E267: The Homeschooling Bitcoiner w Special Guest Scott Lindberg


E267 Introduction

Today‘s guest has created something unique in both the homeschooling and Bitcoin space. A portfolio of games meant to be fun and act as a learning tool for Bitcoin, Austrian economics, and other important subject matter that seem to go down easier in a gaming format. Want to teach your kids (or parents for that matter) about how Bitcoin works? Fold it into an hour long well-designed, fun game for everyone to play. Brilliant.

I saved a great meme from JK Rowling, famed Harry Potter author and fellow lover of personal freedom. She said on Twitter,:

I don’t understand bitcoin. Please explain it to me.”

In which Brady Swenson @CitizenbBitcoin simply replied:

“Voldemort= Central Banking; Harry = Bitcoin”

I love it Brady.

My guest today, along with his wife, sit at the vanguard of what I see as two extremely important EMERGING movements. The homeschooling trend and, of course, the sound money that we know and love as Bitcoin. Nothing in today’s episode should be taken as financial advice, it if for education and entertainment purposes only. Enjoy the interview.

Scott Lindberg Bio-

My guest today is Scott Lindberg. Scott is a freedom-loving entrepreneur, author, and game designer. He is a proponent of finding freedom by taking self-custody of education, money, and speech. Along with his wife Tali, Scott founded the company Free Market Kids. Here is my interview with Scott Lindberg.