E210: The Two Jordan Firestarter


E210 Introduction

Hello Basecampers, we are coming down the finish line towards the end of Season five. I hope you have enjoyed the episodes this year. I will be doing today’s solo episode and we will finish with a few words and a Basecamp Classic on Dec. 5th.

I am sorry to report that the Secret Space Program episode is being bumped until early Season 6. It will likely be one of the first 3 or 4 episodes of next season, which has an arrival date of sometime in Feb. I know I promised the Space episode this season but I got railroaded with Shingles that really brought a halt to my ability to do research and write. Also, this is a serious topic and it will be new to many of you. I want to find the right sorts of inputs so that it will make a positive impact for you. Right now, that material is not ready to go.

Today, we have some memes, and then some short pieces by both Jordan Sather and Jordan Peterson. I guess I could have called this one the Two Jordan Firestarter. Hmm. Enjoy the episode.

E209: Learning Our Way to Better Health with Special Guest

Lisa Rezac


E209 Introduction

Today’s episode is a health and lifestyle episode with my wife and life partner Lisa. She is an extremely intuitive person, both in terms of her own situation but those around her. I am the beneficiary of her intuition as she will often pinpoint something that is not quite in my awareness. Or she will affirm an insight I am already having about my health as she did in this episode we will share with you today.

If you have a TV and watch it semi-regularly, you can’t miss it. The non-stop advertisements (in prime time) for all sorts of Pharma products with every name imaginable. Humira, Keytruda, Gardisil, Skyrizi, Ozempic, the list goes on and on. All the names sound sort of the same, don‘t they?

As many of you know, I have been recovering from Shingles the past 6 weeks or so. It’s been tough but here I am, grateful for my health after a harrowing brush with the drugs that were prescribed for me.

People were quick to tell me “I bet you wish you had the vaccine now”  or “I bet you won’t miss the next Shingles vaccine!” People that tell me that miss the larger point. My stand is to have the optimal health for my body, mind, and spirit and FOR ME the best way to do that is to avoid all pharmaceutical products as much as I can. As in damn near always. I compare it to someone who loves hiking and being out in nature. If that person rolls their ankle and needs to be in an ankle wrap for a month, do you really think that person will never go out and enjoy nature again? Life happens. When it does, I for one don’t feel like I need to cave on all my principles. And I learned a lot from having shingles.. Optimal health, I have found out over 30 years, is ALL ABOUT LEARNING.

My heart goes out to all of those who struggle to feel good and have found themselves on a bunch of these products. Man, I was on just ONE for a month and it scared the shit out of me. I just wasn’t myself as you will hear me talk about with Lisa.

I am not giving medical advise. But human to human, I can share with you that being on lots of these products scares the shit out of me. I know from experience that you can build a health team that has a traditional MD as PART of the team. But you might also have a naturopathic doctor, a chiropractor, a nutritionist, a good bodyworker, maybe a colonic hydrotherapist and a acupuncturist, maybe a yoga teacher of a somatic movement teacher. There are tons of resources to help you reframe and optimize your health. It takes a bit of time and money and a certain trial and error to find the right combination that is uniquely suited to you. But it is kind of fun to try all those things and DAMN, the health and vitality that are yours are absolutely PRICELESS. Enjoy the episode.



E208: Our Cities- A Naomi Wolf Reading


E208 Introduction

I have been a city dweller my whole life. A sophisticated urbanite, as they say. Living in both Seattle, then NYC for 10 years, and now back to Seattle to raise our family. I have LOVED the cities that I have been a part of. The culture, the humanity, the diversity, the human connection, the art and the food, the street scene, and yes, even the edge. The occasional violence and crime that come across your radar.

All of these have been part of my whole adult life. And there seems to be a common sentiment among many city dwellers these days. They can‘t wait to get out. Things are fraying in our great cities and it is in plain daylight for all of us to see. The violence, the mental health crisis, the crime, the homelessness, the hopelessness. Our cities seem lost don‘t they? Can we recover them?

The following is a reading of an article by the great writer Naomi Wolf. I will give you resources on where to find her at the end. Naomi is a former liberal writer, best-selling author, and thought leader and celebrity. She has famously been a walkaway from the left as the woke Marxist agenda started to alert her that something else was going on and perhaps she was being played. I know exactly how she feels.

Here I am acting as a simply voice-over, speaking Naomi‘s elegant words. I hope she doesn‘t mind that I pay tribute to her and her ideas this way. Enjoy!


E207: A BTC Firestarter


E207 Introduction

Hello Basecampers, I hope you are all doing well. I have been recovering from Shingles. Still not completely up and running yet but making small improvements. Working on getting you a few more good episodes before going on a short hiatus for the Holidays. Already thinking a bit about 2024 and Season six. 2024 is going to be crazy man. I think anyone with even a sliver of intuition knows this. Good time to take things slow and steady my friend.

What a time to be alive, isn‘t it? You are seeing truth coming in like a wrecking ball, laying waste to everything build on lies and deception. It’s glorious. I am here for the changing of the guard. For the emergence of humanity out from under a dehumanizing, centrally controlled Globalist system with an obvious master/slave fetish.

I have some memes and then a short-format Firestarter about Bitcoin. Enjoy.