E165: Season Five Kickoff


E165 Introduction

My name is Tony Rezac. I was a liberal for 30 years , who now identifies as a Pro-America Libertarian. I believe in personal freedom at each and every point. I am a no-bullshit kind of guy. Freedom is my essence , its in my DNA from my ancestors who had freedom in their DNA. My love for our beloved America I proudly wear on my sleeve. My pronouns are burn these Marxist lies to the ground. The tools I use are my heart, my love of humanity, my inner knowing , and my voice which I pray will find your heart and your inner knowing.

We have important work to do, you and I. Each human will play his or her part. Some will play large roles, like Elon Musk and General Flynn and Donald Trump. You may not like these men but you cannot deny that they are each playing a huge role in the story. Others will play mid-sized roles. I guess I could be included in that group with a show that is growing its listenership and more people have been reaching out to kindly recognize my contribution. But small, everyday heroes are just as important. Even holding onto pro-humanity principles and speaking your truth with courage and compassion around divisive issues can make a big difference. Live from your heart, love humanity, and you are on our side.

Thank you Basecampers!

E110: The Heartbeat of Our Counter Narrative


E110 Introduction

Hello listeners, I hope you are well. I recently did an interview with Roy Holman’s Soulful Warrior podcast. I took a listen to the interview and thought you would appreciate it here.

Roy and I talk about men’s work, the spiritual and information war that is upon us and the current state of the world. I think it is particularly valuable for each of us to be in conversations about how we go about elevating our narrative. It is how we claim the higher ground. In a war, the higher ground has the advantage.

There is something emerging on the radar for me. As I see it, how we weave this narrative using myth, archetypes, and Divine partnership will ultimately be our legacy.

Our political differences are about to mean absolutely NOTHING my friend. I am in your hands and you are in mine. I trust that you are doing the messy, sometimes challenging work of awakening yourself to truth. We prepare ourselves and one another for the historic time we are about to step into.

Here is the interview. I hope you enjoy it.

E110 Final Thoughts

I hope you found that interview valuable. I like being on the other end of the interview from time to time as it allows me to express certain truths in a slightly different way. More off the cuff.

The piece about awakening and strengthening the collective King is, I believe, our edge. Since this is our edge, we will be returning to this archetype and idea again and again in the coming months as I feel this is how we help move the narrative upwards and in our favor.

One last thing, If you find this show valuable. If you sense that you will hear things here that you don’t elsewhere and this content helps you, please share this with a friend, family member, or colleague. Man or woman. Someone that you would like to see inside of this story with us. I appreciate your trust and you have my word that we will continue to bring you truth, wisdom, and a love of our mutual humanity.