E107 Dealing with Ourselves


E107 Introduction

One thing that we have come to understand through all this is that we are in a messy process. We are, as a tribe, learning how to deal with uncertainty and chaos. It is all around us right now. And my sense is that we also learning how to develop our inner knowing and our connection to the Divine light. For some this will be through Church and the Light of Christ. For others it will be a Gnostic path with Goddess motifs and the natural world. For still others, it may be an eastern wisdom tradition or aplant medicine of one kind or another to help accelerate this inner knowing. All roads lead to the mountaintop, as the mystic would say.

The process is always messy. Never neat and tidy. As we deal with our repression, denial, trauma, and amnesia. Many of us are working our way out of a kind of numbness that we have used to try to insulate us from the pain of separation or trauma. Others are working through the fog of disinformation that acts like a pollution in our minds. Making it difficult to see the truth or the Divine Light and to know which way is up and out of this mess.

How do we meet one another “where we are.” Knowing that where you are and where I am might be quite different. How do we get our arms around everyone we care about, which is this whole tribe that is in our care. It is my belief and my vision that we are entering a whole new chapter of our collective Hero’s Journey. We will leave cynicism and disbelief and habitually dark patterning behind us.

We are all, you and I, learning to hold the Light for one another. When one of us slips, another stops to help them up. This is our alchemy and our work. We are all in this together, working to elevate one another.  Hang in there for we are almost to the next chapter of our story.

Ben Bio-

Because of the nature of our conversation today, my guest wants to be able to speak freely and remain somewhat anonymous and we will use only his first name.

Ben is a friend, a software developer and spiritual warrior. He leads men’s groups and a Brazilian church that uses Ayehuasca or plant medicine as their sacrament. Something we talk about in today’s episode. Here is my interview w my good friend Ben.

E107 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Ben. I love how authentic and heart-centered Ben is. It was fascinating to me how his work in a church with plant medicine looks a lot light a laboratory that shows us what we are all going through. Processing fear and uncertainty, healing trauma, letting go of ego and habitual ways of doing and seeing things.

It stood out to me when Ben said that in his work, the medicine is the body or Consciousness of Christ. I could feel the power and truth in this declaration.

Not everything is the way we once thought it was. It seems right now, EVERYONE is having to navigate this. THE TRUTH IS ALSO SEEKING THE SEEKER.






E104: Finding the Flow in Chaotic Times with Special Guest author Kari Hohne


E104 Introduction

I first came across today’s guest in a beautiful 7-minute video she made titled The Art of Going with the Flow. It resonated with me. Sometimes with wisdom teachings, we just need to be reminded. The essential truth is already inside of us.

We are all doing our best to navigate these strange times we find ourselves in. There is not agreement amongst us and that is fine.

As my guest today so eloquently states, chaos is a sign of growth and renewal. It means the old systems and energies that go with it are in decay. This is how nature intends it. There is a lot of talk in spiritual circles about the chaos of ushering the new paradigm. I for one am optimistic as is my guest today.

There is a strong tendency amongst my inner circle to fight. We are actively engaged in protecting our Constitutional rights from over-reaching Governors and health bureaucrats with an agenda.

But my guest today reminded me in a gentle and powerful fashion that perhaps all of this chaos is a test. Not necessarily a test of our willingness to fight for our principles, although we are being tested that way as well.  But a test of faith. Can we trust this whole process we are in? Can we trust one another and the Divine to usher us into the new epoch?

I for one can see where I can  still strengthen my faith and trust that we are unfolding the truth in a beautiful and perfect way. Can we leave all the angst and fear and scarcity behind? What do you think? What parts of us are starting to emerge? This is the question that excites me and inspires me on a daily basis. I am happy to have you along for the ride my friends. Let’s renew our faith in our emerging story and one another.

Kari Hohne Bio-

Kari Hohne is a popular author of many translations of ancient texts. Her books include The Mind’s Mirror, The Mythology of Sleep, Nothing Bad Happens in Life, and her latest book The Common Archetypes of the Tarot. Here is my interview with Kari Hohne.

E104 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Kari Hohne. To find her and all of her great resources, go to www.cafeausoul.com.



E102: The Alchemy of Vibration


E102 Introduction

I have long been a fan of esoteric studies. This has been true for around 20 years or so. It could be just about anything off the beaten path- alchemy, meditation, ET stuff, Tesla, fractal geometry, crop circles, secret space program. Anything that is in the occult, which is a word that means “hidden”, not “devil worshipper” as some would have you believe.

In some of the spiritual/consciousness communities there is something that starts to come into focus over time. That frequency or vibration may just be the key to understanding the whole kit and caboodle.  Here is a quote by the great visionary scientist and futurist Nicola Tesla. He said,

“If you want to know the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”


The esoteric classic The Law of One speaks of vibration on dozens of occasions. Mystery schools east and west speak of vibration and alchemy as keys to something astounding. What could it be, I wonder? It seems there is something here that we are discovering in this process of our awakening.

We have been so conditioned to receive the world as a passive observer. That whatever happens in the world is out of our control. Like a hand at blackjack, whatever happens is just unfolding. Is this true or have we all just been taught and then internalized this belief?

Does happiness, bliss, creativity, inspiration, joy and play just happen when the circumstances are just right? Or are these higher states of consciousness that we cultivate and grow in our neuropathways to be shared and co-created with others in our tribe. Remember, alchemy is an inside game and spiritual awakening is a group effort.

Come listen in on a discourse about frequency, energy, and vibration.


E93: Walking with Mystics with Special Guest Tricia McCannon


E93 Introduction

I want to start off by letting you know that the issues we were having with Season One episodes are fixed. Apparently people couldn’t download and listen to season one, which are episodes 1-37. So if you are a fan of the show and tried to go back and hear what we were talking about in season one, those episode are almost all available now. There are still one or two that we are working on to clear up but go listen to season one if you haven’t yet, we did some really valuable episodes in that first year.

As a show that attempts to chronicle and aid in the evolution of consciousness, I am constantly floored by how fast we are discovering ourselves. The Great Awakening, it seems, is reaching far, wide, and deeply into our human experience.

If the external events mirror our internal state of affairs then we are fast approaching a brand new chapter and one that will take a leap of faith. Do we have what we need? Will the allies of humanity be there when we most need them? Can we trust one another as we ready ourselves for the next important chapters?

I have repeatedly tapped into myth to help us make sense of the inner landscape and with good reason. Myth is like a grand old ship: dependable, weather-beaten, and proven in the storm. I sometimes think that if every single person worked with just one myth (of their own choosing), we would all have our maps and collectively find our way home.

My guest today is an expert on reading the mythic landscape and shining a light on all things soulful. If we are all mystic travellers making our way up the mountain, then we all need guides. Wise elders who can help us keep our heads and hearts about us.

My guest today is one such wisdom keeper.

Tricia McCannon Bio-

Tricia McCannon is a renowned clairvoyant, teacher, and mystic. She is the author of several books including Return of the Divine Sophia. Tricia is the founder of the Phoenix Fire Lodge Mystery School and has led hundreds of workshops worldwide. Here is my interview with Tricia McCannon.

E93 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed my interview with Tricia McCannon. To find out more about Tricia, order one of her excellent books, or to book a reading with her, go to www.triciamccannon.com.


E91: Restoring Our Republic with Special Guest Lenka Koloma


E91 Introduction

As someone who was educated on liberal principles at an American university, I was taught to (perhaps not HATE my country) but to be deeply suspicious of anything that smacked of jingoism or pride in our nation. Noam Chomsky was a writer and thinker who drove much of this way of thinking.

I remember when I became aware of the CIA black ops when I was a young man and being appalled at what we were doing to other countries and their people. Running heroin and cocaine to introduce to inner city populations here, helping to foment revolution when it suited our corporate interests, assassinating leaders if need be. It was an education in the grisly reality of geopolitics.

Looking back I can see the clever trick that was played on my young mind. If my conditioning could get me to doubt anything American, then I was ripe for further conditioning in cultural Marxism with its hatred of unity, WE THE PEOPLE and all things family, God, and country.

Chomsky also, to my young mind, did not properly differentiate the CIA from the American Republic, making the two seem one and the same. We now know that the CIA is a powerful, deceptive arm of the Deep State and does not carry the same values as WE THE PEOPLE or the American Republic.

I have come full circle. Raised in a working class, conservative small town and educated in college and having lived in great liberal cities, I have in the past five years arrived a place where I unabashedly ADORE our nation and what she represents. We are, right now (whether you realize it or not), renewing our beloved Republic and all that she stands for.

A few things that have emerged for me and others in this movement. One, the U.S. Constitution is a priceless treasure. One that many Americans have given their lives to protect. Every American (left, right or center) should have a copy and study it.

I liken it to the American Grail. If you honor and treasure this exceptional gift to our nation, it will be there to serve WE THE PEOPLE. Like the myths we have been unpacking for you, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are a living, breathing document that responds to your reverence and respect, activating something profound in oneself.

Personally, I was embarrassed that I had lost so much of my knowledge of the Constitution and everything it stands for. I think many of you, especially on the left, can probably say the same thing. It wasn’t until left leaning Governors and Tony Fauci started to attack our liberties with all their rules, guidelines, and mandates hoping WE THE PEOPLE would simply comply instead of taking a cool, rational look at things and recognizing that mandates and recommendations do not supersede Constitutional law.

There is a feistiness that runs in our American blood. I know my guest today exhibits it. I know my wife does and I like to think that I do too. I am willing to fight for what is true and good and beautiful. The founding fathers meant for us to cherish this divinely given document and to keep it close in times like these. It is one of our many Allies in restoring the Republic.

Our rights and liberties are protected by the highest court and highest law in the land. Whatever Tony Fauci or Andrew Cuomo or Jay Inslee or any other so-called authority figure says doesn‘t change that one damn bit. Oh people are free to voice their OPINION of what you should do. You just don‘t need to act like that opinion changes your constitutional rights. It doesn’t.  And the more people that realize this, the stronger WE THE PEOPLE will be, no matter which way you lean politically.

There will come a time soon when most Americans will realize how close we came to losing our ability to choose our lives for ourselves. To live free and pursue happiness as sovereign people. WE THE PEOPLE were awakened by the events of 2020 and 2021. WE THE PEOPLE have become aware of the attacks on our liberties and have grabbed our two most powerful weapons to combat this: One, our beloved Constitution and two, the courage to speak our truth. This is all we need to produce the outcome we are seeking.

It seems there is still some fight and courage in the American heart and thank God. For those that prefer to comply, conform, obey orders, trust the authorities, wear their masks everywhere, I stand by your right to live that way. I don‘t understand it and I know you are not leaders in any of this, but I will give you space to figure this out. I think of the old saying “If you’re not going to lead, then stay out of the way.” I think that captures the essence of this.

But I do have a request for you. Stop attacking those that are fighting for YOUR freedoms. Someone has to do the gritty work and deal with confrontation and people getting in your face. My gang can handle it. We were made for this and we have proven it over and over again as my guest today so beautifully expresses.

Lenka Koloma Bio-

My guest today is an author, thought leader, and spiritual warrior. Lenka Koloma has studied far and wide and is a powerful activist for WE THE PEOPLE. Courageous, smart, and able to speak truth to power, Lenka is a living example of someone who is committed to truth, freedom, and honoring and restoring our great Republic.

Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed my interview with Lenka Koloma. To find her, her book and her work, go to www.lenkakoloma.com. To support the great work she is doing on behalf of WE THE PEOPLE and to find tools and resources, go to Freedom to Breathe Agency at www.ftbagency.com