E229: The Future is Bright (Orange) with Special Guest

Dalia Platt


E229 Introduction


Bitcoin is the first technology that allows the entire world to join the ruling class in opting out of the plans the ruling class has for the entire world.”    Laser

Now, why am I including so many recent episodes in the past two seasons about Bitcoin? I believe it is a technological innovation that will lead to a radically different (and far more positive future) than anyone can envision with the current corrupt fiat system, which is being debased as we speak (as in the purchasing power of your money is worth less and less each week, each month, each year)

I heard a Lawrence Lepard, a well-known thought-leader and advocate of sound money talking on a podcast recently and he likened Bitcoin to the early days of the computing, before the advent of the Internet. He said he was talking to Steve Ballmer back in the 1980’s and he was saying how huge Microsoft and personal computing was going to be. Lawrence said he sounded crazy because he was so early.

Lawrence said he sees the exact same dynamic right now with the early adopters of Bitcoin. Why am I sharing these conversations and my thoughts on this innovation? Because I want you Basecampers to benefit. If even 10 or 20 or 50 of you learn to buy, hold, and self-custody your Bitcoin, then these episodes were worth the time and effort. Knowing you and your family will greatly benefit. I will include the great episode I listened to where Lawrence was talking about all this stuff if you have an hour and your are interested in this.

I will continue to have some Bitcoin episodes here and there but we will spread them out as best we can. I know there are other juicy topics to get to and we are in a crazy election year with lots of moving parts and uncertainty is in the air. For me, Bitcoin acts as an important life-raft to sail what will certainly be stormy seas that is our foreseeable future.

Dalia Platt Bio-

My guest today is Dalia Platt. Dalia is a Bitcoin International Curriculum Developer, a Financial Literacy Educator, and a Bitcoin Custody Advisor with The Bitcoin Advisors. Here is my interview with Dalia Platt.