E114: Leaning Into the Mystery

with Special Guest Sophie McLean


E114 Introduction

As you can probably tell by now, I am attracted to people who are leaning into the mystery. I think that the mystics I have on are some of my best guests. This list includes among others Paul Dunion (who is coming back on next episode), Anne Baring, Champ Parinya, Chris Pallis, Sally Kempton, Howard Ferguson, Janell Hartman, Lisa Rezac, Ben Tobias as well as my guest today.

I like to be in dialogue with mystically-inclined people. I find their depth of seeing to be reassuring to my own path. And by taking the long-view, mystics always seem to be optimists. Indeed, most mystics can barely contain their excitement for the awakening that unfolding. I find this characteristic to be very attractive. What a time to be alive!

The old, corrupt systems seem to be in full collapse. Are you sensing it? The political, media, and financial narratives are in near free-fall as humanity continues to awaken.What sort of structures and systems will we create in its place? As we better understand consciousness and how it molds perceptual reality, how will we partner with one another to envision and manifest what we are able to see for ourselves. This is the excitement of our times.

I can see bad news as much as the next person. However I am not building the future with any of these depressing tidbits. I am choosing a higher road for this task with more elevated material and I hope you can see the wisdom in this. We are here to help one another see the faint trail that will take us higher. Everyone is finding their way right now.

I met my guest today more than a decade ago. But her influence in my life has been substantial. I count her among my many important teachers. Someone who walked the talk long before I was able to. Her commitment to humanity is something I hold as a model for how to better live and serve the greater good. Let’s go chat with her about what is going on.

Sophie McLean Bio

My guest today is wisdom teacher Sophie McLean. Sophie has spent decades leading transformational seminars to over 80,000 people around the world. People of all ethnicities, ages, religious and social backgrounds. Her seminar topics span both the human and metaphysical dimensions and touch on such topics as: deconstructing the ego, consciousness, the nature of fear, relationships, the dynamics of the feminine and the masculine, and how to make a difference in the world.

Here is my interview with Sophie McLean.

E114 Final Thoughts

I love what Sophie said about keeping a Beginner’s Mind. To be in a space of “not knowing” is a powerful place to be standing right now. Beginners mind along with a steady commitment to the spiritual path and to our tribe, goes a long ways to bringing you along in this Great Awakening.

To participate in one of Sophie’s excellent courses or find out more about her work, go to www.sophiemclean.com.