E237: Hope for Humanity with Special Guest Carrie Cee


E237 Introduction

Today‘s episode is one that I have had in the hopper for awhile. It is with Bitcoiner Carrie Cee and I absolutely LOVED our conversation. I have had in on the shelf for while to try and spread out the Bitcoin content a bit more.

Some people have reached out asking about Bitcoin price action. Why has BTC gone down after the halving? It’s a volatile asset but still the best place to store long-term value. My two cents worth: don’t get your face too close to the window when viewing BTC.

Pull back, relax, let the market come to you…..and stack more sats for God’s sake! Nobody can predict the price movement with much accuracy. This is true for the Equity markets as well. Once you have self-custodied whatever amount of Bitcoin feels right for you and your family, just sit tight. As a side note, I believe that whenever the stock market freaks out, Bitcoin will be seen as a safe haven for value. The two are not correlated, not much anyways.

Let’s get to today‘s interview after a few memes.

From Humble Bitcoiner comes this nugget “A nice car and a big house are the old status symbols. The ultimate flex is freedom. Time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom.”

“I like the Libertarian vision: let live in peace. Ever since I was a kid I‘ve resented people who go around telling other people how they should live.”

Clint Eastwood

I’ve never understood the political fear of Libertarians. Sure, they’re not in power now but someday they might take over and uh, leave you alone, I guess, since that’s their whole deal.” It’s like being afraid of cats.

Edward Snowden

“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.”

Henry David Thoreau

Carrie Cee Bio

My guest today is Carrie Cee. Carrie is a Bitcoin enthusiast, Libertarian, and the creator and host of the excellent podcast Bitcoin People. Here is my interview with Carrie Cee.






E228: The Sign of the Times with Special Guest Phoenix


E228 Introduction

The sign of the times. What are the sign of the times? Well, I would say a few things jump out at me.

First off, we live in a time of great corruption and deception. That much should be obvious to all, no matter your political orientation. We are all witness to the collapse of a corrupt global empire (the Deep State) that is being punched out by a pro-humanity alliance. Can you see the dynamic in this conflict? Are you aware of the propaganda war that you are swimming in? It’s all around you Basecamper. In fact, this podcast is a very small player in this war, doing what we can to assist humanity (no matter your political leanings).

The Globalists and their 3-letter agencies have done their best to pit us against each other. They have tried to demonize and pit you and I against one another, haven’t they? According to the MSM, if I disagree with you on anything, I must be your enemy or a terrorist or a lunatic. All for having my own opinions about things. And they tell me the same thing about you liberals (of which I was one for thirty fucking years!) But that‘s not good enough. You must be my enemy since you hate Trump or you LOVE experimental pharmaceutical shots, or you really believe in compliance and obedience. Those beliefs do not make you my enemy. Probably not my friend either but I don’t need to loathe or hate you for differing on any of it, do I?

It doesn’t make you stupid either. Sure, you LOOK stupid wearing that mask all over the place but that is a matter of taste. You just have SOME different values perhaps. Or the inputs you’ve received are different so we are arriving at different conclusions. My honest question to those on the left…..do you even know that you are in a war? Or has that escaped you?

Another sign of the time is that there are new weapons being deployed by both sides. For instance, there is a new weapon for WE THE PEOPLE. A hard monetary asset that has arrived in the nick of time to assist humanity in this transitional period. For one of the most powerful weapons the Globalists use is a fiat money ponzi scheme that they can debase through endless printing or QE (to use a Keynsian phrase) and then unlawfully steal from humans using lawfare and deception to make it look like its normal and good for people to “pay their taxes”. Remember, the IRS is not the gov’t. They are a private, foreign-owned corporation that steals your money and uses lawfare and jurisdiction to fool you. We see what your doing. Your not fooling WE THE PEOPLE. Until Bitcoin, there was no way out for the average person to opt out of this rigged game, no matter their nation.

What will happen in 2024? Nobody knows for sure. Everyone I know is doing a sort of light-prepping. Keeping two or three months worth of dry goods, getting their bug-out list and plan ready, having some cash on hand. Making sure there’s ammo for your firearms, if that is your thing. My point? No matter your politics, people are feeling the need to look at worse-case scenarios and plan accordingly. A lot of this stuff is common sense and I know you all are aware of this and I trust you to be making preparations that work for you and your family.

You guys know that I really like interviewing authors, podcasters, thought-leaders. But I also like interviewing everyday heroes like my guest today. It helps me to find out what everyday people are dealing with. The challenges and victories that they are having.

Don’t ever forget that we are all on a Heroic Journey together. Each playing his or her part. Let‘s go find out my guest is doing to play her part and keep awake and alive in these strange, deceptive times we live in. Enjoy the interview.

Phoenix Bio

 My guest today goes by the name Phoenix, which is not her real name but a handle that she uses on the social protocol called NOSTR. Phoenix is a mother, a Bitcoiner, and freedomtech lover and Pleb. Her interest include technology, science, economics, futurism, and anything else she can research and verify. Phoenix is particularly concerned with the state of affairs in our nation, education, and the overall well being of the human species. Here is my interview with Phoenix.



E224: Basecamp Classic


E224 Introduction

Well, I was feeling a bit pinched for time this week. I have been working on 2 or 3 episodes, including the Secret Space Program episode (I didn‘t forget that one) but nothing felt quite ready for the wild.

I like doing these Basecamp Classics in these spots. I get to choose an old episode from a past season that you may have missed or I think is worth a second listen.

Today’s episode is from back in Season Four with Kelly Lamb titled Building Bridges for the Left. It is still so relevant right now, as you’ll hear. We’ll be back next week with fresh content. Enjoy the episode.


E187: Gatekeepers and Bitcoin with Special Guest

Nozomi Hayase


E187 Introduction

Let’s see, I thought I would start off with a little overview of some of the next few episodes we have coming up. I have a good interview with Ole Dammegard, one of the most famous of all truthers out there. We will be unpacking what is going on in this spiritual war that we all find ourselves in. I have an upcoming episode with Sophie Maclean, who has a new book coming out. Sophie knows more about the human mind and human heart than just about anyone I know. Both Ole and Sophie are return guests.

And I am working on a July 4th episode, a special solo episode around my love of our great nation. July 4th happens to fall on a Tuesday this year so there is some synchronicity to that one.

Today is a bit of a hybrid episode. The topic is Bitcoin and my guest is Bitcoiner and writer Nozomi Hayase. But I wanted to read you a short piece by thought leader Jimmy Song first. This article first appeared in Bitcoin Magazine and the topic of this article and the latest issue of Bitcoin Magazine is gatekeepers. Enjoy Basecampers.

Nozomi Hayase Bio

Nozomi Hayase, Ph.D., is a prolific writer in the Bitcoin space with a background in psychology and human development. She is a contributing writer for Bitcoin Magazine. She focuses on Bitcoin’s incentives and its psychological and philosophical implications. In her independent publishing platform, “The Way of the Heart“,  she explores the Bitcoin rabbit hole experience as a cultural phenomenon that fosters profound individual transformations. Here is my interview with Nozomi Hayase.

E187 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed my interview with Nozomi Hayase. To follow her work on Twitter, follow her at @nozomimagine. Thank you Basecampers and we‘ll see you around the fire next week.