E166: The War We Are All In


E166 Introduction

“I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I‘m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.”         

Malcolm X

It is one of the defining characteristics of the times that we live in. This dawning realization. That like generations before us, we are engaged in a world war, a conflict of epic proportions. However, unlike previous generations, this one is not fought exclusively in the battlefields of Europe or the waters of the Pacific. Warfare has evolved and changed with technology. Make no mistake Basecampers, this one is for the hearts and souls and future of this nation, the world, and the direction that the planet will move towards. What sort of future will we have? One of personal freedom and cooperation. One of fellowship and brotherhood and shared ideas?

Or will we continue down the Marxist road of confusion and division? The road to totalitarianism. Or a tightly-controlled, top-down hydra with machine-like precision and larger and larger government giving us more and more restrictions on our expression, our humanity, our way of life? The war we find ourselves in is a war of information and ideas. It is a war of narratives. And it pits We The People with our humanity against an entity that does not care for humanity. In fact, quite the opposite. This Globalist/communist adversary is set on a Great Reset where the population of the planet is trimmed significantly and each person succumbs to the rules of unelected Elites, after a series of so-called “crisis”. On Basecamp, we have named this over and over again as the Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening. Some call it God and Christ against the Luciferians. Others simply say Globalists vs Freedom. Communism vs. America and the freedom loving nations.. You can add Bitcoin vs. CBDC as one of the battlefields, I think……enjoy the episode!

E165: Season Five Kickoff


E165 Introduction

My name is Tony Rezac. I was a liberal for 30 years , who now identifies as a Pro-America Libertarian. I believe in personal freedom at each and every point. I am a no-bullshit kind of guy. Freedom is my essence , its in my DNA from my ancestors who had freedom in their DNA. My love for our beloved America I proudly wear on my sleeve. My pronouns are burn these Marxist lies to the ground. The tools I use are my heart, my love of humanity, my inner knowing , and my voice which I pray will find your heart and your inner knowing.

We have important work to do, you and I. Each human will play his or her part. Some will play large roles, like Elon Musk and General Flynn and Donald Trump. You may not like these men but you cannot deny that they are each playing a huge role in the story. Others will play mid-sized roles. I guess I could be included in that group with a show that is growing its listenership and more people have been reaching out to kindly recognize my contribution. But small, everyday heroes are just as important. Even holding onto pro-humanity principles and speaking your truth with courage and compassion around divisive issues can make a big difference. Live from your heart, love humanity, and you are on our side.

Thank you Basecampers!

E164: Season 4 Finale


E164 Introduction

Hello Basecampers, I hope you are all doing well. We have come to the end of season four. Today will be the last episode of 2022. We will start back up in early January of 2023. For today, I have a Basecamp Classic.

But before we get to that, I wanted to announce that we now have categories for all of the episodes. This has been a project I was meaning to get to for quite some time and I really wanted to have all episodes categorized before we went on break, so you could browse and click on some episodes that are in a category that you are particularly interested in.

The categories are as follows: Men and Shadow Work, Our Hero’s Journey, Mythic Viewpoints, The Walkaways, Firestarters Tony Rezac Solo EPs, Red Pills and the Great Awakening, The Freedom Chronicles, Bitcoin and Our Future, A Walk on the Wild Side, Tony’s Favorites and Misc.

Hopefully this will help you and future listeners find the episodes that most assist you on your Hero’s Journey.

Today’s epiosode is a Basecamp Classic. EP 60 Living a Mythic Life with my friend and mentor Jon Wilson.

And Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you all have a joyous Holiday season and find just the right balance of friends, family, cheer, and rest and renewal. Thank you Basecampers and I will see you all around the fire after the first of the year.









E163: Truth with Compassion with Special Guest

Roy Holman


E163 Introduction

Hello Basecampers. We are winding down season number four but today will be the second to the last instead of the last episode of season four. I am working on a project with Corey (my website guy) to categorize all the episodes so that you and future listeners can easily find what types of episodes they are looking for. So next week will likely be a combination of just me and perhaps a short Basecamp Classic, depending on my creative output.

Today’s episode is a good one I think with my good friend Roy Holman. Roy and I have had similar walkaway journeys. I count him as a trusted friend and fellow truth warrior. When you take this Hero’s Journey and let go of so many ideas and people (like Roy and I and others have) that were part of your earlier chapters, you bring a deep appreciation and gratitude to your newfound friends and travel-companions.

Being singled out as domestic terrorists and a blight to society for standing for personal freedom tends to bond people who are excommunicated from the herd. As you all know by now, I have a deep respect for the brave men and women who stand for truth and freedom. Thank you Basecampers and enjoy today’s episode.


E162: Basecamp Classics


E162 Introduction

Hello Basecampers. Today is a Basecamp Classics day. We are nearing the end of season number four with next weeks interview, a good one to finish with, coming next Tuesday.

We will be taking a short hiatus for the Holidays as we did last year. Chris and I will catch our breath and spend time with family and friends. I will make some final announcements next week as we get set to rest before 2023 and season five.

Today’s episode is one of my favorites from way back in season number one. The title is Into the Mystic. The guest is author Paul Dunion. Enjoy!