E164: Season 4 Finale


E164 Introduction

Hello Basecampers, I hope you are all doing well. We have come to the end of season four. Today will be the last episode of 2022. We will start back up in early January of 2023. For today, I have a Basecamp Classic.

But before we get to that, I wanted to announce that we now have categories for all of the episodes. This has been a project I was meaning to get to for quite some time and I really wanted to have all episodes categorized before we went on break, so you could browse and click on some episodes that are in a category that you are particularly interested in.

The categories are as follows: Men and Shadow Work, Our Hero’s Journey, Mythic Viewpoints, The Walkaways, Firestarters Tony Rezac Solo EPs, Red Pills and the Great Awakening, The Freedom Chronicles, Bitcoin and Our Future, A Walk on the Wild Side, Tony’s Favorites and Misc.

Hopefully this will help you and future listeners find the episodes that most assist you on your Hero’s Journey.

Today’s epiosode is a Basecamp Classic. EP 60 Living a Mythic Life with my friend and mentor Jon Wilson.

And Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you all have a joyous Holiday season and find just the right balance of friends, family, cheer, and rest and renewal. Thank you Basecampers and I will see you all around the fire after the first of the year.









E162: Basecamp Classics


E162 Introduction

Hello Basecampers. Today is a Basecamp Classics day. We are nearing the end of season number four with next weeks interview, a good one to finish with, coming next Tuesday.

We will be taking a short hiatus for the Holidays as we did last year. Chris and I will catch our breath and spend time with family and friends. I will make some final announcements next week as we get set to rest before 2023 and season five.

Today’s episode is one of my favorites from way back in season number one. The title is Into the Mystic. The guest is author Paul Dunion. Enjoy!

E161: Pandemic Amnesty?


E161 Introduction

Hello Basecampers, today is a short-format Firestarter for your enjoyment.

I know liberals are upset at Elon Musk for taking over Twitter. But he will restore free speech to a very important platform. I was kicked off Twitter for questioning the safety of the experimental MRNa shots. I had on a doctor that did not like what she was seeing and I asked her some questions. That alone got me booted and all my followers erased. The message from Twitter was loud and clear: conform to our mono-narrative or be erased.

Today my unwavering stance on informed consent and medical freedom of choice has aged quite well, hasn’t it?. I know a lot of people. Most took the vaccine or some of them anyways. I also know a lot of people who did not take the MRNa shot. Here is what I have to say about that.

Of all the people that refused all of the Covid shots and risked job, gave up access to travel and restaurants and medical care, of all of those people who were ostrasized by friends, family, and society (and I am one of them) not one single one, NOT ONE, has a regret for not taking them. Think about that for a second. Not one has even a sliver of regret for standing in their truth, speaking out, and being blacklisted damn near everyone. These people are warriors that stood for freedom and their truth. I salute all of you and I am proud to stand alongside you.


E158: A Doctor’s Journey


E158 Introduction

Hello Basecampers. Today’s episode is a reading of an excellent substack article I saw from Dr. Michael Turner MD. I thought it would just interesting to just act as a voiceover for the excellent article. It pairs well with last weeks episode on western medicine.

The article appeared on substack and is titled Losing My (Vaccine) Religion: A Doctor’s Journey from Hope to Despair by Dr. Michael Turner MD. Enjoy!


E157: The Cult of Western Medicine with Special Guest Rochelle Summers


E157 Introduction

With all the misinformation and disinformation coming out of the MSM about Covid and the vaccination program engineered by Big Pharma, something has gradually come into focus. That our blind trust in the “medical authorities” when they are intimately tied to something as corrupt as the pharmaceutical industry, no longer serves us. It is never easy to challenge something as monolithic as the western medical industry and the pharma-hydra that birthed it.

The fact is that more and more people are waking up. To the lies and deception. About the origins of Covid, about the so-called vaccines. And about the gaslighting and censorship that was administered by MSM and Big Tech.

Covid and its aftermath has turned out to be a massive red-pill for an unsuspecting public. Creating at first a sort of cognitive dissonance as most people put masks on and did what they were told. But people are going to be PISSED OFF when they get the full story of the Covid origins. Just wait. You can see it cresting just over the hill there and barreling towards us like a freight train.

It never ceased to amaze me how much blowback ordinary citizens and parents received by simply asking questions and challenging the mono-narrative. God forbid ask questions or have a different perspective or make different choices. Oye vay.

It has been an exhausting journey yet here WE THE PEOPLE stand. Wiser to the corruption, seeing the pattern, calling out each over-reach by the Globalists with more and more confidence and larger and larger numbers.

If you are just now starting to figure this out, we welcome you. For every one of you who have held two or more perspectives and haven‘t thrown the rest of us under the bus, I salute you. This information war has not been easy on any of us.

I will finish with a quote from the actor Woody Harrelson ,who said “The last people I would trust with my health is Big Pharma and Big Government because neither one of those strike me as caring entities.” Aho.

Enjoy the interview.