff about men and masculinity these days. Men are not really celebrated for the gifts they bring anymore. Everything has to be viewed through a Marxist, transgendered lens. To speak of positive masculinity and the abundant gifts that men bring to our world is to be sort of old-fashioned, isn’t it?

If all things transgendered is HIP (is it hip?) then ordinary, good men will seem outdated and out of step. It is as if they are trying to tell the world that it doesn’t need men. How absurd is that?

To counter this absurdity and in celebration of men I offer you 10 gifts that men bring the world. What a radical idea huh? Celebrate men and boys for what they inherently bring to our lives. This list is far from exhaustive. See if you recognize some of your gifts that you bring to the world. And don’t let the strange anti-humanist MSM agenda diminish you in any way. Men have work inner work to do but there is much to stand tall about. Here we go.

E144: Forgiveness with Special Guest Nancy Polsky


E144 Introduction

“Forgiveness is perhaps the most challenging of all resources available to us- and the most transformational.”

-Shauna Shapiro, author-

One of the themes of Basecamp has been personal development, for both the men and women out there. There is something that I gradually noticed about humanity over time. We really struggle with forgiveness. As in nearly every one of us! I know I do.

We tend to turn our heartbreaks and affronts to our delicate ego’s into revenge scenarios in our minds. Because we were wronged, so the ego says, we are right to still be mad or at least to still hold a low-level grudge, never restoring the world with the lost affinity and love we have kept from it. . Friends that left, siblings that just don’t get us, parents that didn’t love us in just the way we needed to be loved.

The cycle goes on and on and on. We age and maybe arrive at a point where forgiveness starts to talk to us more and more. Is my desire for peace and commitment to love greater than my desire for revenge and for being right about some hurtful situation from so many, many years ago? If I am still upset when I think about a situation where I perceived I was wronged, is the work with that person over there or with me? I think you know where I am going with this? If you are 30 or 40 or 50 and you are still holding onto a grudge for 10 or 20 or 30 years, the work to resolve this and have peace in the world is on your plate NOT theirs. Just as my grudges are on my plate. We are at a place where how skillfully we handle this issue may be one of our keys to living a higher truth. Can we let go of what has, up until now, confined us? Let’s go talk about it with our guest today.

Nancy Polsky Bio

Nancy Polsky is a leadership coach, speaker and award-winning leader in corporate learning. Nancy has been a recognized leader in workforce development as part of Training Magazine’s lifetime achievement Top 125. We got together to talk about, among other things, the power of forgiveness. Here is my interview with Nancy Polsky.

E144 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our conversation with Nancy Polsky. A couple of resources for you, in regards to incorporating a forgiveness practice as part of your personal development.

The Buddhist author Pema Chodron, that is spelled ____ has wonderful books addressing the very dynamic that Nancy and I spoke of. Pema is a wonderful writer, full of humor and humanity. She has a bunch of books on Amazon to choose from.

The Hawaiian practice of Hooponoponono, can be learned online for free at www.hooponoponomiracle.com or at www.healingbrave.com

E142: A Firestarter for  Men


E142 Introduction

God I had a hard time finding this episode. Generally, I have an interview that frames everything. We didn’t have that. I can get Lisa to do one but that didn’t quit feel right either. There is the Firestarters for Men, my short format also known as my “oh shit, the deadline is here and I need to record something” format.

Firestarter it is, but what? I looked under every rock on my computer and finally looked at some of my miscellaneous writing to try and shape something there, which is what I choose to do.

I have a couple of memes and a sketch of the next quarter of what I am trying to bring you. I have Mark Jeftovic coming back on next week and I am really looking forward to speaking with him. He is the futurist and Bitcoin investor and he has done some great writing recently that we are going to talk about.

I plan on having Enna Reittort back on as I feel we just scratched the surface with our recent two-parter.

There is something about myth (particularly the Annunaki myth), Galactic disclosure, and the secret space program that is being unfolded before our very eyes. Have you picked up on any of this yourself? We will be having discussion with thought leaders and researchers here as it relates to, well, EVERYTHING doesn’t it?

Enjoy this 8 minute nugget and we’ll see you next week for our normal format.


E141: Truth and Synchronicity with Special Guest Dr. Kenneth Harris


E141 Introduction

As you all know, I HIGHLY value authentic conversations and authentic people. Give me someone who wears their heart on their sleeve any day over some hyper-achiever who is constantly having to prove his worth to the world. I have to thank the Mankind Project for teaching me that the authentic, emotionally-honest, heart-centered road was the way into a more heroic way of living.

There is something about speaking your truth (even if its unpopular) and self-acceptance that has a boatload of power. The men I know, the ones I respect the most, are the ones that resonate with truth. And when I say truth, I simply mean: what is your heart telling you? What is resonating with you deeply? What does your inner knowing tell you about challenges you are facing?

We saw this over and over again during the past couple of years. Arguments amongst family and friends over what each of us should do: get the jab/don‘t get the jab; wear a mask/don’t wear a mask; speak out at what you are seeing/stay quiet and let the storm (hopefully) pass.

There will be more of these tests ahead of us I am sure. I promise that I will give you space to work this out on your own timeline. Knowing that your timeline and my timeline may be quite different. The Soul moves at the speed that the Soul moves. Let’s get to our interview today. It‘s a good one.

Ken Harris Bio

My guest today has been a pioneer in holistic medicine. Ken Harris is a transformational teacher, healer, speaker, and author . Ken was the founder of Waldrick Wellness Center in New Jersey, a multi-doctor facility providing all-natural health and wellness care for forty-five years. He is the author of a new book titled Synchronicity: The Magic, the Mystery, the Meaning. Ken also has the distinction of being the first guest on BFM to hit a home run in Yankee Stadium. Here is my interview with Dr. Ken Harris.

E141 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Ken as much as I did. He is an elder that I have a ton of respect for and I hope to have him back on Basecamp for further conversations.

You can find Ken, his book about synchronicity, and all of his content and work at www.doctorkenharris.com.





E140: Krivda Part 2 with Special Guest author Enna Reittort


E140 Introduction

Today is part two of our conversation with author Enna Reittort. We cover a wide range of topics including ET’s, the Deep State, the Russian/Ukrainian conflict, and the wordspell and etymology of the word “Matrix”.

Enna has a unique perspective on the Russia/Ukrainian situation as someone who has spent a good deal of time in Russia and understands the dynamic in a way that you won‘t hear about in our mainstream media.

What is emerging from all of this is a similar looking dynamic. Wherever you go on the planet, you can see all the signs of this sort of spiritual war taking place. I am talking about the Deep State sociopaths/psychopaths with their anti-humanist agenda on one side and WE THE PEOPLE on the other. You see it here you see it there, you see it in the Russia/Ukraine conflict.

We are an emerging tribe. One that is starting to figure out who we are AND who they are. Each lie in the media is obvious to more and more people. The Great Awakening continues its inevitable momentum. It’s movement towards its ultimate victory for the good people on this planet. Enjoy the episode.

E140 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed the second half of my interview with Enna Reittort. As someone who used to throw around the word “the Matrix”, I will be reconditioning myself, knowing that the word has etymological roots in the womb, the mother, and other associations with the feminine principle.

I hope the question of “who are they/the Deep State globalists at the top” and who are WE THE PEOPLE is a question you can sit with and investigate with an open mind. I promise you, you will start to figure it all out if you do.