E192: The Bitcoin Signal with Special Guest

Connor Dent


E192 Introduction

Why Bitcoin? Because it represents truth and freedom and is an absolute game-changer for humanity. Particularly when you juxtapose it next to CBDC, which represent the Globalists attempt at more top down control of humanity.

I want to start by reading an excerpt from an article in Bitcoin Magazine. It’s the intro to an article on Amanda Cavaleri, a wonderful human, visionary, and Bitcoiner.

It says “Bitcoin possesses a unique identity and qualities that are cemented on the foundation of decentralization. Almost everyone who is doing the work to understand Bitcoin will eventually run into the cold, hard fact that, at its core, Bitcoin is about freedom. To those who have enjoyed individual liberties for their entire lives, the concept of freedom may be watered down or underappreciated. For those who live without it, freedom and individual liberty become pursuits of great importance.”


Lots of news around Bitcoin with Blackrock‘s application for a BTC ETF and now we have Robert Kennedy Jr. coming out as very pro-Bitcoin candidate and very anti-CBDC. This is the pro-humanity, anti-globalist stance we are looking for in our Presidential candidates and our governors.

Today’s episode is with our Bitcoin friend Connor Dent. Nothing in this episode is meant to be taken as financial advise. Neither Connor nor I are certified as financial advisors. Think of this episode as two friends sitting around the fire, beer in hand, talking about the bright orange possibilities for humanity. Enjoy the episode.

E190: Finding Path and Purpose with Special Guest Sophie McLean


E190 Introduction

Hello Basecampers, I hope you are all doing well. I thought I would give you a bit of a preview of some of the upcoming episodes before diving into today’s interview. We have upcoming episodes with Reinette Senum, she is the former mayor of Nevada City who started Save Our Skies. I have another Bitcoin episode coming your way with our friend Conner Dent. And, drum roll please, I am going to be putting together an episode on the Secret Space Program. Yep, it’s time Basecampers.

I also putting together a couple of shorter episodes set to a particular band or song and how some of these can activate our mythic imagination. This is a new sort of episode for me and I am curious to see what you all think.I will share more of this as we roll that first one out. And I am on the hunt for good guests around the Natural Law episode I put out a couple of weeks ago. I feel that is a very important topic and I am looking forward to learning along with all of you and sharing what we find.

Today we have an interview with wisdom teacher Sophie McLean. We talk about all sorts of issues around the human condition and Sophie is an excellent guide to living with passion, purpose, and inspiration. Enjoy the interview.

E190 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Sophie McLean. To find her work, her book, and her programs, go to www.sophiemclean.com . Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.





E189: Happy Birthday Lady Liberty!


E189 Introduction

Today is Independence Day. Our nation’s birthday. Why am I doing this episode? Because I love America, I really always have. Even while I was being educated at university to be ashamed of her by thinkers like Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn, who were extremely fond of pointing out America’s mistakes (and in retrospect, many of the things they were pointing out were operations of the Globalist CIA and were not connected to the American Republic or WE THE PEOPLE.

Today I am using The President’s Advisory 1776 Report and putting together this Independence Day Firestarter. I hope you enjoy it.


E188: Are We All Watching a Movie? With Special Guest

Ole Dammegard


E188 Introduction

You could accurately describe the time we live in as the Age of Deception. The CIA and the other alphabet agencies around the globe serving the Globalists have all but guaranteed this. How many so called “traumatic events” are engineered to be just that? How many of the big events are actually false flags? Probably a lot more than you would think.

My guest today knows more about false flags than anyone I know and I am grateful to have him on the show. Come listen in as we kick the tires on a number of things we see happening. The interview is a hefty one so let’s get to it. Enjoy.

Ole Dammegard Bio

My guest today is truth seeker, code breaker, and peace maker Ole Dammegard. Ole is an author, international speaker, former journalist, musician, composer, artist, and investigator who has spent the last 35 years researching many of the global conspiracies. Millions of viewers and listeners around the globe have taken part of his interviews and presentations.

Here is my interview with Ole Dammegard.

E187: Gatekeepers and Bitcoin with Special Guest

Nozomi Hayase


E187 Introduction

Let’s see, I thought I would start off with a little overview of some of the next few episodes we have coming up. I have a good interview with Ole Dammegard, one of the most famous of all truthers out there. We will be unpacking what is going on in this spiritual war that we all find ourselves in. I have an upcoming episode with Sophie Maclean, who has a new book coming out. Sophie knows more about the human mind and human heart than just about anyone I know. Both Ole and Sophie are return guests.

And I am working on a July 4th episode, a special solo episode around my love of our great nation. July 4th happens to fall on a Tuesday this year so there is some synchronicity to that one.

Today is a bit of a hybrid episode. The topic is Bitcoin and my guest is Bitcoiner and writer Nozomi Hayase. But I wanted to read you a short piece by thought leader Jimmy Song first. This article first appeared in Bitcoin Magazine and the topic of this article and the latest issue of Bitcoin Magazine is gatekeepers. Enjoy Basecampers.

Nozomi Hayase Bio

Nozomi Hayase, Ph.D., is a prolific writer in the Bitcoin space with a background in psychology and human development. She is a contributing writer for Bitcoin Magazine. She focuses on Bitcoin’s incentives and its psychological and philosophical implications. In her independent publishing platform, “The Way of the Heart“,  she explores the Bitcoin rabbit hole experience as a cultural phenomenon that fosters profound individual transformations. Here is my interview with Nozomi Hayase.

E187 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed my interview with Nozomi Hayase. To follow her work on Twitter, follow her at @nozomimagine. Thank you Basecampers and we‘ll see you around the fire next week.