E259: Bitcoin is The Way with Special Guest Caribou


E259 Introduction

What a time to be alive! There seems to be a sea change happening. A change in the tide, can you feel it? I was at a couple of events recently and a number of people came up to me and said that, since Trump’s re-election, they are feeling a sense of optimism, something that has been missing for a long time for most Americans.

Americans are known for their optimism and when that is missing, something essential gets lost. For me, I see our optimism, playfulness, and sense of excitement as a sort of super-power. The systems we have lived under (they are really the systems of the Globalists not WE THE PEOPLE) have created this sort of quiet desperation in people.

In the current fiat system, things will keep getting more expensive FOREVER. Think about that. No wonder people look so fried. Nobody can keep up.

The antidote is Bitcoin. On a Bitcoin Standard, everthing that you need in life will continually get cheaper in life, forever. We seem to be at an inflection point with the re-electon of President Trump. There is a confluence of Orange Man with Orange Coin and people are excited once again by the possibilities that are before us.

And people are starting to realize that Bitcoin, this strange, wonderful, pro-humanity, technology is not just a new money but sits at the center of a full frontal assault on the corrupt Globalist fiat system we all grew up with. Better days are ahead of us Basecampers. It is happening and it is happening FAST.

I wish you all Godspeed on this one Basecampers. Enjoy this excellent interview.

Caribou Bio

My guest today goes by the name of Caribou. Caribou is a father, a Bitcoiner, an independent creative thinker, and a regenerative farmer. Here is my interview with Caribou.

E259 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed that interview as much as I did. What a bright, clear thinker he is. Really loved that. There a revolution afoot and it centers around Bitcoin. If ever there was something to roll up your sleeves and understand, it is this. Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.


E256:The Left Awakens with Special Guest Beth Bourne


E256 Introduction

Man, things are really moving fast right now, can you sense that? Trump’s victory has put the wind in the sail of a whole bunch of ideas and people that were waiting to see if we have the green light to proceed saving the nation. We do, thankfully.

I don’t know about you but I am LOVING President Trump’s new team. I don’t agree with all of them but that is natural. What I see is a committed group of Patriots with their eye on removing the corruption in all of the systems that have weakened our great nation.

Of all the appointments, the two I am most excited about today (that may change over time) is RFK Jr. as the Health Secretary and Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy as the DOGE committee. Both of these appointments are sure to make lots of noise as well as positive changes.

I see Kennedy has already stated that they will be taking fluoride out of the water and the dental offices. Why? Studies have conclusively found fluoride is a neurotoxin that it is just really BAD for humans, even dropping IQ by as much as 8 points. The so-called “conspiracy theorists” have warned us about this for years. Hell, we haven’t had fluoride in our house for nearly twenty years.

I am giddy beyond belief at the DOGE appointment of Vivek and Elon. Shit, they are going to take a hatchet to the 3-letter agencies. And the Dept of Education as well. Good riddance. The American people deserve better than having your kids dumbed down by Marxists and filling their heads with lies and deception. Shame on them. Dismantle it I say. Teachers, if they are any good (and many are not), will probably make just as much money (if not more) teaching in a small home-school environment with a fraction of the children. Learning won’t be going away, just gov’t indoctrination camps. Bye bye.

Oh, Elon and Vivek, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t forget to eliminate the awful fucking TSA! That corrupt, lame ass three-letter agency was created by the Patriot Act in the wake of 911. The Patriot Act was really just a cover for the Deep State in partnership with Big Tech to create a surveillance panopticon. There is a much more efficient way to safely move humans through airports. I know Elon Musk will come up with a solution in about 5 minutes.

I saw an interesting meme from EndWokeness who posted a picture with Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, Donald Trump, and RFK Jr. with quote “Every single person in this picture used to be a Democrat. Total realignment.”

Think about that. Trump and his core team are all walkaway Democrats. Hee hee.

I really loved chatting with my guest today. A courageous woman who, like me and my wife along with Elon, Tulsi, Trump, and RFK Jr., alongside a growing legion, counts herself in the walkaway camp. Former traditional liberals who have seen the light. Enjoy the interview.

Beth Bourne Bio-

My guest today is Beth Bourne. Beth is a mother, a parental rights activist and a leader in CA with a group that we love here called Mom’s for Liberty. Here is my interview with Beth Bourne.

E256 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Beth as much as I did. All sorts of things are on the move Basecampers and so much of it is in humanity’s favor. Let’s all keep working together to better understand what is happening and what our best options are moving forward. I am in this with all of you. Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.

E249: The Inverted Hero’s Journey with Special Guest

Simon Esler


E249 Introduction

Well I did something that I rarely do on Basecamp. Turn an interview with an excellent guest into a two-parter. I have tried (in vain) to keep my episodes to 45 minutes or so. In the early seasons, 30 minutes was the norm. Now, as you know, it is often 45-60 minutes.

However, I don’t want  to go over an hour. If I am honest, I would love to get back to 30 minute episodes but I am following God’s plan for my guests and how long the episodes will be.

In Part one with my guest, we get into the power of rituals and rites of passage (something near and dear to me); the power of homeschooling and unschooling (something more and more parents are looking into these days); and how humanity’s enemy is using inversion tactics including an inverted Hero‘s Journey to capture the minds and hearts of our young people.

I always love sitting around the fire with a bright mind and today’s guest is certainly one of them. Enjoy the episode

Simon Esler Bio

My guest today is Simon Esler. Simon is a committed defender of families & the lost art of free thought. Simon has been an actor, an ordained minister and mindfulness entrepreneur which led him to becoming a professional content creator & independent filmmaker. His website, www.simonesler.com, hosts an array of films, series and resources focused on leveraging the pressures of modern war to foster personal growth and collective resilience.

E249 Final Thoughts

I hope you all enjoyed Part 1 with Simon Esler. In part two next week, we get into 5th Generation Warfare, the anti-children/anti-innocence culture that we find ourselves in and is this by design. We also cover the taboo topic of pedophilia and what sort of future is this all leading too? Thank you Basecampers and we‘ll see you around the fire next week.




E240: The Marxist Mis-Education of Our Youth


E240 Introduction

Looking over the assessment for our students in public education, OSPI for this in the spring of 2023. 49% do not meet basic ELA standard. 61% do not meet basic Math standards. 57% do not meet basic Science standards. I’m talking the basics folks. One thing that has been successful? Well, the dumbing down of American children has been wildly successful from a Marxist point of view. Dumb them down so they can’t think critically, fill them with a bunch of lies and half-truths about the country they live in, make them ashamed of their bodies, their biological sex, the nation their forefathers fought for.

There are many appalling things about the war we are currently in. And when I say war, I am not talking about anything between liberals and conservatives or Democrats vs. Republicans. The conflict has so many layers that I won’t disrespect you by oversimplifying it.

However, for me and many others, the most appalling aspect of this conflict has been the impact that our enemy has had on the minds and souls of our children. The impact of Marxist ideology and the hatred, division, confusion, and unhappiness that this has sown in our young people is heartbreaking.

And most parents can’t see it. Not yet anyways. Although more and more are forced to contend with the truth: that the indoctrination in gov’t run schools is dumbing your kids down, turning them into misinformed woke activists being used by a larger agenda. And ill-equipped to be functioning men and women in society. Hell, they can’t even tell you what a man or woman is? This is how bad education has become.

Why don‘t we start teaching our youngsters the TRUTH about America and what we represent to the world? Why all the hatred, lies, ommisions of American exceptionalism and heroism? They can’t. You know why? Because it goes against their agenda.

You know, it is one thing to be aware of the Marxist takeover in our schools and universities. It is another to roll up your sleeves like my guest today does, to have a good long look at the textbooks. Not quite sure if your kids are being mis-educated in public schools? Let’s go talk to a woman who looks over what your kids read and find out. She has a VERY interesting take on it. Enjoy the interview!

Ann Streit Bio

My guest today is Ann Streit. As a concerned public educator, Ann Streit began investigating the reasons behind our failing schools. Appalled by what she learned, she has been sounding the alarm for the past ten years.  She is currently the Chapter Chair of Moms for Liberty – King County. Here is my interview with Ann Streit.

E240 Final Thoughts

Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times. 

The good times created a tribe of weak men, unable to recognize and stand up to the Marxist and Globalist enemy who is inside the gate and here for our children and our nation.

If ever there was a time for strong men and women to find their voices and their purpose, now is that time, don’t you think?

I will be here every step of the way Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.




E239: Truth is Awakening Us with Special Guest

Dr. Mark McDonald


E239 Introduction

One thing I have noticed in this fog of war is that voices that carry truth act as a bell for awakening those that are destined to awaken. You can hear the clarity and strength in them and they give us hope and courage, and carry the future of humanity.

On the other side of truth and humanity is the Globalists using the ideas of Karl Marx, a man who HATED humanity and all that we stand for. Marxist ideas are everywhere (in our schools and universities, in Hollywood, in our government and corporations, and certainly in our media) and you will recognize them by the insanity, hatred, division, and confusion they always create in an unsuspecting population. 

Today’s interview is a good one. We cover what exactly is happening in our government run schools? Should parents of young children pull them out for an alternate way of educating them? What is going on with all the transgenderism? What is behind it all? Could all of this be a Marxist-induced mass psychosis? How can we know? How do we navigate all this and keep our sanity?

We also cover why the left is so triggered by President Trump. Hint……he is an unapologetically STRONG male figure. And this triggers women and weak men alike. Strong individuals (both men and women) tend to recognize and appreciate President Trump’s strong leadership.

It’s not that he is without flaws. We have never implied that. Only that his clarity and strength, masculinity, and LOVE of this country are what is needed for this nation right now. In my opinion, there is no second best.

Come sit around the fire with a guest who really embodies truth and clarity right now. Enjoy the interview.

Mark McDonald Bio 

My guest today is Dr. Mark McDonald. Mark is trained in both adult and child and adolescent psychiatry at UCLA, he now works primarily with children in private practice in west Los Angeles. His opinions on topics such as the need to re-open America’s schools, and the pandemic of fear in the United States today, have been widely published in local and national news, including the Wall Street Journal and The Federalist.

 He is the author of both United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis AND Freedom From Fear: A 12 Step Guide to Individual and National Recovery.

Dr. McDonald also publishes a podcast with Dr. Jeff Barke called Informed Dissent. Here is my interview with Dr. Mark McDonald.

E239 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our conversation as much as I did. I hope to have him back on soon to take a look at some other important issues. I love how Mark pointed out that liberals and conservatives actually hold very similar views on many important issues and that it’s the radical left and their activists that are opposing all of us. Interesting dynamic, isn’t it?

You can find his excellent content on www.dissidentmd.com and his podcast with Dr. Jeff Barke is Informed Dissent.