E187: Gatekeepers and Bitcoin with Special Guest

Nozomi Hayase


E187 Introduction

Let’s see, I thought I would start off with a little overview of some of the next few episodes we have coming up. I have a good interview with Ole Dammegard, one of the most famous of all truthers out there. We will be unpacking what is going on in this spiritual war that we all find ourselves in. I have an upcoming episode with Sophie Maclean, who has a new book coming out. Sophie knows more about the human mind and human heart than just about anyone I know. Both Ole and Sophie are return guests.

And I am working on a July 4th episode, a special solo episode around my love of our great nation. July 4th happens to fall on a Tuesday this year so there is some synchronicity to that one.

Today is a bit of a hybrid episode. The topic is Bitcoin and my guest is Bitcoiner and writer Nozomi Hayase. But I wanted to read you a short piece by thought leader Jimmy Song first. This article first appeared in Bitcoin Magazine and the topic of this article and the latest issue of Bitcoin Magazine is gatekeepers. Enjoy Basecampers.

Nozomi Hayase Bio

Nozomi Hayase, Ph.D., is a prolific writer in the Bitcoin space with a background in psychology and human development. She is a contributing writer for Bitcoin Magazine. She focuses on Bitcoin’s incentives and its psychological and philosophical implications. In her independent publishing platform, “The Way of the Heart“,  she explores the Bitcoin rabbit hole experience as a cultural phenomenon that fosters profound individual transformations. Here is my interview with Nozomi Hayase.

E187 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed my interview with Nozomi Hayase. To follow her work on Twitter, follow her at @nozomimagine. Thank you Basecampers and we‘ll see you around the fire next week.


E186: Intro to Natural Law


E186 Introduction

Hello Basecampers, I hope you are all doing well. Today is the day we do the Introduction to Natural Law primer that I spoke of the past few weeks. My sleeves have been rolled up as I waded into territory that was very unfamiliar to me……the law. My friends know I have been sniffing around this topic for the past two years, looking to get a handle on it. The Act of 1871, the two Constitutions, and a bunch of other things.

Who, other than lawyers and a few obsessive humans ever wade into this stuff? Not many by the looks of things. For me, it started with some curious things about our nation. I always wondered, for instance, why Washington DC is not part of our Republic. Why not? What does this indicate?

As I initially dug into this and found similar structures in the City of London (where the British royals reside along with their banking interests). The “City of London” is also not part of London proper nor England. Did you know that? And Vatican City is the third territory that shares this distinction. The Vatican is not part of Rome, nor part of Italy, other than geographically. Isn‘t that interesting? Why is that? What is this telling us? What I would come to find out left me thunderstruck. It still does.

It is one thing to see how deep the corruption runs in this reality we all share. It‘s another to see how deliberate and clever this deception of humanity actually runs. Get a cup of coffee Basecampers as we sit around the fire to share the truth about our CORPORATE legal system, the corporation called the United States of America, our identities as Americans, and a grand deception of epic proportions. My first reaction when I first saw the picture……HOLY SHIT, you have got to be kidding me?

Nothing in this episode is meant to be legal advice, not a stitch. NOR tax advice. You are on your own Basecampers.

This is an episode where I need to start off with this (once again).Nothing I am about to tell you is true……everything I am about to tell you is true. Happy Hunting Basecampers.

E179: Firestarters and Memes


E179 Introduction

Today we have a short format Firestarter for your enjoyment. We have a number of interesting interviews coming up including one with a renowned climatologist who is going to help us make sense of what exactly is going on there.

How are you all holding up? I did a recent podcast episode with Roy Holman from Truthful Warrior podcast. I can include that in the episode notes if you would like to click on that for a longer listen this week. Roy and I talk about keeping your optimism during an information war, among other things. I really like Roy’s unassuming but insightful and truthful style. We see eye to eye on so many things.

I have some memes and a short clip from Bill Maher. Just 14 minutes of content today.

Let’s kick it off with some memes that I have collected in the recent days and weeks.

The Democrat party is America’s ex-wife.”

Jason Andrews

And Edward Snowden says “The whole system revolves around the idea that the majority can be made to believe anything, so long as it is repeated loudly and often. And it works.” Yes it does Ed, yes it does.

And a clip from Bill Maher, who in my opinion, is red-pilling the shit out of the left. Who have come to rely on him for years to skewer conservatives and their viewpoints. And now find themselves at the receiving end of the sword. Yes, there is some sweetness to this.

If you would like to hear my interview with the always interesting Roy Holman, go to this link and his podcast Truthful Warrior.

Tony Rezac interview https://www.buzzsprout.com/1697956/12632316

E179 Final Thoughts

We’ll get to the climate crisis soon. That is it for today Basecampers. Keep preparing yourself for the next chapters of your Hero’s Journey. Choose truth. Choose courage. Choose love. And never forget, that humans are an amazing tribe, never more so than when we have each others backs. See you around the fire next week Warriors.


E177 Basecamp Classics: The Grail


E177 Introduction

Hello Basecampers, I hope you all had a Happy and restorative Easter. We are taking a breather here in the Rezac household with my son on Easter break.

So instead of trying to quickly patch something together, I thought I would offer a Basecamp Classic this week and then pick up next week with a great interview with Dr. Ken Harris.

Today‘s episode is probably my favorite episode of all time. As in if push came to shove and I had to pick just one Basecamp episode to leave for humanity, this would be the one.

It is an episode full of myth and imagination and, I truly believe, yields new insights with each listen. Enjoy Basecampers and we‘ll see you around the fire next week!









E165: Season Five Kickoff


E165 Introduction

My name is Tony Rezac. I was a liberal for 30 years , who now identifies as a Pro-America Libertarian. I believe in personal freedom at each and every point. I am a no-bullshit kind of guy. Freedom is my essence , its in my DNA from my ancestors who had freedom in their DNA. My love for our beloved America I proudly wear on my sleeve. My pronouns are burn these Marxist lies to the ground. The tools I use are my heart, my love of humanity, my inner knowing , and my voice which I pray will find your heart and your inner knowing.

We have important work to do, you and I. Each human will play his or her part. Some will play large roles, like Elon Musk and General Flynn and Donald Trump. You may not like these men but you cannot deny that they are each playing a huge role in the story. Others will play mid-sized roles. I guess I could be included in that group with a show that is growing its listenership and more people have been reaching out to kindly recognize my contribution. But small, everyday heroes are just as important. Even holding onto pro-humanity principles and speaking your truth with courage and compassion around divisive issues can make a big difference. Live from your heart, love humanity, and you are on our side.

Thank you Basecampers!