E200: A Basecamp Retrospective


E200 Introduction

Today’s show is E200 and a bit of a landmark episode for me. When I was originally chosen to host a show for men way back in early 2019, I had no idea I would still be doing this well into our fifth season. It goes to show you how mysterious the Divine is and how mysterious our own Hero’s Journeys are if we surrender to higher, more powerful currents than our own.

As I was fumbling my way through season one, I heard a small, clear voice. One I have come to recognize as my Higher Self or the Divine within me. Or God whispering to me. It simply said “Do 200 high quality episodes. That is your task.” I accepted.

When I shared this story with my teenage son Lucas, he asked me “what are going to do after EP 200?”. I said “Do episode #201, of course!”I love doing this and I have found this to be a medium of creativity that really suits my particular creative strengths and it aligns with my mission to assist humanity.

As I was reflecting back on the first five seasons, a few things jumped out at me. First, BFM started out as strictly a personal development show for men. This was tapping into my own experience as the author of a humble little book for men and the fact that I had long led small men‘s groups throughout my time as a man. Conversations with men and leading men was something that came natural to me.

But as we moved moved through season one and beyond, my love of myth, mysticism, and transcendence began to be expressed in more and more episodes. I started to recognize God’s hand in my choice of guests and topics. I began to deeply understand that I was simply a vehicle and it was the work of God that was asking to write the episodes speak to the people…..enjoy the look back and thank you listeners!



E185: Giving Voice to the Injured with Special Guest Danielle Baker


E185 Introduction

When we started Season Five, I knew I wanted to feature some stories about those having adverse reactions to the MRNa shots. These courageous humans have an important voice in our collective Hero’s Journey. If you are going to be part of our collective awakening and part of our collecitve Hero’s Journey, each of us will need to grow our capacity to hear the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it is. People’s lives have been lost and damaged from this monstrosity that is Big Pharma MRNa clinical trial. What we can do is listen and do our best to understand how all this happened.

I have known quite a few people injured by these. And in a way, we have all been injured by them. The roll-out and shaming and coercion that followed tore families and friend groups apart. Then a wave of young athletes collapsing while playing their respective sports. Sudden death syndrome and myocarditis and all the blood clot information coming at us. Now a wave of injuries all of course being suppressed and hidden by a corrupt, compromised media.

My guest today worked inside the system as a nurse. She is a courageous woman who has come to share her story. She was not only injured by the jab but you can hear it in her speech, which was completely normal before she took the shots. Join me in listening to her story. Thank you Basecampers.

Danielle Baker Bio-

Danielle Baker worked as a certified hospice and palliative care nurse for 17 years. After pressure, coercion, and fear, she took the MRNa shot as she needed to keep her income with two special needs children at home. In her own words “I lost everything I had worked so diligently for, all in 10 minutes.” Here is my interview with the courageous Danielle Baker.

E185 Final Thoughts

I hope you found that interview valuable. For those that are wondering how a particular MRNa batch faired compared to the rest of them, go to the website that Danielle mentioned at www.howbadismybatch.com

If you wish to support Danielle in her recovery, please join me in doing so at Give Go Send. The link I will include in the show notes but it is www.givegosend.com/G9KZJ

Thank you Basecampers and we‘ll see around the fire next week.

E180: Truth and Coercion with Special Guest

Josephine Fillier


E180 Introduction

When the Covid shots were introduced and pushed on the public, there were a few camps that people gathered in initially. There were those that quickly lined up to get the shots. The “thank God its here” camp. These were the people that got fully boosted and will likely line up again, no matter what. I knew a few of these folks. Not many, but a few.

There were the “fuck you Tony Fauci and Big Pharma” camp. The “I will keep my freedom you fucking sociopath” camp. Pardon my language.  I know a few of these folks as well. I am one of these as is my wife and a few of my closest friends. Pardon my language.

Then there was the middle group, roughly divided into two sub-groups. Those that were either deeply skeptical or had their suspicions and ended up taking one or more shots, likely through some form of coercion. And those that were in this middle group but ultimately sensed that this was, in essence a clinical trial and opted to stay in the control group rather than the experimental group.

This middle group, especially the ones that ended up taking the shot, are an important voice for everyone. We need to hear and support them. There are probably lots of people that received one or more shots and aren’t yet having any adverse conditions. And hopefully they won’t. But the ones who have had terrible reactions and longer term repercussions from this clinical trial need to be listened to. The MSM and mainstream medical communities aren’t really listening as it conflicts with their respective agendas. The agendas are easy to spot and I don’t want to insult your intelligence by telling you things that you already sense and know yourself. I will just say that the Globalists have an agenda and one they are proud to announce on a regular basis. You can start right there as to what this is all about. It’s not difficult research.

Josephine Fillier Bio-

My guest today is Josephine Fillier. Josephine is a truth seeking, freedom fighting warrior and mother of 3. Here is my interview with Josephine Fillier.

Let’s go sit around the fire with a wonderful woman, a mother of three who has an interesting story to share with us.