E148: Learning to Fight with Special Guest Alex McShane


E148 Introduction

I have often thought that every man needs to know how to fight. To have been in a fight or two even. I know that isn’t very politically correct with all the snowflake prounouns and blah blah blah. But there you have it.

There is something a man learns about himself when he has been engaged in some sort of hand-to-hand combat. Whether that is through boxing, wrestling, martial arts, or good old-fashioned bar fight. And don’t get me wrong. I’m not preaching violence. It is just a man learns something of himself when he puts himself to the test. It’s empowering.

I often thought to myself throughout the whole Covid shenanigans “Where is the fight in men?”. Our Constitutional rights are being taken away (for example, no jab, no travel, no jab/no job here, wear your masks until some corrupt bureaucrat tells you its ok to take it off). I was stunned by the lack of fight I saw in men. Without a fighting spirit, we’re fuckin doomed.

America wasn’t formed as a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC because our founding fathers had no fight. Quite the contrary. Our nation is here because of the fight in its citizens and its soldiers. Covid was a test of this fighting spirit and I‘m not so sure we passed. At least not collectively. There will surely be new tests ahead of us where our courage and fight are again put to the test. My hope is that each person will do his or her part to stand for the principles that brought us here.

Today, I have the pleasure of speaking to an MMA fighter. Let’s go talk about training, fighting, and Bitcoin!

Alex McShane Bio-

Alex McShane is the Head of Multimedia / Programming at Bitcoin Magazine, and the CEO of McShane Capital. Alex also designs and sells shirts, shoes, and Bitcoin related art. In his free time, Alex enjoys practicing Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling, Muay Thai, and MMA.

E148 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our time with Alex McShane. You could see a difference in our mindsets around BTC. Where I am applying an old scarcity mindset where I never want to part with mine. Alex has evolved to find a more interesting way to engage and experience the BTC standard as a way of living. I have sent BTC to a number of friends but I look forward to joining Alex in a more fluid participation in the Bitcoin future.

Alex has some really cool t-shirts (I already ordered one) at the McShane Collection at www.lmtdsupply.com/pages/mcshane.